Maybe I won't be fine

"Derek, go to work I will be fine! And if I start to worry or anything like that, I will call you, so just make sure you have your phone on you or your pager is on"

"Are you sure Meredith? I could always ask Richard if I can start my paternity leave earlier"

"Do you see a baby here Derek?"

"Um no obviously not"

"Well then, you don't need to stay here. Go save some lives. I will be fine, I promise"

"Hey, you know what we say about the word fine. But I will go. Just promise me you will call me if anything changes, okay?"

"Ok, I promise", Meredith smiled at Derek, and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

"Now go or I will push you out of this house"

Meredith sighed as she looked out the window just as Derek was driving away. She was fed up with being pregnant, it was her 38th week and she just wanted to have the baby. She sat down at the telly to watch more of her mums surgery tapes when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She figured it was another Braxton Hicks contraction because she had been having them for a few days but the doctor had reassured her that it was fine. But then it happened again. And again a few minutes later. She tried to get up to reach the phone, but she was struggling to move when she had another sharp pain that made her drop to the floor.

Derek hadn't left the house yet, he had pretended to drive off but came straight back on the drive a minute later and he was still standing outside waiting because he had slept next to her in bed last night and he could tell that something was bothering her. He was pretty sure it was contractions but she was too stubborn to let him help. He was waiting outside trying to figure out an excuse as to why he wasn't at work, even though he had already called Richard to let him know that he would be starting his paternity leave, when he heard Meredith gasp in pain. He quickly ran back inside and went to the living room to check on her.

"What are you s-still doin-ng here", Meredith gasped in pain.

"Really? You're going to be stubborn now? Right now? When you're in labour"

"I'm not in labour Derek it's fine you can go to work"

"Meredith Elizabeth Grey, if you say one more time that I should go to work, I will quit work altogether so you would have to put up with me anyway. We need to get you to the hospital"

"Derek, I think I might be in labour", Meredith said, suddenly feeling quite upset and embarrassed. Her eyes were watering and she looked up to see Derek looking at her, worried.

"Hey it's okay. We're going to go the hospital and we will get you all checked in and ready to meet our baby girl. I can't promise you that it will be easy, because it won't, trust me but-

"Trust you? Derek have you ever given birth to a baby before"

"No but i-

"I know what you meant, but I'm in so much pain right now and all I want to do is argue with you for some reason"

"I think it's time for the hospital Mer"

"Okay but I think you might have to help me up because it hurts to stand"

Derek held her up so she could stand and after experiencing some painful contractions they finally made it to the car and they were on their way to the hospital. Derek was pretty sure she had been in labour for hours already so he hoped that they could get to the hospital in time.

"Just keep taking some deep breaths Mer. Deep breaths."

"I'd like to see you in labour and see how helpful saying take deep breaths to someone is. Because funnily enough, I am breathing, it's just useless advice."

"Mer I'm just trying to help"

"Ugh Derek I know I'm sorry I'm just in so much pain and erm just to inform you, I uh think my water broke about an hour ago"

"MEREDITH?!!! Why haven't you said anything", Derek said, now speeding up even more so they could be safer at the hospital.

"Well it was just before we got out of bed and I thought I wet myself and I was embarrassed so I was just going to wait until you left and then I was going to wash our bedding"

Derek stifled a laugh but he should have known better to do that in front of Meredith, let alone a pregnant Meredith.

"Derek it's not funny, I really thought I wet the bed like a five year old or something. But now with these contractions I'm assuming that my water did break."

"Okay, but it shouldn't be too bad as your contractions are about 7 minutes apart still so we will be at the hospital in time"

~~skip to when they arrive at the hospital because i can't think of anything else to write 😭~~

Derek ran into the entrance of the hospital and hurried to the nurses station to get a wheelchair because Meredith had progressed and her contractions were 5 minutes apart. It wouldn't be long now before their little girl came along.

Meredith was sent up to the maternity wing and had a doctor check how far into the birth she was. It was too late for her to be given an epidural because her contractions had quickened and she was 9cm dilated. In all the madness, she forgot that she had said to Carolyn and his sisters that she would let them know when she went into labour.


"What Mer what's wrong?", Derek said just walking in the room after getting her some ice chips.

"We forgot to ring your mum and sisters!"

"Oh don't worry about that"

"What do you mean don't worry, I promised I would let them know as soon as it happened!"

"I rang them as I left the house this morning, even before I came back after you were experiencing contractions because I had a feeling you were already in labour. My sisters said they were trying to get flights to arrive in four days and mum is probably on a flight now if that's okay with you"

"Oh that's great thank you Derek. At least we have someone who knows how to look after a baby because I have no clue how to and I don't want her to end up like me who had an absent parent, so we can't forget about her, okay? She must be a priority"

"Of course Mer, we won't forget about our little girl. We've sorted out our schedules with work so we will be home for longer periods of time. Now you may have to have a few longer shifts every couple of weeks but I can be at home with our little girl, it will all be fine"

"Okay I'm glad we've talked about this but I think you now need to get a doctor because I feel the need to push"

"Already!", Derek panicked slightly and hurried to the door to get their doctor. After a long and painful 25 minutes for Meredith, she finally gave birth to a healthy girl, weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces and was 51cm long.

"Ah Derek she's beautiful", Meredith smiled as she looked down at her daughter laying on her chest and looked back up at Derek with tears in her eyes, which reflected back at her as Derek was crying too.

"She's perfect, Mer. Just perfect"

"Do you still like the name we have chosen?"

"Yes I love it. Let's say hello to .........."

Okay i finally posted another chapter😭 I'm sorry it's been so chaotic these past few months I'm pretty sure I started this book in March so if anyone is still reading this, well done for persevering because it's been a long one.
I'm planning to do three more chapters including an epilogue because I feel like it's coming to an end.

You'll just have to wait and find out what her name is later..... (and hopefully, you'll get the next chapter soon😭)
