Chapter 3

The rest of the day passed in haste, with loads of works and meetings. I reached home and found my two babies cuddled on the sofa watching cartoons. Eric rushed towards me jumping straight into my open arms. I twirled him around in the air, filling my house with his happy giggles. As I settled him on my lap he kissed me on my cheek and babbled on how he had been missing me so much and what he had drawn at school. I kept up the conversation with my son and simultaneously reached out for Lauren. Like usual she rested her head on my shoulder her hands on my stomach as we listened to our son, wrapped up in our small bubble of bliss.

By the time I came out of the washroom, Lauren was already in bed, while Eric was sound asleep in his room. I put on grey slacks and took my place beside my wonderful wife. She had her reading glasses on and was concentrating on a book. She turned her face towards me and saw the grin on my face.

"What?", she asked confused. Slowly I picked the book away from her hands and placed my lips on hers. I snaked my arms around her petite frame pulling her closer to my body as I kissed her passionately and a little too strongly. Lauren responded with equal vigour as I brought my lips to her neck sucking and kissing the hollow of her neck. Her hands gripped my back and my hair as I descended further. With expertise I clipped open her lingerie and suddenly I felt her freeze. Her hands rested on my chest slightly pushing me away.

"Something wrong,baby?" I questioned, baffled at her sudden withdrawal. I saw a mixture of emotions on her face while she struggled for the proper words. Though I was frustrated as hell for being interrupted but I was also worried about Lauren. I shuffled back to my position beside her and kissed her forehead. "What is it daring? Tell me?", I prodded softly. We stared into each others eyes until she finally dropped her gaze and said,"I am sorry", in a timid voice. " I am just really tired and not into it. I should have stopped you earlier. " she continued.

I sighed and engulfed her into my arms. "Its fine dear. I understand". I mumbled. Maybe she was tired of the long day. I didn't think much about it and soon both of us slipped into deep slumber soaking in each others warmth.


Today I had a hectic morning with massive workloads, meetings to be attended, contracts to be signed and an endless list of things. I was so wrapped up in my job that the responsibility to pick up Eric from school that day slipped my mind. At noon my cell buzzed and it was Lauren.

"Yes Lauren?" I answered the call.

"Did you pick up Eric from school Simon?" She enquired. And my eyes flew to the clock sitting on my desk. I should have reached his school one hour and fifteen minutes ago.

"Shit! Man I forgot. I am rushing now talk to you later!", I pushed my cell into my pockets before I heard Lauren scream something into the phone. I run out of my office and crashed straight into David.

" Easy, boss." He joked and immediately stopped taking in my features.

I didn't stop but headed towards the driveway. Just as I popped into my seat I saw David get into the passenger seat too.

"What the fuck David? I need to go immediately. No time for this!" I fumed.

"Okay so go. I am not stopping you. But I can't allow you to go where ever you are going alone in this state. I am just accompanying you. You can ignore me." David calmly stated looking straight ahead not even sparing me a glance.

"Whatever", I grumbled speeding the car out into the roads. I tried to calm myself as we drove through the lanes. Nothing will happen to Eric. He would be at school only waiting. It will be okay.

I chanted silently as my eyes flew to my watch, another ten minutes gone and simultaneously my foot pressed onto the pedal pushing the car harder. David remained silent not even uttering a syllable.

Another five minutes and I finally jumped out of the vehicle entering the school. My eyes immediately land upon Eric and his tear stained face. Bag on his shoulders the water bottle around his neck he sat on the stairs softly crying to himself. My heart pricked with guilt as I approached my son.

" Buddy? " I whispered reaching him. His head shot up and a flash of extreme relief and joy flashed through his face. He crashed onto me sobbing uncontrollably. I held him to my chest rubbing his back, and assured him I am here now.

"Its okay baby. I am here. I am so sorry, so so sorry buddy. Shhh.... Its fine now." I continued until he calmed down. I tried to clean his face but he clutched onto my shirt pressing his face into it. I somehow peeled off his bag and water bottle and carried them with my other hand.

"I am so sorry Darling," I sighed before placing a kiss onto his head and he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck replying nothing.

I saw David leaning against the car checking his phone. He straightened as he caught sight of us. He took away Eric's belongings and stuffed them in the back of the car. I opened the back seat to place Eric but he wouldn't let go of me.

"No!" He squeaked in a small voice tightening his arms around my neck. I could imagine what he had suffered through the whole time cause he had never been left alone for this long ever. His fear was quite evident. My eyes connected with David and without anything being said he got into the driver's seat as I entered into the back seat with my son on my lap.

As we drove back into the main lane my eyes momentarily met David's.

"Sorry how I behaved earlier David, I was–" I began.

"Simon I understand. No need to explain okay?" He softly interrupted me. I nodded.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Anytime mate," he smiled.

Another chapter done..... And I wanted to inform you all that this will be somewhat slow paced, nothing will be rushed. The relation the feelings all will happen in front of you guys only. Hope you all will be patient throughout. And do tell me what you think of the story.
