Chapter 8

My head pounded, drinks from last night cursed me with a damned headache. I tried to turn but something restricted my movements. I found arms wrapped around myself, my eyes landed upon David who was sleeping next to me peacefully. His body tangled into mine, features washed over with calmness my eyes fixing on his pink coloured lips and images from last night popped up. Those lips had been against my own soft, teasing and worth the experience. I stared at him as he slept oblivious to everything, and found myself admiring the view until an unsettling feeling crept up.

Was I really feeling something for David? For another man? I never had experienced any sort of attraction towards another male, and not even towards him until last night.

Last night. My life kind of toppled over yesterday, Lauren , David all at once. It was too much too soon. I carefully freed myself from the tangled mess trying not to wake the man up yet. I shuffled out towards the kitchen for some tea. Surprisingly the wrenching pain had faded away or somewhat clouded and I know it had to do a lot with David being here. Putting the tea bag in a cup of boiling water I wandered to get my phone. There was a text from Lauren

Eric and me are at my mom's. Meet us when you feel like. I am sorry.

I felt my emotions surging up, hell she got me deeper than I thought. Switching off the phone I threw it on the table. Though I had the urge to see my baby boy I was in no place to meet Lauren. I treaded back to settle on the couch, tea mug in my hands watching David.

I won't deny I sure enjoyed the kiss and his closeness and the fact that he willingly reciprocated made me happy and I was kinda sure that it wasn't just drunken lust what I felt towards him. But I wasn't sure of my feelings towards the man.

David's shifted as he stretched on the couch a smile tracing his lips and instantly made me grin too. His eyes fluttered open searching and landed upon me, a deep blush adorning his beautiful face.

"Hey" he whispered smiling nervously.

"Good morning Darling!" I greeted him. His awestruck face furrowed at the name as he stuttered," Go ood mor ning"

It seemed so unlike him, all shy and stuttering instead of the energized bubbling kid trapped inside a 45 year old. I decided to give him sometime because he also needed to confront the event from last night.

"Breakfast" I asked and he nodded avoiding my gaze.

"Go freshen up while I arrange something". I left towards the kitchen as David walked to the washroom. I settled for scrambled eggs and toast and some orange juice. I laid the table for both of us and munched onto a piece of bread when David came in. The breakfast went on with a weird silence and it crept on my nerves until I couldn't take it any longer. I placed my glass with a thud a little loudly making David look towards me. He noticed my discomfort and questioned," What?"

I stared back at him suddenly feeling angry. My emotions had been on a roller coaster within the last 12 hours I was sad, disheartened and a little part of myself went away as I saw Lauren in bed with her ex husband. And secondly I had this weird feeling in my gut towards another man, I felt attracted towards him, it was subtle yet when his lips had contacted mine it was like the freaking volcano erupting through my body. And to add more to the mess David had fully invested into the kiss yet now he was acting in this way giving away nothing. I wanted to know what he felt, what his thoughts were about and and I don't know.

"Simon!" David called again.

"You tell me! Tell me what's up with you?" I retorted back. The edge evident in my voice.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing." He explained as if its the most natural reply.

"How can it be nothing! We kissed last night! David. Me and you kissed how can it not affect you?" I shouted unable to keep myself calm any further.

"What the fuck do you expect me to behave like! Huh Simon! One kiss after your wife cheated on you and you expect me to jump around you like a love sick puppy, is that what you want." I couldn't answer absorbing his words silently.

He continued further, " You were just in need of a freaking distraction and guess what I popped out. So grab him! That's all it was!"

He blinked nervously as my lips crashed upon his once again. Quickened heartbeats and mind shattering sensations proved it wasn't just a drunken kiss last night. My fingers stroked his hair at the back of his neck, kissing and sucking on his lower lip. His grip onto my shirt tightened as he moaned softly into my mouth.

"Do. You. Still. Think. You. Were. Just. A. Distraction" I questioned nibbling down his cleaned shaved jawline, dropping soft wet kisses along the hollow of his neck.

David held onto me tightly closing the gap between our bodies. He shivered, like a dry leaf under my touch. My hands left the nape of his neck teasing its way down on the slight bulge of his pants.

"Answer. Me. Darling!" A low growl escaped from the back of my throat as I rubbed my palm against him.

"No!" He breathed heavily giving way to another moan before I claimed his mouth again.

Escalating further!!!! I love them so much. Hope u enjoy reading this. Do tell me what you think and would like to see Damon encounter.
