Chapter 11

The first thing in the morning my senses comprehended was the lips of his on my own. I didn't need any confirmation about it, the feel of his lips was stored in my mind crystal clear. I didn't bother to even open my eyes returning back his kiss. I took his upper lips sucking, making him smile into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his frame clashing his covered body with my naked chest. His hands rested on the back of my neck, and with tantalizing slow rhythm he curled my hair pulling slightly as he captured my lips once again.

And the ever familiar, yet unknown fire consumed my body wanting more, needing more. More of him. More of David. More of my David.

Pushing him off myself I pinned him down on the bed. My eyes met his. Love, lust clouded his with streaks of longing.

David lifted his right hand, and with the lightest touch it grazed around my naked stomach, before resting on my lower back.

"Kiss me" he urged.

"Sure Darling" I complied at once bringing my lips to drop feather kisses on his lips.

I wanted to tease him. Wanted him to be on the edge with me. Just as he was about to unite our lips I slipped down kissing his neck. He shuddered under me in pleasure and want. And god that just blew me away. It made me feel fucking good to see him this timid and flustered just for me. Only me.

"Simon!" He moaned.

"Yeah babe?" I murmured, my hands went under his shirt grasping his body. It was uncontrollable. Hastily I pulled away his shirt reconnecting skin against skin.

"You are beautiful, sweetheart" I growled,hands roaming over his stomach his chest, feeling the ridges of his back. My lips never separated from his addictive skin. I was drunk in his liquor.

"Simon! Come up please," he shuddered bearing my sweet torture. I hummed in reply.
On his jaw, on his shoulder, on his neck, on his sternum, on his bare chest, on his navel, on his stomach, I continued, my lips roamed leaving no prisoners until David's hands grabbed my shoulders pulling me up harshly joining our lips.


I stood under the cold shower trying to cool my hots for David. After the hot make out session this was the only way I could find my sanity back. That single man made me go crazy.

The breakfast had been laid down by the time I reached downstairs.

"Simon can you please put your clothes on. I really want to get to work on time." David spoke biting his lower lip.

That's my job he's doing.

"So do I darling!", I propped his head up with my fingers under his chin, kissing and biting that lip, making him yelp.

" But I don't have my clothes here and I need to borrow some of yours!" I finished pecking him a final time.

"What?" David stared at me in a daze probably not even hearing what I just said. I chuckled making him pout at me.

"You're such a distraction.!" He smiled while muttering.

"I know" I replied cheekily.

We dressed up, had breakfast without any interruptions. ( Right! )

I dropped David at a publication house where he needed to be, and headed to my office. After being done with the meeting at noon I got some time off.

I was reading mails when last night popped up. In the morning rush I had almost forgotten what I had heard.

David had talked in his sleep about loving me. Like loving in that sense, where people confess their feelings, get into a relationship and everything.

I knew I cared for him a lot, I liked him but I wasn't sure if it was love. If I really loved him? I mean it wasn't even a week, and it was so soon after Lauren. But how could he catch feelings for me this fast. I didn't want to hurt him.

Thinking was so frustrating, why wasn't everything as exciting as kissing David. Its just four hours and I already missed his presence. I was hooked onto him.

I would talk to him about it today after work. I knew we could settle down to something because even with everything messed up I was sure of one thing. I never wanted to lose him no matter what.

My reverie broke as I was ushered into another meeting. I was engrossed into it when my cell buzzed. I ignored it as the meeting was really an important one. But when it buzzed again I took a peek to find it was David.

He wasn't supposes to call. He knew I had a meeting and that worried me.

"Mr Cowell is something wrong?" One of the board directors asked staring at me, irritation evident in his tone.

"Yes. I need to take a call." I replied standing up. The entire table was looking at me.

"Now?" He further asked.

"Yes now. Sorry please continue. I will get back soon." I spoke walking out of the room.

I immediately dialed David and he answered within two rings.

"Hello Simon?", he answered. Something was terribly wrong and I could sense it. His voice trembled with each word.

" Babe are you okay?" I questioned hastily walking towards my office.

"No." He admitted.

"Where are you Darling? Right now where are you?" I asked getting my car keys. I could hear him cry at the other side and it killed me. I wanted him safe in my arms and I would fight with everything living or non living to protect him. No one hurts my David.

"Just tell me where are you babe." I cajoled softly.

"Still at the publishing" he replied in between sniffs.

"Stay. I'll be there in five." I hanged up rushing out.

"Mr Cowell, the meeting?" Someone interrupted me.

"Fuck it" I growled getting past him, and out of the building.

Don't worry sweetheart, I am coming.
