Things don't always go to plan...

I'm finally back!!! I had to take quite a long break because I had exams and everything was getting a bit too stressful and I just needed to take a step back :) But I am looking forward to continuing with this story.

4 weeks away. That's how long it would be until Derek and Meredith would meet their baby girl. Derek was beyond excited, he couldn't wait until he met their little one, to hold her in his arms and to finally see her face after 9 whole months. Although Meredith was excited to meet her baby too, she was beyond exhausted. Her back ached all the time, everyday, and although Derek would give her daily, sometimes hourly if he was off work, back rubs, she could never seem to get comfortable. Derek was starting to get worried leaving Meredith, because he still had to work whereas Meredith was on maternity leave already.

"Derek, I'm fine. Go to work!"

"Meredith, you know what the word 'fine' means to us. I should just call in sick or something, that way I know you will be okay. Yeah I'm going to call in s-

"No you will not!"

"What do you mean? I want to make sure that you will be okay"

"Derek, I'm not sure how many times I can say this before I go crazy. I will be completely okay by myself at home for the day whilst you go to work, where many patients are counting on you to help them get better. If, at any time I need to contact you, I will make sure I get through to you. And quite frankly, I'd like a day without you, because your hovering is starting to get on my nerves"

"Okay. Fine. I see how it is", Derek said in a serious tone, but smiled at Meredith.

"Right, okay. Bye then", Meredith gave Derek a quick kiss and started pushing him to the door.

"Meredith, I know I have been reluctant to leave but I think I can walk to the door by myself"

"Hmm, are you sure about that? Because you just spent 30 minutes arguing with me, bearing in mind I am 36 weeks pregnant which is your fault by the way, and you seemed to have issues getting to the door!"

"I'm starting to feel like you're kicking me out here"

"Yep that's exactly what I'm doing", Meredith said, pushing Derek outside the door. "Have fun at work, love you, I will see you later. And once again, I am okay", shutting the door afterwards.

"Finally", Meredith whispered under her breath. She knew that Derek was being overprotective, especially since she wasn't too far away from her due date. But she was sick and tired of being treated like she was incapable of doing anything by herself. Granted, she did like when Derek helped her out occasionally, when her feet were swollen or her back was aching. Having Derek there all the time, asking her if she was feeling okay every 30 minutes was getting too much. He needed to go to work, they both needed that break.


"Hey Shep, how you feeling about baby mama's due date coming soon?"

"If Mer ever heard you call her that, she would kill you", Derek said, smirking at Mark. He was glad that they had rekindled their friendship. Although what Mark did had hurt Derek, he still missed his brother. "I'm feeling good about it. Very excited. Though Mer seemed to kick me out of the house this morning so I'm not sure how she's feeling"

"What did you do now?"

"Hey, why are you assuming it's me that's done something. You are the meddler in relationships, not me"

"Woah, low blow Derek. I was just joking"

"I am not going to say sorry because you kind of deserve it but I'm just confused on why Meredith was rushing me out of the house this morning. Do you think she was waiting for someone else to come over?"

"Cheating on you at 36 weeks pregnant, Derek? Cheating on you at all? Have you lost your mind Derek. That girl loves you more than anything, and so do you. You are so in love with each other, it's actually quite sickening. No doubt you're just being too full on and controlling. That's what you always used to do when something big was about to happen"

"I guess I probably have been a bit full on. I just want to make sure she's okay, she hasn't got long until the baby comes"

"Maybe just calm it down a bit. Still show her that you care without being too overbearing. Hey, look at me giving you the advice"

"Yeah, I don't expect it to happen again anytime soon"

"So not funny Derek"

"Hmm, you sure? I thought it was quite funny"

"Finish up with your patients and go home to your wife", Mark said, wanting to see Derek's reaction. But Derek just smiled. He loved the sound of Meredith being his wife. He knew that one day, hopefully not too far along in the future, he would ask her to marry him. And he hoped that she would say yes.

Derek left the hospital shortly after his conversation with Mark, just checking on his patients before going back to the attendings lounge to get changed. It hadn't taken him long to get home, and he was currently walking up the stairs to go and see Meredith. He assumed she was in the shower or getting changed, but when he walked into their bedroom, he found her asleep on his side of the bed, cuddled into his pillow. It was only 7pm, but he knew she had been exhausted so he was glad that she was resting. Derek jumped into the shower quickly, put some boxers on then made his journey back to his bed.

Now the only thing was that she was on the wrong side of the bed. Derek was really picky about what side of the bed he slept in, he could not sleep unless he was on the left side. So he carefully tried to move her so that he could slide into bed underneath her. She murmured a few words, not making much sense, but she didn't seem to wake up completely. Derek cuddled into Meredith and quickly fell to sleep in her arms.

"Derek? Derek! DEREK!!", Meredith exclaimed, trying to get him out of his slumber. She had woken up with extremely hurtful pains in her stomach and she knew something was wrong. She was 4 weeks away, it was too early to have the baby now, so Meredith was panicking.

"Hmm, what's wrong?", Derek initially said, but when he registered the panic in her voice, he bolted out of bed and turned to face her. He pulled off the covers so he could get a better look at whatever was wrong with her, but he discovered a big blood stain underneath where she was sleeping. He gasped loudly, which then made Meredith panic even more, and look down to see the stain too. She looked into his eyes, both of them full of panic, before Derek rushed to help her. But Meredith was starting to feel faint, she had lost quite a bit of blood already and she could tell that something was definitely wrong. Derek leant down to try and move her so she could be sat up whilst he called for an ambulance, but as he reached out to touch her, Meredith's head fell slightly forward.

"MEREDITH!", Derek screamed, shaking her to see if she had just fallen asleep. But no response. She was unconscious. Derek needed help quickly. Especially if both of her girls were going to stay alive, but the state that Meredith was in right now did not feel Derek with hope whatsoever.

You'll just have to wait and see what'll happen.....
