Chapter 14

"Careful!" I held Kathleen as she got down from her bed ready to get back home. She had been in the hospital for four days and now the doctors had said she was completely fine and the hand will take another week or so. David had gone to pay the bills and discharge forms.

"I can walk on my own, Simon!" She scolded shoving me off. Like Mother like son.

"Kathleen you are still weak. I am not carrying you, hold my hand please for support, let's be careful than be sorry, okay." I reasoned and she sighed finally letting me lead her.

"Where is David?" She asked looking around for her son.

"He will meet us at the car." I replied quietly. She stumbled and shook slightly proving she was still not strong enough even if she says so. She even denied taking a wheelchair for leaving. Both me and David tried to pursue her but she ended up winning. With sturdy hands I guided her to the parking lot and as we reached she stopped short.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"That's not David's car" she spoke pointing at my car.

"Its mine."

"Why would David come in your car?" She further questioned. Well cause I was spending the nights at your son's house. But I couldn't say that to her. She was still oblivious about the thing between me and David, and we had kept it like that until we figured what we were heading towards ourselves.

Well now I am just one of David's friend in her eyes. So I possibly couldn't tell her the truth of me staying over.

"I picked him up this morning before coming," I lied smoothly and she believed it. To avoid further questions I quickly opened the door and helped her settle on the backseat, while I waited for David to come. Soon the man in dark blue shirt and grey trousers came into view. My favourite sight nowadays and the one from which my gaze never kind of shifted. I wondered how could I not stare at him for all those years, how did I not notice that handsome face, was I blind or something.

He greeted me with a small smile, "Everything fine?" I asked.

"Yeah, finally I can take Mum home." He chuckled showing me the folder filled with medical stuff.

"Let's go" he spoke opening the passenger seat, but I grabbed his hand.

"I'll drop you two and leave okay." I began.

"Why? I don't think mum would mind, Simon really." He countered.

" David, it will be weird and moreover you need to take care of her, spend time with her. I am there always but now she needs you more." I explained.

"Does that mean I can't see you anymore?" He asked silently letting go of my hand.

"No no! God you got it all wrong, I will drop by once in the evening, just that I would be spending the nights in my house instead of your room." He relaxed at once. The fall in his face gave a glimpse of how attached he was to me and that I am not the only one invested completely into each other. I need to tell him about my feelings and soon I will.

"Oh sorry! Just for a moment I thought you were suggesting–" I stopped him.

"You aren't getting rid of me this soon Darling" and the familiar blush crept up his face making me grin.

"What are you two talking about?" Kathleen poked her head out taking us by surprise and by instinct we jumped away from each other.

"Nothing Mum!" David mumbled getting in and I followed.
The car ride back was silent, with the radio softly playing. We reached David's place and I really wanted to kiss him once more but I had no choice but share just a glance with him as he finally climbed out, helping Kathleen along.

Both of them waved and giving them a smile I drove away on my way home.



I halted in mid tracks when I saw Lauren sitting on my porch. She stood up once she saw us approaching.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked reaching her.

"Well I came to talk to you about something." She replied.

"Come on David. Open the door and let the girl in." Mum insisted. She was very strict about being polite to guests and all. Only if she had any idea what this girl was capable of.

I unlocked the door and helping mum in, I invited Lauren inside. She stood by the door way as I took mum to her room where she stayed when ever she visited. And making sure that she had everything she needed I came out to meet Lauren.

"Please have a seat." I gestured her to the chairs. She sat on one and I took my place opposite hers.

"So what brings you here?" I asked at once.

"Simon." She replied. "We need to talk about Simon."
