I spoke too soon

So I had spare time because I'm lonely and do nothing on the weekends- not that I would want to go out anyway 😭😭 but I hope you like the chapter!

It was now the day that Derek's family were leaving, after spending the week together, everyone getting to know Meredith and exploring where they lived. Meredith was surprised at how well it was going, she never imagined meeting her boyfriends family would be so exciting. Well, she didn't even think she would ever settle down properly and have a boyfriend, and now they were having a baby as well. The news had spread around the hospital now and everyone was excited to meet the 'McDreamy' baby. Meredith wasn't showing that much yet but Derek liked to admire her stomach of a night time and talk to her belly, and he always slept with his hand on her abdomen. She thought that she would hate people touching her stomach, and she did, except when it came to Derek. A nurse came up to her just last week as the news spread quickly and came up to her, without asking and just touched her belly.


Since Derek had announced to everyone that Meredith was pregnant, the news slowly spread around the hospital, until it hit the nurses, and then everyone knew within the rest of the day. Meredith and Derek were walking down the hospital corridor, and were met with a few smiles, though Meredith got a jealous look from one of the doctors in Peds, who she heard had a crush on Derek, even though he had never spoken to her before. But then a nurse came up to her and placed her hand on Meredith's belly.

"I just heard that you're expecting, congratulations you two! I remember when I found out about my first-born child, you must be so excited right now"

Derek looked over to Meredith and she could tell she was completely uncomfortable. She was just staring at the woman's hand on her belly, and rightly so. He realised that one of them would have to reply to her, so he said, "Yeah we are very excited, aren't we Meredith"

"Hmmm", Meredith replied, annoyed with the fact this nurse felt like she had the right to just go and touch her. She didn't care if she was pregnant or not, that is not normal behaviour.

"Well, if you need any advice, I'm here", the nurse said and then walked off, leaving them slightly stunned from that experience.

"Did that just happen? I mean seriously, did she just do that? Derek, what the hell is wrong with her?"

"I have no idea. Ok, I get family members maybe touching your belly but not a random nurse, I don't even recognise her"

"Neither do I, I couldn't tell you her name. Also, I'm barely showing, so she's just touching my flat stomach. That is so not normal. Can't believe she had the audacity to do that, and then to offer us her advice. Yeah right"

"I'm looking forward to when you're showing"

"You're looking forward to me being a pregnant whale, waddling around the hospital because my feet are so swollen I can barely walk. You're excited for that? I swear to god Derek, I might kill you before this baby arrives. Why do you keep saying such stupid things?"

"I'm looking forward to everyone clearly seeing that you are pregnant with our baby. And you'll be pregnant, not fat, and only so our baby can grow"

"Nice try McDreamy. You basically just said that you want everyone to know I'm yours. I tell you what, why don't I put a sign on my back saying 'Property of Derek Shepherd'? Would that make you feel better?"

"Wow, your hormones are strong today", Derek joked, but saw the angry look in Meredith's eyes, so quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek and hurried off to the OR board to see the surgeries he had scheduled that day.


Everyone was getting ready to leave for the airport as they were going back to New York that evening. All of them were in the living room, apart from Meredith who was getting a drink in the kitchen. Nancy noticed this, so she left everyone else, because she needed to speak to Meredith. She had been pretending to get along with Meredith the whole week, she still wasn't happy about her brother splitting from Addison so she needed to do something about it. Nancy had just walked into the kitchen when Meredith turned around.

"Oh Nancy, I didn't see you there", Meredith gave a small smile to her, but was slightly nervous because she hadn't spoken to Nancy by herself, unlike all of Derek's other sisters. She had great conversations with Lizzie and Kathleen about pregnancy, and tips about being pregnant whilst being a doctor. They had also bought along a few photo albums of Derek to show her, and she had found those highly amusing. There was one where Derek, who looked about 10, was just in his boxers, but with one of his sisters knee-high boots on and a cowboy hat, and he was pouting at the camera. When she turned around to see the look on Derek's face, as he was standing in the doorway looking at them with a face of horror, Meredith was nearly crying with laughter. She probably got on with Amelia the best, they had a few morning talks on the swing on the porch, bonding over a troubled childhood. They were the closest in age as well, and Meredith was asking for advice about her career, as Amelia often worried that she would be compared to Derek too, but after becoming a double board-certified surgeon, her worries were gone. But Nancy had yet to have a conversation with her, and she was quite glad about that, until now in the kitchen.

"Well yeah, I wanted to talk to you before we leave and I haven't got the chance to yet"

"Ok, so what did you want to say? I hope not too much because we haven't got long", Meredith laughed awkwardly, hoping that a small joke would settle how uncomfortable she felt, but it just made her feel worse, as Nancy started laughing and then stopped a second later, so abruptly and stared her in the eyes. If the rest of the family were not in the next room, Meredith would have been worried for her life, the look in Nancy eyes right now mirrored those of a psychopath.

"Well as I'm sure you already know, Addie and I were close, until you decided to break up their marriage. And I have pretended to be happy for you guys this week, but I just know that this pregnancy wasn't an accident. I bet you planned it so you could trap my brother, because you know he wouldn't leave when his child is involved. You're a manipulative bitch, and trust me, Derek will find out who you really are, and I will make him go to court so he can take your baby away from you, and go be with Addie again because that's where he belongs. Definitely not with you"

Meredith was stunned, and a little hurt if she was honest, but she knew she spoke too soon. Yesterday, when she was talking to Derek about how well she was getting along with her sisters, something in the back of her mind nagged at her, like something bad was going to happen. And she was right, she had spoken to soon. Because here she was now, in the kitchen, close to tears over Derek's sister, who was in fact the manipulative bitch, Meredith thought, not herself. She couldn't let this get to her, so she just brushed it aside and acted like she hadn't heard any of it.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed this nice break, though I dare say your husband might have enjoyed it more, having a week without you! I know I would"

"Just you wait until Derek sees the real you. It wouldn't surprise me if he was just with you for the baby anyway", Nancy said, then looking at Meredith's face, who seemed quite surprised, like that thought hadn't come to her mind. "Ah, I've caught a nerve. I guess you hadn't thought of that before. Well it was nice to see you, but I guess we should get going". And with that, Nancy walked off back in to the living room with everyone else, leaving Meredith with tears in her eyes, now doubting all of Derek's intentions. She knew it wasn't fair to doubt him, after the things that he had done to make it up to her and for her to trust him, but she couldn't help it. Nancy had planted that seed of doubt and now that uncertainty was growing in her mind. Was Derek really just with her for the baby?

Hmm I wonder what's going to happen now? Will Meredith's doubts get in the way of a happy ending for merder? Will Derek find out about what Nancy said? You'll have to wait and see...
