The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Twenty-Two

A lovely lunch they did have together.

Night held her teenage son’s hand as they wandered the streets to pass time. They hardly spend time together anymore since they both have their own lives to live. It was nice to just have it be the two of them-

The mother suddenly stalled her footsteps, bringing Jin to a stop as well as his curious green eyes looked up at her.
    “Mama…?” He called softly, bringing grey eyes down to his gaze. “What’s wrong…?”
    “A sudden strange presence…” Night told him, her eyes scanning her surroundings before sighing. The blonde mother gave him a gentle smile, petting his head. “Whatever it was, it’s gone now.”
    “But… I didn’t feel anything…”
    “That’s because it wasn’t a spirit. You can feel the presence of spirits where I feel the auras of living people as well as spirits.”

The two continued walking as Night explained, doing everything she could to push away the feeling of the familiar aura, squeezing her son’s hand as she did.
    “When will I be able to do that…?” Jin asked, a friendly smile on his face as his eyes glowed softly.
    “Practice makes perfect honey bun.” She winked, giggling as a pout found its way to her son’s lips.
    “That’s unfair…”
    “Your time will come my little spirit, it’s just not now.” Her grey eyes flashed gold as she stared ahead, the whites of her eyes flickering a dark grey the same moment. Something doesn’t feel right to her but she can’t figure out why, deciding to push the thought yet again and focus on the time with her son.


    “We won…!” Jin smiled, throwing his arms in the air happily. Everyone had decided to meet up at Night’s house for a family dinner, a family dinner to celebrate Jin’s freedom from the nasty woman. Hartz ruffled his hair with a smile and Naoki spared him a kiss upon the news, the twin babies babbling and cooing as the teen held them.
    “Thank God she’s finally gone, I was really starting to contemplate murder-”
    “Night!” Hartz scolded, a playful glare in his eyes. “No planning murder without my help!”

The family laughed at the joke, Night going over and kissing her son’s head.
    “Naoki and I are gonna cook up dinner, so you and Hartz use this time to bond. Just the two of you.”
    “Are you sure Hartz and I need to be the ones to bond…?” Jin asked her with an evil glint in his eyes, sending a chill down his lover’s spine. “I think you and Naoki need it more than us…”
    “Ha ha, very funny. Just, behave please?”
    “Always mama…” Jin looked over to Naoki, smiling at him and easing any nervousness the teacher felt. He and Night disappeared into the kitchen as Hartz looked to his stepson, holding his arms out.
    “Can I have a twin?” The lavender-haired man asked, a friendly smile on his lips. Jin laughed and rolled his eyes, transferring Natalya into his arms.
    “You don’t have to ask Hartz… They’re your grandchildren too, ya know…”
    “I thought it would be nice to ask.”
    “Well, you don’t have to, promise…”

In the kitchen, Naoki glanced over to Night every now and then, stiffening when the woman giggled softly.
    “Stop being so nervous, Naoki. The overwhelming sense is getting troublesome.” The blonde told him, looking over with a smile. The teal-haired man blinked and let out a sigh, sparing a small smile.
    “Sorry, my thoughts still drift to the fact you don’t like me.” He explained, looking back to what he was doing.
    “It took time, but you started growing on me. You treat Jin well, and I’m thankful for that.” Night watched her hands as she chopped vegetables, smiling. “He deserves the world after the life he dealt with before living with me. I love that someone else was able to see that too, and love him for the sweet boy he really is.”

Naoki chuckled, closing his eyes for a moment.
    “You’re raising him well, Night, and I’m grateful for you giving me a chance with him.”
    “I didn’t like you at first. But the more I watched you two together, the more I realized my baby boy was growing up way too fast for my liking. I was scared he would just forget me when he got older, even if he wasn’t my real son-” Night suddenly stopped her sentence and whipped around staring at the front door in the other room. The aura returned and felt stronger, like the person was nearby as she set her knife down and traveled to the door.
    “Night?” Naoki called softly, a look of curiosity and worry in his orange eyes. The mother didn’t say anything as she flicked the deadbolt, grabbing and turning the knob as she pulled the door open.

Her grey eyes suddenly went why as they turned gold, narrowing into a harsh glare at the man that stood on her porch. Mismatched eyes stared into her now golden ones, a strange smile on his lips as he stood before her.
    “Night, long time no see. How’s my little brother?” Phi asked politely, his head tilted to the side. No wonder there was such a familiar aura. Hartz’ twin brother was near…
    “Haven’t seen you since high school Phi… Still a narcissistic asshole like before?” She asked him coldly, her hand tightening on the door. Upon hearing not only the familiar voice and name, Hartz was at the door, baby Natalya still in his arms.
    “Phi?” The man asked in disbelief, two sets of mismatched eyes meeting. “What are you doing here? I haven’t seen you since you left after school.”
    “I just recently moved back.” The older twin told him, glancing down at the infant in his brother’s arm. “Oh? And who is this?”

Night grit her teeth together, stepping protectively in front of her granddaughter.
    “She’s none of your concern, Phi. Why are you here?” The mother growled, Hartz trying to get her to calm down.
    “What? I can’t come by to see my family?” Phi asked her, slight hurt in his voice. Night couldn’t tell if he was faking or if he was serious, the thought pissing her off further. “May I come in?”
    “Night please, he’s my brother…” Hartz said softly, adjusting the baby in his arm.
    “... Fine…” She mumbled, moving to the side to let him in. “But I swear to god, you start pulling your mind games, you’re gone…”
    “I appreciate the threat.” Phi rolled his eyes, stepping into the house. His eyes immediately met Jin’s bright green ones, blinking slightly at the aura he just felt.
    “Uh, hi…” Jin waved shyly, looking away almost instantly. He looked down at his infant son, attempting to ignore the tense atmosphere in the house.
    “Hello, I don’t think we’ve met before.” The white-haired man greeted, walking over and holding out his hand. “I’m Phi, Hartz’ twin brother.”

Jin stared up in shock, hesitantly reaching out and grasping his hand as he let out a breath.
    “I’m Jin, Night’s son…” The teen introduced, sparing a soft smile as he shook his hand. Phi’s eyes widened slightly in shock, looking over to his brother and his fiance.


NightBear15 signing off...

~~ So, I decided to bring Phi into the book! And for a reason.

I finally finished Turbo after putting it off for a long while, just because I don't really like Aiger. Sorry, but I don't...

Phi is an asshole, but he was all Hartz had in the show before everything.

Don't we agree that he needs to have some importance in the story? I mean, he's technically an uncle twice over not only with Jin but Serenity too. I feel like he should've been involved not only in Night and Hartz' life, but Jin and Serenity's too. And of course with the young set of twins now as well.

That's how I want to see it at least.

This idea might bite me in the end... ~~
