Chapter 22

"Come on buddy! Mum is waiting" I called my son from the door.

"Coming" his voice muffled with giggles greeted us as he rode down the stairs on David's back, the two of them bursting into fits of laughter.

"You ready for asking him?" Lauren nudged me wiggling her brows.

"Yeah! That's actually the reason I asked you to pick Eric up." I replied giving her a sheepish smile.

"All the best for it. I know he will say yes." She encouraged and engulfed me a side hug.

I muttered a thanks and the two guys arrived making hysterical noises.

"Give a hug to Daddy" I picked my little bundle of joy and happiness crushing him to my bones until he squirmed.

"Dad let me breath!" He gasped and I let him go.

"Off you go." We bid our goodbyes and David laced his fingers with mine urging me to kiss his knuckles softly. He smiled that shy smile coated with tons of naughtiness you would never be able to detect the first time. I wondered if I ever could stop falling for his antics anytime soon, and it had already been over a year of us hitting it on.

"Let's go for a dinner." I proposed at once.

"Ooh! Fancy Simon is on the menu today." He joked licking his finger squirting his eyes to give a seductive look.

"Yeah babe, so you better get ready." I whispered against his lips kissing him softly.

"I am going to take a shower first"  David said pulling away.

"Alright. I will go to the one in our bedroom" I replied immediately getting pushed in the chest by David.

"No I am going into that." He countered.

"No way, love" I retorted giving him a challenging look. We never could get rid of the competitive nature and what's funny was we never let the other any scope just because we love each other.

With that we rushed to the stairs pushing each other. I had just reached the first floor when I turned around to find David leaning beside the staircase hunched on the ground as if in pain.

"Simon I got hurt" he croaked.

I was about to get down to him but suddenly it flashed to me.

Giving him a crooked smile I declared," Accept defeat Baby boy. The bathroom's mine and I would come and check on that fake wound after having shower." And ran towards our room.

"Fuck you why can't you be like the over worried boyfriends." I heard him shout standing up upright.

"Darling cause they are stupid and I am a smartass." I chuckled entering the shower.


We were dining at one of my favourite restaurant in London. I had reserved a separate booth for us away from public eyes because I appreciated having privacy. The media were always up on our ass every time they could spot me and David together. It was like a dream of theirs had come true when both of us came out. Well I enjoyed and loved their enthusiasm but sometimes you really required some solitude to enjoy time with your perfect human being. I was one really lucky guy to become a part of his life and I felt extremely grateful for it too.

After being done with the dinner I paid the bill pulling David off his chair.

"Come on hurry up! We have a flight to catch." I grinned at him.

"Where to?" He asked slowly almost cautious.

"Can't tell."

"Okay. Why are we going?" He questioned.

"Can't tell." I replied making a zipping action over my lips.

"Is there something you are not telling me, Simon." He nudged me as we rode towards the airport where my private jet had been waiting to take us away.
I was so into the thing to make it a big surprise for him, that you could say I was obsessed. Well I couldn't deny that he was in fact my obsession.

I had his eyes tied with a black scarf fifteen minutes ago before we hit the ground. David was grumpy about it but I paid no heed. And now were standing in front of the sea in the beach of Miami. He had told me once that he hadn't visited here and one day he wanted to. We were alone in the private section of a mansion that I had rented for our stay here over the weekend.

I led him in front guiding him with my hands as he clumsily walked deprived of his eyesight.

"How long" he groaned like a kid.

"Almost here" I replied stopping.

Stooping down I got down on my knees reaching for his shoes.

"What are you doing" he chuckled as he felt my hands on his legs.

"Relax!" I soothed.
I undid his shoes taking them off one by one followed by his socks. His feet sank in the sand and I could see that breathtaking smile forming on his face that literally made it hard for me to breathe.

"Where am I Simon" he asked. I could hear the joy leaking out in his as he took off the blindfold. He blinked several times to get used to the light and then was the moment I was waiting since I had planning all this.

"Welcome to Miami, David!"

"No you can't be serious! Oh my god! Oh my God. You are the best Fuck I love you so much!" He bursted with happiness as he looked around to grasp the fact that he was really in there.

"Come on. Get up I want to feel the water." He tried to pull me off the ground.

"Well Babe, I have a little work left here." And then I shifted from kneeling on both knees to just my right one as I reached for the small box in my back pocket.

"David, I love you, and its something I have said to you many many times in this one year since we have been together. But darling you have no idea how much my meaning behind saying it has changed through out. The first time I let those words slip out because I was fascinated. I was amazed and star struck. The magnificent personality loaded with kindness, love, compassion, humor drew me in. Then I came across the man hidden behind all those top layers. You let your walls fall giving me a glimpse of the broken tormented helpless guy, and believe me I got smitten by you even more. The night when I kissed away your tears repeating I love you, I meant I love all of you. The dark, the white and the infinite possible shades in between them. The day you were sulking over the girl that flirted with me I hugged you and said I love you. It was my promise that no single person on this universe can ever replace you in my life. In the mornings I kiss you and whisper I love you, cause I am fucking grateful to the person above who have given me this opportunity to wake up to someone so beautiful and wonderful as you. Rubbing circles on your palm I had said those three words when you cuddled my son cause I knew you are the best father probably even better than me he could ever get. And the ones I whisper soothingly into your ears as I end my days in the night are my most vulnerable ones. I always wondered what I did to get you and so I would get afraid that you may not be in my arms next morning, that I would lose you, that I would be dead again. It was my way of asking you stay.

So when I am saying I love you now, I actually want you to have you as my soulmate and to spend my very last heartbeat with you, only you.

So, my life, my joy, my happiness, my sorrow, my grief, my day, my night, my tears, my laugh, my everything, my world, and believe me when I say I can go on and on, but my knees are really hurting now! I am finally going to ask

David Walliams will you marry me?"

David was crying as he nodded a yes trying to rub his tears off.

"My lord, yes! Yes Simon I will marry you. You just made me the happiest man,alive. I love you so much" he pulled me into a hug kissing me hard on my lips.

"Here" I slipped the platinum ring over his ring finger.

"You are perfect" he whispered caressing my cheeks.

"You make me perfect." I could no longer wait to feel his mouth on mine and wasting no further time I sealed mine with his.

He was mine now, forever. Only mine.

My David.

So here it ends. Thank you for keeping up with me and supporting me all through out. Well its my first complete book and I had an amazing time writing about Damon. Hope you too enjoyed it. Thank you again. Love you all.
