Chapter 7

Frozen at my spot I watched the whole scene unfold. A disheveled half naked Andrew cursed under his breath as he pulled on his shirt. Lauren had draped the sheet around her torso. She looked at me with embarrassment and tried to speak," Si— Simon I can... I ca- an explain." She stuttered.

I couldn't respond, no sound made its way out of my throat. I was stuck on to the place. I was working my ass off to get some free time so that I could spend time with her, I planned things for her, I cared for her so much, she meant the world to me, and above all I loved her with all my heart, one thing I never ever did before. This is what I deserve after all, seeing my wife with another man on my bed, on our bed.

My thoughts break as Andrew's spoke up,"Simon.. Um"

My senses kicked in feeling a surge to kill the man in front of me, I felt the anger build up inside. I raised my hand as a gesture for him to stop.

"Out!" I growled at him. He looked at Lauren for a second and she slightly nodded. I kept silent as he shuffled out giving me a sly grin which screamed payback. I closed my eyes my knuckles turning white as I heard the door downstairs shut.

Lauren by now had changed into a night gown and she approached me.
"Simon, please try to understand," she timidly spoke touching my arm.

I repulsed at the touch, once that I longed for, and I withdrew myself away from her.

"Understand? Lauren really! You want me to fucking understand this... This bloody shit!" I shouted my patience slowly seeping away.

"Simon-" she was cut short by my ringing cell. I pulled it out to find David's name flashing across. I threw my phone in frustration at the sofa unknowingly sliding on answer.

"What Lauren? What more do you want to say! Huh after all this. How could you do this to me, to Eric." I growled at her, images from earlier clouding my mind.

"Well its nothing new right! You did it before, and you can fucking do it again and again and again. What an idiot I have been! Trusting you of all people, believing a cheater." My voice trembled. A pain so difficult and intense coursed through my body and I found my fist contacting with a glass frame on the wall, the glass breaking into a thousand pieces just like my heart had.

"Simon please just stop- please calm down" Lauren whispered in between sobs trying to hold me.

"Don't you dare come near me," I breathed.

"I Don't Want To Hurt You" it strained to even speak to her, the fury resurging as my fist connected once again to the nearby wall dropping several vases this time. I went once again, but this time I was held back by two strong arms pulling me away.

"Let me go!" I shouted fighting against the barrier.

"For Christ's sake Simon, what are you doing!" David's voice whispered against my ears as he held me away from the wall, caging my body in his arms. I didn't know how my body relaxed in his presence and the rage and anger coursing me vanished leaving me utterly broken.

"Just let me go!" I pleaded, no longer fighting to get away. "Please let me go!"  the tears poured out blurring my vision. My knees gave away, stumbling on the ground I felt lost.

Lauren's arms wrapped around me, and I immediately detached myself away, "Go away" I cried. She stared at me helplessly before exiting the room.

My whole body was drained within these few minutes, my mind teared apart and I drifted slowly into emptiness as I felt David's strong arms around myself.

"I am so sorry Simon." I heard him mutter softly.
I didn't respond. He turned to take a look at my bruised hand caked with blood and glass pieces. He led me downstairs, not once blaming me why I did this to myself, or  anything. Leaving me on the sofa he came back with the first aid box and few drinks.

Damn I needed one. I popped open and went for one after the other as he cleaned my wound and bandaged it. I stared at him as he ever so efficiently did the job at hand taking care not to hurt my hand holding it with the lightest touch. My drunken stare fell on his lips as they were pursed in a straight line concentrating. Lust clouded my already nonexistent thoughts as I squeezed his hand with my wounded one.

"Simon careful, " he scolded before gazing up at me.

I didn't give him time to consider as I pressed my body into him claiming his lips. My lips moved hungrily against his, sucking and nibbling. I groaned, wanting him to reciprocate back. Frustrated I pressed harder and licking his lips one last time I gave up, only to find myself being pulled back, this time his lips in sync with mine.

Drunk kisses. And lots more to come. Hope you all enjoy reading and Thankyou for the support and the love.
