Chapter 17

Kissing after having confessed your feelings feels twice as good as it did before. The cool breeze contrasted with our hot bodies pressed together, making us lean closer further into each other. My hands gripped his back over the fabric of his shirt slipping under his blue suit coat. Sucking on my lips David softly bit my upper lip making me moan.

His lips descended downward nibbling and dropping wet kisses down my throat, and across my jawline. His touch made me burn, made me feel alive. I shifted my hands from his lower back to his ass squeezing it in the process and pressing him against myself.

Hot breaths fanned my collar bone as his tongue glided over my skin making me hard down. I desired him so fucking much, I couldn't control any longer.

My hands travelled to his bulging member, rubbing him over his trousers.

"Fuck Simon!" He moaned biting on my skin to take in the pleasure. I felt his teeth graze on my skin while I continued palming him.

David's fingers latched onto my belt and fumbled with it slowly undoing it. His hands slipped inside grabbing my covered erection.

"Babe!" I growled squeezing him and sealing my lips on his. Just as I was going to unbuckle his belt, his phone rang.

"Fuck Darling!" I cursed underneath him as he shuffled off me hastily kicking me in the process.
I lied there on the blanket, on the grass in the open, my shirt and pants undone and aroused beyond imagination. Rolling around I rested on my stomach burying my head into the blanket. Shit I could die with all those sensations burning down my body, my veins , my soul. Every single part of my body touched by him screamed for more.

"Its mum!" I heard him pant nearby.

"I don't care, can we continue" I grumbled into the blanket, my voice muffled. I was such a mess at the moment, all I wanted was skin against skin.

"Yeah Mum....... No no....yeah its over....yes I'll come.... Yeah I am coming Mum, yeah yeah I will. Okay. Bye" David conversed with his mother and I well understood we would have to go back now, and I wanted to get back in bed with him as soon as possible. I sat up buckling my pants and sorting myself as much as possible.

"What? Are we leaving?" David stared at me not at all happy seeing me button up my shirt.

Grabbing his neck I pulled him closer and smashed my lips on his. His tongue licked my lip seeking entrance but I pulled away pecking him once more. "I want you so bad." I whispered our heads touching. David leaned in once again, rejoining lips his hands slipping back under my shirt.

"Home. Now." I muttered taking all the strength to pull away from him. We just couldn't keep our hands off each other.


The lights streaming in the room woke me up. David was snuggled into me his head in the crook of my neck, arms around my stomach and legs tangled. I couldn't help but admire the perfect human by my side and I wouldn't mind waking up to such a morning every fucking day. His hair fell messily over his forehead giving him a younger look and he appeared so peaceful and calm. Pecking him softly on his lips I freed myself to get a glass of water.

I was filling up the glass at the sink, when I heard David enter in to the kitchen.

"Morning Babe" I greeted turning around gulping down the water but immediately spitting it out facing Kathleen.

"Babe?" She looked at me skeptically, a frown plastered on her face.

"What the hell are you doing here semi naked in the kitchen?" She questioned.

"Uh I was just—" and to worsen things David walked in his boxers, the same state as mine rubbing sleep off his eyes. He walked straight towards me oblivious to the presence of his mother at the other end.

"Hey" he whispered kissing my lips.

"David!" Kathleen shouted separating him from me. He sprang apart stumbling back hitting one of the stools.

"Mum!" David cursed under his breath staring dumbfounded at his mother.

"Are you two dating?" Kathleen inquired at once her eyes darting between me and David.

"Well,—" David started but I beat him into it.

"Yes we kind of are."

"What do you mean kind of? Its either a yes we are dating, or no we are just banging each other!" She pressed for information. It was so embarrassing having to answer like that to David's mother. It was like seeking permission from the girls father or so before taking her out. And believe me doing so in the morning, at the age of 57 and wearing just boxers made it way worse.

"No mum we are dating. It's that no one really knows about it. We want to keep it private for a little while " David explained.

"And for the record we haven't banged. Yet." I added making both of them stare at me.

"Simon!" David scolded me.

"Then what's that hickey for?" Kathleen pointed at the purple bruise on my collar.


"Oh he got really feisty last night!" I winked making both of us  laugh as David stood there embarrassed, and bright red.

"I don't want to imagine my pure boy like that!" Kathleen laughed.

"I have-" David launched upon me pressing his palm over my mouth.

"Stop it you two!" He grumbled pulling me away from the kitchen.

"Keep it low boys, mother is downstairs." Kathleen shouted as David pushed me into his room shutting the door.

"Guess we will have our first time in my bed then!" I muttered pressing him against the closed door and uniting my lips with his, delivering my morning kiss that had been pending for long.

Hi everyone, thank you for the amazing support and love. I wanted to ask whether its getting monotonous or not? If it's getting boring then I would end it with a proper ending but if you guys enjoy reading it then I would continue longer. And if you want me to write anything special between the two feel free to comment, otherwise you will get the writer's choice.😜😂

Anyways happy reading.
