Decision Time

BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER, I WANNA KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS ON MERNICK??? I'm still undecided, like I love that mer is happy but I hate the parallels they are making between them and Merder because you just cannot replace them.

Meredith knew that what she did was wrong. She probably shouldn't have announced to Addison that she thought she was pregnant, especially with Derek in the lift as well. And she probably shouldn't have run off into her car and sped home. But she just needed to get it out. Rip the bandage off. No anaesthesia. The thoughts of her being pregnant all started when she was in the pit earlier in the afternoon, and she realised that her symptoms put together could mean something she hadn't even thought about.
"Hello Olive, my name is Dr. Grey, I'll be your doctor today. So what seems to be the problem?"
"Well, I have been throwing up and I've had a few headaches and my boyfriend here Adam thought it would be best to get me checked out", Olive said, giggling and looking up to her boyfriend who was smiling down at her. Meredith smiled, she could see it was like what her and Derek are like. Were like.
"Well, I'm going to do a few simple tests, I will start off with a blood test. Is there any chance you could be pregnant?"
"Oh I-i um didn't even think about that", Olive looked up shyly to her boyfriend, who was still smiling at her. She knew that Adam did want children with her so she knew he wouldn't run away. "Come to think of it, I haven't had my period this month, which is not normal for me".
And that's when it hit Meredith. She had the symptoms that Olive had. And she tracked back to when she had her last period in her head, and it was 2 months ago. Just before her and Derek called it off.
"Fuck", Meredith whispered under her breath, and went to go hand in Olives test to the lab, realising that her and Olive may have more in common then just a hot love interest.
For the rest of the day, that's all Meredith could think about. She hadn't taken a test but even without her doctor-level knowledge, she knew she was most likely pregnant. So when Addison asked her, she just blurted it out, like the father of the child she was carrying was in another building, not in the same lift as them. She knew that it was a bad move but she needed to say it out loud. That she was pregnant. And when Addison had actually suspected it, she couldn't hide her slight smile. It surprised her, but when she heard her name and pregnant in the same sentence, she liked it. She always thought she knew she didn't want children, but that was before she met Derek. She didn't know what it was about him, but ever since she had been with him, she had dreams about their children every so often. It scared her, but everyone is scared about children at first, right?
She remembered that her and Sadie- her best friend she went traveling to Europe with- joked with her about how many men she had slept with, and bought her loads of pregnancy tests for her birthday. This was a few years ago, so they are likely to be expired, but Meredith didn't want to go out at them moment. She didn't want to risk running into someone she knew, especially Derek, because she knew he would be out looking for her especially since she hadn't been answering her phone. She just wanted to know for definite, sure out of date pregnancy tests may not be entirely accurate, but six of them? One of them is bound to work, and judging by her symptoms she now realised she had, she knew what the test was going to say.
Meredith went up to the bathroom, and found the tests along with some, let's just say, interesting photos of her and Sadie. She peed on all of the tests and set a timer on her phone. This was it. Once she knew what the tests said, it would be decision time.  She thought about how her life would completely change with one result.
That's it. The timer. Meredith knew now one way or another, her life would change. One by one, she turned over the tests and they all said one thing. Pregnant. And Meredith smiled. Meredith Grey, queen of tequila, ruler of the land of dark and twisty, smiled. She knew at this point, there was no decision. That's why when she heard the doorbell ring, she was too busy in a happy daze, that she didn't think as to who would be at the door. And as she opened the door, she really wish she had just stayed in the happy bubble upstairs. In front of her, stood a 5 foot 10 neurosurgeon with brown, curly hair and a dreamy smile, although right now, he did not look happy. Not to mention her baby's father and the love of her life. He looked like he had just run a marathon, and was slowly trying to calm down his breathing.
"Meredith, can you please let me in, I need to talk to you", Derek pleaded, then looked down to see that Meredith had a test in her hand. A test that could change their future.

Has anyone else read The Love Hypothesis because I was reading it around the time I was writing this chapter and I got some inspiration for the names. Also, where is my Adam Carlsen?

don't forget to vote pls <3
I promise the next update will be uploaded within the next few days :)
