The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Six

Naoki slammed a hand down on his alarm clock in order for it to shut off, yawning and stretching slightly as he sat up. He looked towards the other side of the bed and frowned slightly, noticing his lover gone from the bed before he got up himself.
    "Jin?" He called out, walking out of his bedroom and down the stairs. "Jin baby, where'd you go?"
    "In the kitchen…" He heard him say softly, smiling slightly as he met him in the kitchen.
    "Hey honey, what are you doing up already?"
    "Oh, I don't really sleep through the night, so I just came down here for a bite to eat…" The teenager said softly, nibbling at his piece of toast.
    "Well, why didn't you cook eggs or something? Isn't toast not that filling when you eat for two?"
    "I would've… But I don't want to burn your house down…"

Naoki blinked in confusion, tilting his head slightly.
   "Naoki, I can't cook…" Jin said simply, rubbing his eyes as he took care of the toast he no longer wanted to eat. "I've never been able to learn…" He spared him a look as he slipped past him, disappeari2ng upstairs to get dressed. Naoki watched him and then smiled softly, stepping into the kitchen to start breakfast. Jin yawned as he slipped his hoodie over himself, adjusting it over his stomach before fixing his hair. He looked at himself in the mirror and let himself smile slightly, grabbing his things as he disappeared down the stairs again. The smell of eggs cooking filled the air and he sighed in content, setting his bag down by the couch and walking into the kitchen.

Jin looked at Naoki and walked over, wrapping his arms around him from behind.
    "You didn't have to…" He said softly, nuzzling his back slightly. Naoki chuckled, his chest rumbling enough to make the smaller male smile more.
    "I know I didn't have to dear, but I wanted to. You need a good breakfast when you're eating for two." 
    "Thank you… You have no idea how much I appreciate this…"
    "You're so welcome my love." Naoki smiled, leaning down and kissing his head. He turned off the stove and moved the pan to the side, having Jin sit at the table while he got together a plate for him.
    "Smells delicious honey…" Jin smiled, thanking him again when he set the plate in front of him.
    "Thank you. Now, you sit here and eat and I'll join you in a minute. I'm going to get dressed." Naoki smiled, kissing his head again before he disappeared from the kitchen.

Jin ate happily as he scrolled through his phone, humming to himself as he finished the nice breakfast rather quickly. He took care of the plate and rubbed his eyes, patting his stomach after as he went into the living room and got his boots on. Naoki slipped down the stairs a few minutes later, dressed how he normally is with the button-up, best, and the lab coat. Jin smiled at him and walked over, fixing the collar of his shirt. Naoki watched him with a gentle smile, leaning down and kissing his face all over.
    "You are just too cute…" He cooed, holding him close. Jin laughed and pushed at him slightly, trying to get away.
    "We should really get going Naoki… We don't want to be late…" He giggled, finally breaking free from him and getting his coat on. Naoki smiled and kissed his head, getting his own coat on as he grabbed his keys and his laptop bag. He walked over to the door and opened it, smiling at his lover.
    "After you, my dear." He said, Jin giggling as he walked out of the house.
    "Thank you very much…" He smiled, going out to the car as Naoki closed and locked the door to the house.


Naoki parked his car where he normally does when he pulled into the parking lot of Beigoma High, having already dropped Jin off towards the front of the school to avoid any controversy. Speaking of the teenager, he walked through the front door of the school with a yawn, starting the walk to his locker. As he was, he glanced around and noticed everyone's eyes on him, some other students whispering amongst themselves as they stared. He tightened his grip on the strap to his bag and pulled his sweatshirt down more, suddenly feeling really small under everyone's gazes. Tension filled the hallways quickly as he made it to his locker, quickly opening it and setting his bag in it before getting out the things for his first class. He closed the locker door and jumped when he noticed two Seniors on either side of him, making him feel ever more uneasy.

They grinned at each other, the one with his arms crossed chuckling slightly.
    "So, why are you doing it? Is it for money, or a better grade?" He asked suddenly, his friend laughing. Jin felt himself pale, frozen in place. No, everyone couldn't have found out, right? Could they? They were so careful… A million thoughts ran through Jin's head all at once, making him feel sick.
    "W-what are you talking about…?" The Junior finally was able to ask, sweat beading at his forehead.
    "Come on, you know what we mean." The other one said, his grin sly and his stare piercing.
    "We heard you're sleeping around with the Chem teacher. Everyone's heard about it."
    "I-I don't know what you're talking about… I-I'm single…"
    "That's why everyone thinks you're hoeing around with the teacher, to keep your grade from slipping…"

Jin flinched when his tone changed, fear piercing his heart as he glanced between the two seniors.
    "O-oh, look at the time, I-I have to go…" The smaller male said suddenly, slipping past them and walking away quickly. The two taller students smirked to each other and followed him, the stronger one grabbing him and pulling him away from the public.
    "Not so fast… Where do you think you're going slut?" He growled.
    "C-class…" Jin said, finally feeling brave enough that he smacked both males in the face with his books before he disappeared into the flood of students. The teenager breathed deeply to calm himself as he went to his first class of the day. 

He grew incredibly nervous the more he noticed people continuing to whisper and gossip about him, making him pull his hood down more to hide.
    "Jin, you're needed in the principal's office." His second class teacher had told him, making him flinch and nod. He stood and walked from the class, walking to William's office. Upon walking in, he stopped, seeing the two seniors that were harassing him at his locker there as well.
    "Mr. Aizawa, thank you for joining." William said, the stern tone he had carrying shivers through Jin's body.
    "U-uh, a-am I in trouble…?" He asked softly, begrudgingly closing the door behind him.
    "Depends. These two gentlemen say you attacked them before school started." 

Of course they would come to the principal for that, he thought to himself, gripping his sweatshirt tightly. William took note of his body language and let a small smirk grace his lips.
    "You two boys are excused." He told the Seniors, standing and leading them from the office. Jin felt his breath hitch after they left, cowering when William stood above him after closing the door again 
    "L-leave me alone…" The teen said boldly, backing away from him.
    "Very bold of you to say Jin." The man stated with a smirk, looking him up and down. "Want to tell me why you attacked them?"
    "T-they were harassing me…" Jin hissed, nervousness still in his mind and body.
    "Watch your attitude young one. You won't like it when I'm angry…" William growled lowly, pushing him into the wall suddenly. "And you can tell that Chemistry teacher of yours to keep his hands to himself. We wouldn't want these to leak out anymore than they already have…" 

Jin felt himself pale as William held up photos, each one of them having him and Naoki either holding hands or kissing.
    "I told you that you belonged to me, and now I have to worry about that teacher taking you from me?"
    "Don't you dare give me an excuse Jin."
    "L-let me talk...!" Jin yelled, tears in his eyes. "I-if you don't start leaving me alone, I-I'm calling the cops...!"
    "If you do, I'll make your life a living hell…"
    "I'm not scared of you…"
    "You should be little one…" William growled, opening the door to his office. "Get out."
    "Gladly…" Jin huffed, pushing past him and walking from the office angrily. 

After leaving, Jin broke into tears, they streaking his cheeks and not stopping. He sobbed to himself, avoiding his third class since he didn't need to hear anymore gossip. They were so careful… Yet someone still managed to get pictures. And the worst part? William has them, and that can be very dangerous…
    "Fuck!" He yelled to himself, slamming his hand into the boy's bathroom mirror amd putting a nasty crack into it. "O-ow…" He whimpered softly, seeing a few cuts sliced into his hand. He took in a deep breath and calmed down, cleaning off his hands before he heard the bell ring. The pregnant male sighed softly and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing his things he needed and walked to Naoki's class.

Naoki went to greet him when he walked in, but frowned slightly when he ignored him. The shift in his lover's mood was immediately noted, but he dismissed it all as a mood swing and finished getting ready for class. Class went by normal and the bell sent the students off to lunch, yet Jin remained seated and continued to work.
    "Alright," Naoki started, stepping in front of his desk. "What's wrong? I haven't seen you this upset since when you told me about your dad."
    "... Someone got photos of us…" Jin simply stated, continuing his work. Naoki grit his teeth and snatched the worksheet out from under him, Jin's bright green eyes snapping up suddenly.
    "What the hell do you mean someone got photos of us?" Naoki asked, feeling his own panic set in.
    "Someone got photos of us…! A-and they told the whole school…! N-not to mention I had Seniors harassing me about it…! Asking if I was doing it fir money or for a better grade…!" Jin cried, tears filling his eyes. "I-I felt like my life was finally getting better…! You're the best thing to ever happen to me, a-and Night was the only other person that kept me from putting a blade to my wrists…!" His sobs stopped more words from coming out, his hands gripping his hair tightly.

Naoki sighed and carefully grabbed his hands, pulling them out of his hair before he kneeled down.
    "I know it may seem bad now, but you and I can get through this… You know why?" Naoki asked, giving him a small smile.
    "W-why…?" Jin asked softly, rubbing his tears away.
    "Well, for starters, you have me and our child! You and I are going to make sure the baby has an amazing and loving family. Not to mention your guardian, she loves you very very much, and so do I." Naoki pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, causing Jin to smile softly.
    "Thank you… I feel a lot better…" Jin sniffled, wiping the last of his tears away.
    "Good, now go and eat some lunch. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
    "Okay…" Jin smiled.


Jin walked into the cafeteria and eyes snapped to him almost immediately, making him swallow thickly and pull his hoodie down more over his growing belly. He walked over to the kitchen and got lunch, looking down at it in slight distaste as he walked toward an empty table. His small hands held onto the tray tightly, silently praying for everything to be okay.

Yet, he never noticed that a leg slithered in front of his path until it was too late. Jin tripped over the leg and fell within a few seconds, his tray clattering against the floor. Laughter erupted through the cafeteria as Jin looked down at himself, tears filling his eyes as he was now covered in his lunch. He got up and ran from the room, a small sob leaving his lips as he desperately found a bathroom. He ran the water in the sink and washed the food from his face, pulling his hoodie off to try and clean the food off of that as well. He cried softly to himself as he got most of the food off, whining when he knew the piece of clothing was unwearable until it was properly washed.

Jin sighed and shut the water off, grabbing the hoodie and walking from the bathroom before making it to his locker. He opened it up and threw his hoodie in there, closing the door and walking absently through the hall before he found Naoki's classroom again, opening the door and walking in.
    "Hey honey! Done eating already?" Naoki asked sweetly, smiling at him. Jin flinched slightly, giving him a small smile back as he went and sat down.
    "I-I, uh, I-I didn't eat…" He said softly,  rubbing his bare arm slightly. "I-I was clumsy and fell…"
    "Oh no! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The teacher asked quickly, going to stand to look him over.
    "I-I'm fine, b-but I lost my lunch…"

Naoki frowned slightly and looked through his bag, pulling out one of the sandwiches he had packed and giving it to Jin.
    "Here you are my dear, it's nothing too fancy but I packed some extra sandwiches in case you got hungry through the day." He smiled, kissing his head gently. Jin looked at the sandwich and felt tears fill his eyes, smiling at him.
    "T-thank you so much…" He whimpered, taking the sandwich from the strapping and eating it happily. Peanut butter, one of the things he'd been craving for the last three weeks constantly.

The two talked amongst themselves for the remainder of the lunch break, Naoki sending him off in a better mood than when he first got there. Jin definitely felt a lot better than earlier and he managed to successfully ignore all of the looks and whispers that were sent in his direction. After school ended for the day, Jin said his goodbyes to Naoki and said he wanted to walk home, saying it would be nice to look at the scenery. The older male just smiled and nodded, just happy to see his small lover in a much better mood.
    "Be safe, and let me know when you get home." He said protectively, making Jin giggle softly.
    "I will Naoki, promise…" 


Jin sighed softly as he kicked his boots off, yawning softly to himself as he set his bag down. The Junior sat down on the couch and leaned back with a breath, rubbing his swollen belly gently in thought. His thoughts wandered to when the baby was born and made himself smile at the thought, but he worried about school. He's still in high school, what is he supposed to do? Maternity leave?

Perhaps, he thought to himself, tapping his belly gently. He sent a quick message to Night and asked her when she would be home, saying he needed to talk to her about some things, then looked up hearing a knock at the door.
    "Just a sec…" Jin said and pushed himself to sit, standing carefully and walking to the door. He rubbed an eye as he unlocked the door, opening it up before he froze at the familiar figure on the other side.

"... P-principal Talisborne…?"

NightBear15 signing off...
