You belong with me

Let's just say taylor swift inspired this chapter slightly :)
It's a typical Tuesday night, the day after Meredith told Derek about what happened to her when she was younger. They had gone home together, driving to her house in the middle of night, and he had stayed the night, just cuddling each other and him comforting her because he knew how hard it was for her to open up. They had their appointment today to see how far along she was and to make sure that everything was okay. Meredith was just heading to meet him at the nurses station when she noticed a woman who she thought was clearly trying to flirt with him while he was just standing there and it looked like he was talking back.
"Hi honey, we have that appointment now so he should head to OB quickly", Meredith said, kissing him on the cheek and holding his hand. She wasn't sure where the jealously was coming from, and she never used terms of endearment when talking to him, or anyone for that matter. But as soon as she saw another woman trying to take her man, a whole new woman came out of her and there she was, being all affectionate, which is another thing she hated. What is up with PDA? Why do people feel the need to suck each other's faces off in the middle of the street. She hated it more when she was single as it just reminded her of how single she really was.
"Okay baby, let's go!", Derek said returning the affection and internally laughing at how jealous Meredith was acting. Once he saw that they were out of the view of the woman who was asking him how she could get to her husbands room, yes her husband, Derek couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"Why on earth are you laughing? She was clearly flirting with you and you didn't seem to be backing away".
"Meredith, honey", Derek interrupted, clearly overemphasizing the honey to make a point. "She in fact was asking for directions to a patients a room. A patient who is her husband. But I'm liking this jealously streak that comes out of you and I'm enjoying hearing you call me honey, though I can tell you hate it". Derek was smiling at her, and she felt quite embarrassed that she had taken the situation the wrong way, but hey, she thought, let's blame it on the hormones. Her having an overdrive of hormones was half his fault anyway.
"Oh. Well I just thought she was flirting with you and I didn't want to see that. Can we just blame it on the hormones? We do have our appointment now anyway".
"Yes let's go. Don't worry Mer, you belong with me. Can't you see that I'm the one who adores you? Why would I want anyone else".
And as soon as Mer heard that she couldn't help but smile widely. And Derek thought to himself, how could I not love her, she's got a smile that can light up a whole town.
"Okay. Everything off from the waist down, seen as this is your first appointment and we don't know how far along you are, I will do an ultrasound and I need to a vaginal exam as well. Here's a nice paper tablecloth for you and I'll be right back", Dr Collins, the OB said.
"When do you want to tell your family ", Meredith  said, especially as she knew how excited he was to tell his family that he was going to be a father.
"Mer, it's up to you. I only want to tell them when you feel comfortable. Though I am looking forward to everyone knowing so I don't have to worry about someone catching me with my hands on your stomach. I think people may think I'm slightly weird if they don't know the circumstances".
"As long as everything is ok now, as I'm pretty sure I'm already about 10 weeks, we can start to tell your family later today. Although I'm not sure what they are going to think of me, apart from Nancy who didn't like me at all, they haven't met me and now I'm pregnant so I doubt they will like me that much".
"Mer, I promise that they will love you when they get to know you, trust me".
Then the door opened and Dr Collins came back.
"Ready to take a look?"
"Yes", they both replied at the same time and turned to look at each other smiling. The doctor smiled as well, knowing how exciting this can be for a couple. Derek held her hand as he knew that sometimes these exams could be quite uncomfortable- obviously not from his own experience, but having had an OB for a wife, he picked up a few things over the years.
"There we go. Hi baby. Wait let me just turn the volume up"
Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh
The whole room went silent and all that could be heard was the baby's heartbeat. Both Meredith and Derek had tears in their eyes, they could not believe how surreal it all was. They were going to have a baby.
"Does everything look alright?", Derek asked, wanting to put both Meredith and his own minds at ease.
"Everything looks perfect. You're actually about 11 weeks along, so you're nearly at the end of the first trimester already. Have you felt unwell at all?"
"I was feeling light headed for a while and I was nauseous all the time, but this was before I found out I was pregnant. Funnily enough, ever since I've known about the baby, I haven't felt too bad. I do want to ask a few questions though, as you have probably read my chart as well, I had a miscarriage when I was younger, and I just wanted to know how we could support this pregnancy to make sure that doesn't happen again"
Derek squeezed her hand tighter and she squeezed back, both giving each other the reassurance that they needed.
"You have a few risk factors but we are going to watch you like a hawk. I can give you a prescription for some pre-natal vitamins that you can take and to put your mind at rest, we can schedule appointments every 2 weeks to make sure that everything is okay. But right now, I don't have any concerns. Right I will leave you with these pictures of your baby. Don't hesitate to come down here if you have any questions", Dr Collins said, and then left the room.
Derek handed Meredith her clothes, and was still smiling at the fact they had just seen their baby for the first time. And now he couldn't wait to tell his family. He wasn't worried about what they would think, he knew that if they could see he was happy, they would be happy for him too. Once they met Meredith as well, they would see that she belonged with him. The only thing is, he hadn't spoken to them in quite a while. 4 months to be exact...

HAPPY GREYS DAY!! Actually excited about tonight's episodes for both Station 19 and Grey's anatomy. Also can we just take a moment to remember that Kate confirmed that she was coming back for another episode yesterday!! Patrick surprisingly liked and commented on her post, despite not really interacting with things related to Grey's anatomy on social media all that often.... I know it's probably nothing but I'm still hoping for something.

please don't forget to vote as well :)
