Satan's coming to town

Hope you all enjoy this chapter, this one is slightly longer than the other ones. The rest of the chapters may not all be this long.

Addie POV:
I can't believe I'm back. Back to the place where i came and tried to sort out my marriage which then failed. Sleeping in a metal can for months was not what I expected in my glamorous life. Moving from the beautiful city of New York to rainy Seattle was not a very pleasant experience. Also to add to the fact that my husband was sleeping with another woman by the time I arrived there. Yes, I know that I cheated on him first, but it still hurt to see him with someone else. I know it sounds very hypocritical but I still loved him. I regretted sleeping with Mark, but he was just there and I missed Derek and he wasn't there. It's not an excuse. I know what I did was wrong. I guess I got karma when arriving in Seattle then, seeing my husband put on another woman's coat for her. I was a bitch. I know. But I was jealous. Jealous of seeing my husband give someone else attention. The very attention that had been lacking in our relationship for a long time. Yeah we lived together, but we never really had any time to ourselves because one of us was always at the hospital.
No one's POV:
"Addison Montgomery! What are you doing here?" asked Bailey, happy to see her but trying to hide her excitement. She didn't need everyone knowing she wasn't really "The Nazi", and that she was a softy at heart.
" Richard called me for a consult, a potential in utero surgery has come into the hospital and Richard only wanted me to do it. Guess he loves me the most" Addie said, smiling.
"Hmmm, not sure about that one" Bailey said laughing, but knowing that she truly was Richards favourite.
Derek and Meredith were walking by entrance of the hospital, on their way to the waiting room to collect their next person that was on their trial. What they weren't expecting was to see the very person who first 'ruined' their relationship.
"Addison! What are you doing here?" Derek said, confused as to why his ex-wife was here, obviously hadn't spoken to her for a while, but he knew she was staying in LA for the time being. Meredith was standing there awkwardly, feeling slightly sick seeing Derek's very very hot ex-wife in front of her, the woman who crushed her dreams the night she quite rudely announced that she was married to Derek.
" Richard called me for a consult, it's a potential in utero surgery so I couldn't turn it down. How have you been? Meredith it's nice to see you!"
"Oh yeah, it's nice to see you too. How's LA?" Meredith mumbled, trying to be polite as possible in this extremely awkward conversation.
" I love it. So sunny, I live right by the beach and the practice is great at the moment".
Addison looked like she was going to say anything but instead caught Meredith off guard and gave her a hug. Derek, having been silently watching this scene with his ex-wife, who he thought was the love of his life, and his ex-girlfriend, who he still thinks is the love of his life, was very shocked when Addison leaned into Meredith for a hug. Never did he think he'd see the day where these two would be so friendly as to give one another a hug. Well, as he looked at Meredith, he could tell she wasn't comfortable and looked slightly sick in the embrace of his ex-wife.
It was later on in the day after all the rumours had spread around about Derek's ex-wife being back in Seattle, and of course the gossipy nurses thought that they were back together and that Rose had been dumped. Rose then went up to Derek, who was in the middle of a conversation with a patient in the ER, and demanded to know why she had been told she'd just been dumped. Derek was annoyed at the fact she had interrupted him and made him look stupid in front of a patient, but also confused at to what she was saying. He was having doubts about the relationship and hoping to talk to Rose at some point but he didn't remember actually speaking to her. Dreamt about it yes but actually had "the talk", no.
"What are you talking about Rose? Why would we have broken up?", Derek said, though secretly thinking about all the reasons why they don't work. Mainly the fact he's still in love with Meredith and he finds Rose slightly annoying.
"Well I came out of OR3 to hear that not only had we broken up, but you had got back with your ex-wife, Addison, and she's now here to stay permanently in Seattle. So Derek, care to explain yourself?" Rose replied, and Derek wished to change his thoughts on his mind from slightly annoying to one of the annoying people in his life right now (of course not as annoying as Nancy).
" Well, Rose, you should know not to believe any rumours you hear, especially in this hospital it's like a high school. But Addison is here in Seattle, and no we are not together and no she isn't staying, she has just come here for a surgery. However, I did actually want to talk to you. I'm sorry, you're a really great woman (well that's debatable, Derek thought to himself. Stop Derek, even though she's not your cup of tea, she's not that bad. Then Derek looked at her face, and she looked so pissed off, and he thought maybe he is being too polite about it) but I'm not sure this working. If I'm being completely honest, I'm still in love with someone else. And no it's not my ex-wife, funnily enough, we did get a divorce".
"It's that slut Meredith isn't it? The one that broke your heart at Cristina and Burkes 'wedding'?", Rose quite rudely interrupted.
"I'm going to ignore you just said that. Whatever this was between us, it's over. I hope we can work professionally, but if you ever speak about Mer in that way again, I will request for you to move and never be in any of my surgery's again. Goodbye Rose".
Finally, Derek thought. He wouldn't have to spend any more time with her and he was now free to find Meredith. To get her back, to apologise for what he said the day they broke up.
Derek ran down the corridor to catch up to Meredith, who was by the nurses station writing down in her charts.
"Hey, how are you? I showed you the house plans this morning and you managed to run out of the house at lightening speed. I didn't mean we have to build a house right now, it's just what I want to plan for the future". Derek said, hoping that she wasn't going to run away again.
" just not sure about what the future holds just yet. Let's just live in the present, there are a lot of steps to get to us building a dream house. There'll be fun steps and sexy steps and we will make our way to the dream house eventually. Like after a few years", Meredith replied, hoping that he would like her response.
"A few years? I was thinking about 6 months. Mer, we've been together quite a while now, and you already know my intentions to make you my wife in the future and to have children with you. Why wait longer?". Derek was confused by what she just said. He knew she had some trust issues, but he thought that they were working through it. He thought that they were making progress.
"Derek you kissed a nurse". At this point, Derek's eyes widened, he didn't realise that she knew about that or even how she found out. "Yeah Derek, I know what you did. And I get that we were sort of broken up, but I never thought you would go for someone else. I mean you say you want a life with me, but then you go and kiss some random nurse in a scrub room. You wonder why I don't want to build a house with you, it's because I can't trust you!"

" You can't trust anyone! You run away at any chance you get. I mean come on, Meredith, what are we doing here? You said you wanted to be with me, now you're saying you want to wait a few years before moving forward in our relationship. I want to build a life with you! So just stop running away, and get over yourself", Derek exclaimed.
At this point, Derek knew it was over, he had just shouted at the love of his life. He had finally shown the emotions he felt during the whole sex and mockery debacle but he probably shouldn't have shouted at her. But he knew it was too late; he looked up to see her face and said " I can't do this anymore Meredith, it's too painful". And with that, Derek had walked away from the love of his life, and left Meredith close to tears.

Derek went up to Cristina and asked where Meredith was. At first she said he was a bastard who deserved to never speak to Meredith again but in the end, after desperate pleads from Derek, she gave in and said that she went to lie down in an on call room. Cristiana did mention that Meredith had a headache, so Derek hoped she would allow him to speak to her. He went to the on call room and when he opened it, he saw the cutest thing he had ever seen. She was tucked up in bed, fast asleep, and now as he thought about it, he did hear her snores from outside of the room. He didn't want to disturb her, so he decided he would speak to her tomorrow. That way, he could actually figure out what he was going to say, how to apologise and how to make it up to her.

Turns out I had time to write another chapter. This is where it's starting to get into the plot a bit more and away from the intro of the book so I'm very excited. Don't forget to vote and comment any ideas/ thoughts about the book <3
Also just a quick note I may occasionally write in a characters POV, but from now if not stated, it's no one's POV.
