Call from home

I'm bored and I can't get to sleep so here's another chapter 😭 hope you enjoy :)

Derek was pacing around the living room, and Meredith was moving her head each time he walked in front of the telly. She was watching greys anatomy and everyone knows you cannot miss a second of that show without missing something huge.
"Derek, if you insist on walking around instead of calling your family, can you please find somewhere else to do it? I'm watching greys anatomy, and Patrick Dempsey has just come on the screen so I would really like to be able to see the TV, and not dodging your legs every ten seconds. If you don't want to tell your family yet, then don't. If you are too worried about what they might think about me , then-
"No Mer, it has nothing to do with what they might think of you, don't worry. It's because I haven't spoken to them in 4 months"
"4 MONTHS? 4 months Derek!! They are going to really hate me now. They are probably going to think that I have distracted you from your family. Why the hell have you not spoken to them in 4 months? You especially, the guy who loves family and wishes for endless children. Which by the way is not happening. I may stretch to having one or two more but I will not be having a herd of children running and screaming around the house".
"To be honest, I'm not sure why I haven't called them, I know it sounds bad, but I forgot about them. Not literally, but I just forgot to stay in touch. And Mer, I do not want a herd of children either but I am looking forward to seeing a mini Meredith running around so if that one's not a girl then we'll just have to keep trying", Derek said, laughing at the way Meredith was looking at him with wide eyes. She then smiled at him, as she too was thinking about a mini Derek in her arms in 6 months time.
"Ok I think I'm ready, well ready as I'll ever be"
"Good luck, Derek. Considering you haven't called them for 4 months you're gonna need it", Meredith chuckled, but still hoped that his family would be accepting of her and her pregnancy. After all, she knew that Derek was happy, and if he was happy, then his family should be happy for him too.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence Mer, really makes me feel good"
Derek took a deep breath, hoping that his family would be understanding that he really did just get caught up and forgot to call and was not intentionally ignoring them, and dialed his mums number.
"Mum, it's me Derek"
"Derek? Where the hell have you been? I haven't heard from you in months, I called you multiple times but after you started to ignore the calls, I gave up trying. Your sisters have said the same thing. You haven't called in 4 months. I knew that once you moved to Seattle that you would forget about us, but I thought you would at least call us every once in a while", Carolyn said, slightly annoyed at his son but glad to hear that he was actually alive and not lying in a ditch somewhere. For all she knew, he could have been dead all these months and she wouldn't have known.
"I'm sorry mum, I didn't mean to leave it this long to call you. I just, and I know it's not an excuse, but I've been really busy but now everything is starting to settle down. I actually have some news to share with you". Little did Derek know that all his sisters were visiting his mum, and they were all quietly listening in to the conversation as well. All four of them huddled over the kitchen counter with their mum on the other side and the phone on speaker.
"Derek, next time just remember to call every couple of weeks. I know you're a grown man, but you must know I still worry about you, especially now you're further away, and you hardly have anyone except Mark and Meredith. How is Meredith by the way?"
Although Carolyn had not met Meredith, she still remembers the first time Derek told her about Meredith and she could tell that she was the one for him.
"That's actually what I wanted to talk about. Meredith is well Meredith and I we uh- um she's pregnant. We're going to have a summer baby, she's just over 11 weeks, her due date is August 22nd", there, Derek did it. He ripped off the band aid. Now he just hoped his Mum would be happy for him. What he didn't expect was to hear his very annoying sisters scream excitedly down the phone.
"Omg derbear, you're going to be a dad!", he could hear his youngest sister Amy say.
"Congratulations Derek!", his other two younger sisters, Lizzie and Kathleen said.
"Oh so you knocked the slutty intern up then", Nancy said, and he was about to say something when he heard his mother down the phone.
"Nancy, how dare you talk about Meredith that way. You know damn well she's the love of your brothers life and now she's having his baby. She's not some person he's hardly known, and I know he loves her".
"Sorry Derek. Congratulations I guess", and Derek knew, that by Nancy's terms, that she was happy for him, but being the oldest sibling she was just being overly cautious.
"Derek dear, congratulations. And pass my congratulations on to Meredith as well. But you know, we are going to have to pay a visit now. We need to come and meet the woman who's having your baby, and I want to see the place you're living now". He could hear his sisters all agree, saying how they could get some time off work seeing as they don't take much holiday.
"Well, uh I'm not sure that's a good idea, maybe wait a couple of months until she's further along", Derek replied, trying to get them to ease off, not knowing how Meredith would react to the whole Shepherd clan turning up at their doorstep.
"Nonsense, I will book the flights and text you the details. Right, I better get this sorted. I look forward to seeing you dear. Bye now"

Derek looked down at the phone in his hand, now worrying about what Meredith was going to say about his whole family visiting. He just hoped that she wouldn't be angry with him. He made his way back into the living room and sat down, glad to see that greys anatomy had finished, so she wouldn't be distracted by Patrick Dempsey.
"Oh you're off the call, how did it go? Were they angry? Mad? Annoyed?"
"Actually they were happy for us. My mum was angry at me for not calling her for ages but as soon as she heard she was getting another grandchild, that anger was long forgotten. Actually she's so enthusiastic about it that she wants to visit. Oh and my sisters must have been at my mums because they also want to come down"
"Well that's to be expected, I mean we are having a baby and they haven't met me yet. I can't say I will be any good at meeting your family, because I've never done this before but I will try"
Derek was completely surprised with how she reacted and couldn't quite believe it.
"You do realise that's my mum, Amy, Lizzie, Kathleen and Nancy all in one go. Together. All of them at once. And knowing them all, they will be down within a couple of days"
"Derek you sound more worried then me, and they're your family!"
"No Mer, I just wasn't expecting you to be so understanding. I didn't know if you wouldn't want to meet them"
"I'm going to have to do it eventually if we are going to be together forever so I might as well get it over and done with"
Derek smiled widely as soon as she said that. Together forever. He liked the sound of that. He leaned down and kissed her softly, and sat down next to her. He brought her on to his lap and they relaxed for the rest of the night, knowing that they had a great future ahead of them, together.

Kind of annoyed at all the people hating on mer right now. Like she is in my top 3 characters and I love her, so I don't want her to go but she has been at grey sloan for such a long time and now has a great opportunity. My only real issue is that although Nick is in Minnesota and David + Kai i guess, she is leaving everyone else behind and moving to a completely new place. Not to mention that she does need help with the kids sometimes and she won't have anyone in Minnesota. I still think she will either change her mind and not leave or she may leave but realise it wasn't the right choice and come back to Seattle. I can see her potentially being offered chief or I remember ellen said that Mer was going to get back into neuro, whether that meant just the Parkinson's trial or something else, I don't know. One more thing, Bailey completely crossed the line when she brought up Derek, she had no right to bring him up and also to talk about him like he was the only reason Meredith was succeeding in her career! Why do they seem to be ruining all the characters this season!
