She said what?!!

This is probably the longest chapter I have written so far, but I hope you enjoy it! I will be updating more regularly now, because I am enjoying writing this and it gives me a break from all the school work that comes along with A-Levels (trust me, they are not fun at all) Please vote if you like it and feel free to comment any ideas

When Meredith walked back into the living room, Derek could tell she had been crying. It may not have been that obvious to anyone else, but he knew that something had happened. He was about to say something when Nancy announced that they should probably leave so they wouldn't miss the plane. Derek tried to get Nancy into his car, like when they had arrived, but she went straight to Meredith's car, along with his Mum. Derek thought to himself, at least Nancy won't have the chance to say something horrible to her, especially when Meredith already seemed sad, because she wouldn't say anything with Carolyn around. Derek followed Meredith's car as they left the house to go to the airport. Amelia had sat in the front and Kathleen and Lizzie were in the back. Amelia was twiddling with her fingers, after overhearing a conversation in the kitchen that was playing with her mind. She couldn't believe what she had heard, and she needed to tell Derek. But she was nervous. It probably wasn't the best time to tell him as he was driving, but she knew she wouldn't have a chance at the airport because they would need to get their plane.

"Derek, I overheard a conversation today"

"Okay Amelia, why are you telling me this? Are you just pointing out that you are nosy? Because don't you remember the time when I was about 16 and I had a girl over and you were trying to listen in to the conversation, but Mum had already told me to keep the door open, and you leant onto the door so much that it opened, with you falling straight onto my bedroom floor? Now that was a complete invasion of privacy, so I've always known you to be nosy"

"No Derek, this isn't time for jokes, it was a serious conversation. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water before we left, and Nancy was in the kitchen with Meredith. At first, Nancy was really nice, though I could tell that Meredith felt slightly uncomfortable, she kept trying to make jokes and Nancy was just glaring at her. She then started talking about Addie, and how her and Addie were so close, and that Meredith had broken up your marriage. She said that Meredith had purposely gotten pregnant, so you were trapped and you couldn't leave her and then Nancy called her a manipulative bitch-

"She said what!?? I swear I'm going to kill Nancy when we get out of this car!"

"Derek that's not all. Actually, Meredith made a funny dig about how Nancy's husband would have enjoyed a week without her, and I'm sure he did. But Derek, she mentioned about you just being with her for the baby, and that's when I saw Meredith's face change. I didn't stay that long afterwards because Nancy left the kitchen back into the living room but I heard muffled crying Derek. And speaking to Meredith this past week, I'm not sure she would have told you about this because she's so caring, and I know she wouldn't want to cause trouble between you and Nancy. But Derek, if you don't say something to Nancy, I will"

"We will too", Kathleen and Lizzie said, after hearing what Nancy had said to Meredith, feeling embarrassed that they were related to her.

"I knew Nancy was a bitch, but she has been acting so nice this past week, I thought that everything was going well. I should have known she would mess it all up", Lizzie said.

"That was why Meredith looked like she had been crying when we left", Derek said, mainly just saying his thoughts out loud. "I don't want to talk to Nancy ever again after I sort this out. She has never been welcoming to Meredith whatsoever. I couldn't care less if she was best friends with Addie, we are divorced and I'm with Meredith. Hell, I'm having a baby with her, but I mean together with her, I love her so much, I could never just be with her because of a baby. Now I realise, I'm not sure I ever loved Addie the way I should have as we were married and supposed to spend the rest of our lives together. I didn't really think about the future that much, but when I did, I couldn't picture me and Addie, I didn't know what our lives would be like. But with Meredith, all I think about is a future with her, raising our children, happily married and growing old together"

"You really do love her, don't you", Kathleen said, smiling at her brother, glad he was finally happy and with the woman he truly loves.

"I really do"

It was quite quiet in Meredith's car, Carolyn was sat at the front and Nancy in the middle at the back. Meredith glanced at the mirror to look in the back, and Nancy was staring right back at her, with a look of disgust. She talked to Carolyn about her pregnancies, about Derek's childhood and a little bit of her own, as she had opened up to Carolyn quite a bit over the week, and had even shared phone numbers. She was glad when they pulled up at the airport, with Derek's car behind them though, because she just wanted Nancy to go. When they all got out of the car, Derek looked worried, but she thought, there's no way he knows anything about what Nancy said, so he must just be worried about something else. They walked through the airport, trying to find a waiting room, as they actually had quite a lot of time before they could board the plane, and Derek had said that him and Meredith would wait with them for a bit, mainly because he wanted to confront Nancy. Meredith went off to find a toilet, and Derek thought it was the perfect time to talk to her.

"Nancy, can I talk to you privately for a second", Derek said, smiling at her but inside he was beyond pissed, and hoped to never speak to her again. I mean, if he insulted her husband the way she spoke to Meredith, he knew Nancy would be so angry and would probably never speak to him again. So why should he have to?

Amelia, Lizzie and Kathleen watched as Nancy got up and walked over to Derek. Just as Derek got ready and moved towards her, looking as if he would punch Nancy, they all ran up and grabbed him back, gaining some attention from other people in the waiting room.

"Derek, what the hell do you think you're doing!", both Nancy and his mother exclaimed.

"Mum, you should hear the things she said about Meredith. Go on Nancy, go and tell mum what you said about Meredith, who is pregnant with my baby and the love of my life by the way, because clearly you're too stupid to notice. Oh, you're quiet now, funny that, because just an hour ago, you were insulting Meredith and calling her a manipulative bitch", Derek replied, his voice loud and the other people in the waiting room had either left or were trying to look deeply immersed into whatever they were doing to avoid any eye contact. Carolyn had long walked over to the side of her other daughters and only son, leaving Nancy on her own.

"Nancy, I cannot believe you. Meredith is a wonderful woman, and frankly, I much prefer her to you right now, my eldest daughter. She has been nothing but kind to you this past week, despite your earlier efforts when you came to Seattle, and she is pregnant. For gods sakes, you're an OB, you know what stress can do to someone", Carolyn scolded, completely ashamed of her daughter and feeling awful about Meredith. She just hoped she was okay, they had bonded over this past week, and Meredith had trusted Carolyn enough to tell her things about her childhood, and Carolyn wished that she could have grown up with a loving family, like hers. But she was glad that she was apart of it now, and wished she still did want to talk to them, despite Nancy's disgusting words.

"That's not all she said, but I don't even what to repeat it. It's completely unacceptable, and I won't have it. Do you want to know the truth Nancy? You're the manipulative bitch, and I will not be speaking to you any longer. I cannot even look at you right now. You're supposed to be my sister, and be happy for me, but yet here you are, insulting the love of my life. Why can't you just be like Amelia, Kathleen and Lizzie or Mum, because they all see how happy I am with Meredith and are happy for me too", Derek said angrily, but was slightly calming down, just wanting to get away from his sister now, he was disgusted by her actions and just wanted to sort it all out with Meredith.

It was silent for a few minutes, no-one said a word. Not even Nancy, who just stood there, shocked and confused, especially because Derek had no time to have spoken to Meredith, so she had no idea how he found out what she said. It was probably the first time Nancy had been too stunned to speak, but everyone was glad to not hear anything back from her. Meredith walked back in to the waiting room, to see everybody standing there in silence.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes it's great Mer. Actually we're leaving now", Derek said smiling at Meredith, glad that she was back so he could get away from Nancy.

"Oh okay, bye everyone, it was nice to spend the week with you", Meredith quickly said before Derek was leading her out of the waiting room and back to their cars. What she really wanted to say was much ruder, aimed specifically at Nancy only, but she was too shy to say anything in front of the whole family.

Derek and Meredith reached their cars and he gave her a kiss on the cheek and said that he would see her at home. Meredith was slightly confused at why they had left so abruptly, until a thought dawned on her. Did he know what happened? Is that why they left in such a rush? These questions went through her head the whole ride home, and she was not looking forward to facing Derek when she got home. She came up with an excuse of needing to get some shopping, so that she had more time to prepare what she was going to say to him. And it would have worked, except for the fact she had a caring boyfriend, who wanted to go shopping with her, offering to drive as well, saying that she should drive as little as often now she was pregnant. If Meredith wasn't so worried about the whole Nancy situation, she would have been happy about Derek being so thoughtful, but she was too nervous to even smile at him, so she just looked out the window. 

Derek wanted to bring it up. He had to, and he figured that the car was the best place to talk about it because she couldn't run away from him.

"Mer. Hello, Mer", Derek said, waving his other hand to get her attention. She was too busy daydreaming to hear his voice until she noticed his hand in her face.

"Sorry I was just thinking about something"

"Does that something have to do with Nancy?", Derek replied. Might as well rip off the band aid, no anaesthesia. Meredith gulped, and she knew she had been right about why they had left early.

"How do you know about that?", Meredith replied, almost in a whisper, like she was afraid of his reaction. She knew how close he was with his family as well, and she didn't want to get in the middle of anything.

"Amelia told me. She must have overheard you in the kitchen. I am so sorry. I know that probably doesn't mean much to you right now, but I am sorry. I'm shocked to be honest. I knew she could be a bitch at times but I didn't think she would say something so horrible. To you especially. Everyone else can see how in love with you I am"

Meredith didn't say anything, but she just started crying. But this time, she couldn't blame it on the hormones. She didn't even want to blame it on the hormones. Derek looked over at her, and saw she was crying so quickly pulled over to the side of the road, luckily it was just a quiet road with only a few houses. By the time he turned the car off, she was sobbing and he quickly picked her up and brought her into his lap and just held her tight, letting her sob into his arms. She spent a while just letting it all out, and Derek was whispering comforting words into her ears, just letting her know that he was there for her. They didn't talk for about an hour, and it was starting to get dark when Meredith started talking again.

"I'm sorry Derek"

"Hey, there is no need for you to be sorry. Nancy is the one who should apologise, I'm so angry I still feel like I should kill her. I nearly hit her earlier"

"You what?!"

"I went over to her and I was just going to talk to her, but when I was getting closer to her, I just had this burning anger inside me and I was about to hit her, when my other sisters came in and grabbed me. Probably for the best otherwise I would have got arrested for assault because knowing Nancy, she would press charges on her own brother", Derek said, and managed to get a small smile out of Meredith, but she still had a few tears running down her face.

"I want you to know that I definitely did not plan on getting pregnant, like Nancy accused me of. I would never do that to anyone, especially you. Though I'm glad that we are having a baby, like Nancy said, I don't you to be with me out of obligation, like you feel you have to be with me because of the baby. Because I don't want that for us or our child. I would like to be with you but I would understand if you didn't, I have given you so many reasons to run away. From the bombing incident, where I practically sacrificed my life, to the drowning and my overall trust issues, I'm not exactly a great catch. So I would get it if you decide that you don't want to be with me"

Some people may have been angry at their girlfriends for jumping to conclusions, and not trusting their partners enough to know that they love them, but Derek knew why she couldn't. She grew up in a loveless home, where no-one cared for her, and now she still had those same insecurities and needed to be reminded that she did have people who loved her, and Derek loved her most.

"Meredith Elizabeth Grey, I love you. Do you understand me? I love you so much. Even if we were not having a baby right now, I would want to be with you, okay? I know for a fact that you are the love of my life, and I want to spend a lifetime with you. I wanna die when I'm 110 years old in your arms. This baby is our future. Our future together as a family"

"So you're not going to leave me? Ever? Because I swear Derek, if you ever leave me, I don't think I would survive. You can't leave me, okay. Promise me this is forever"

"I promise"

Derek looked into her eyes, her tear ridden face shining in the moonlight, and she had never looked more beautiful to him. He leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss, and then held her tightly in his arms. This is where he wanted to be. Where he needed to be. This is where he felt safe, with Meredith in his arms. This was his home.
