The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Seventeen

    "You what?" Night asked in shock, trying to make sure she heard him correctly.
    "I-I made a mistake... N-Naoki was talking to the principal, a-and I didn't realize when I walked into his classroom..." Jin was in tears again as he held his daughter, the baby girl looking up at him and cooing.
    "Jin, how could you be so irresponsible?!" The mother questioned in shock, her eyes wide.
    "I-I didn't mean to...! I-it was an accident...!"
    "An accident that could seriously hurt you in the end! Jin, you're a Senior, you can't have anything ruining your last year!" Night told him, starting to get upset.

Jin realized how upset she was getting which was making him upset more than he was.
    "I-I know what I did...! I didn't mean to...!" The teen yelled, tears running down his cheeks as he stood.
    "Jin, don't you dare yell at me! I'm your mother!"
    "No you're not...! You're not even my real mom...!"

The moment the sentence left his mouth, he regret it, flinching when he looked up and noticed the horrified look his mother had. Tears filled Night's eyes as she sighed and stood, walking over and setting Jack in his carrier.
    "W-wait, mama... I-I... I-I didn't mean it..." The Senior started, standing and walking to her. Night buckled Jack in his carrier before he took Natalya from Jin's arms to buckle her in as well. "M-mama, say something-"

Night swung back and slapped him across the face, her once grey eyes now a glowing gold. The pain put Jin into shock as he held his cheek, more tears in his eyes as he whimpered.
    "Take the twins and get out." The pregnant female said firmly, a tear falling down her cheek.
    "No! I don't want to hear it! I want you out of my classroom, now!" Night was beyond upset, her hormones already all over the place as it was with her pregnancy. The twins had started to cry with all of the yelling and Jin sniffled, grabbing his crying babies carriers before walking out of the room. Jin sniffled and hushed his children, trying to calm them down for he would start his walk.

The teen made sure he had his bag as well as the diaper bag before grabbing the twins' carriers once more to continue his walk.


Jin collapsed on the couch after putting his babies down for a nap, the Senior rubbing his eyes with a sigh.

Why did he say that?

Never has the teen seen Night so upset, and he had to make things worse by telling her she isn't his real mother. He set a hand on his now bruised cheek, tears filling his eyes again. That was the first time she put her hands on him... The front door unlocked and Naoki stepped inside, looking at him in confusion.
    "Hey baby, I thought you would still be at the daycare." The teacher said as he took off his shoes, setting his bag down.
    "O-oh, yeah... I-I decided to just come back home after a bit..."
    "Does your mother still have the twins?"
    "N-no, they're upstairs sleeping..."
    "Okay! Oh, how are you holding up?"

Naoki sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug, his young lover immediately bursting into tears.
    "Honey, it's alright... We're going to be okay..." He attempted to sooth, Jin shaking his head.
    "M-mama and I got into a fight...! S-she kicked me out of the class with the twins...!"
    "What?! Please tell me you at least got a ride-"
    "No...! I had to walk home...!"
    "Tell me you're joking..." Naoki was getting upset. Not with his beloved, but with his mother...
    "I-I wish I was Naoki..."

Naoki stood and walked to the door, slipping his shoes on and grabbing his coat.
    "N-Naoki...?" Jin called to him, watching as he grabbed his keys.
    "I'll be back." The teacher said, opening the door.
    "No, Naoki, she's pregnant...! Don't stress her more...!"
    "I'm confronting her over kicking you out! She shouldn't have done that while you had the twins! You or our children could've been hurt, or worse!"
    "Naoki please...! It was my fault...!"
    "Dont you dare say that again! She had no right!"
    "Yes she did...!"

Naoki ran a frustrated hand through his hair, adjusting his glasses as he slipped his shoes back off.
    "I won't confront her now, but the next time I see her, we're going rounds..." He growled softly, hanging his coat back up.
    "You'll lose... She may be pregnant, but she's a beast..."
    "Come on, have faith in me." Naoki huffed, crossing his arms.
    "Honey, you're a literal nerd... She'll kick your ass in a heartbeat..." Jin snickered, smiling softly at him. Naoki held a hand to his chest in offense, making his lover burst into laughter.
    "Yeah yeah, laugh it up you jerk..." The Chemistry teacher said, taking his seat beside him and pushing his shoulder.
    "Come on, you know you love me..." The small teen smiled at him, the older man pecking his lips gently.
    "You're really lucky... Goofy boy..."

Jin smiled before laying his head on his shoulder, yawning softly.
    "Just a little bit..."
    "Why don't you take a nap, and I'll care for our babies when they wake." Naoki suggested, kissing his head. Jin felt himself smile softly and nodded, getting up and stretching.
    "Thank you babe..." He said softly, giving him another kiss before walking upstairs for his long needed nap.


Jin hasn't spoken with his mother since the incident.

It was now Friday, and only the third day of his and Naoki's month long punishment. Since he was at home, Naoki watched the kids all day and drove to pick his lover up at the end of the day. Each day that passed since his fight with his mother killed Jin a little inside, but he knew that she needed her time to calm down.

The teenager was currently sat in the detention room, music playing in his headphones as he studied quietly. He sniffled and coughed softly, rubbing his nose when it starting running a bit. Jin was feeling a little under the weather, probably because of his walk home from the daycare.
    "I hate being sick..." He mumbled softly, yawning. Robert walked in a few minutes later, checking up on him.
    "How are you doing in here Jin?" He asked, taking a seat in front of him.
    "Okay... Just a little sick..." The Senior said softly, sparing him a small smile. The principal smiled back on response, standing again.
    "I'm really sorry to hear that... Look, I know you don't like being here, so I want to make a compromise with you."

Jin looked up and tilted his head, genuinely confused.
    "Like what...?"
    "Jin, you're a very well-behaved student and I hated having to do this to you, so here's my compromise. I'll cut your suspension time if you help out with the really big upcoming assembly." Ah, the big assembly... The homecoming assembly, one that Jin never really liked since the student body got really aggressive during that time.

Beigoma City High had a top ranking football team.

But if it cut his suspension time, Jin was willing to go through with the plan.
    "Sure, I'll do it..." He said, swallowing the huge amount of anxiety that filled his chest. Robert smiled at his answer, ruffling his hair gently.
    "Thank you for agreeing. I'll come by tomorrow to give you the layout plans for the assembly." He told him, budding him a good day and walking out. Jin let out a breath as well as another cough, rubbing his head. Great, he thought, now he has to help with an assembly where everyone was going to be going insane for the football team.

He was going to have to be on front of everyone, which flared up his social anxiety heavily.
    "I dont want to do this... But I don't want to be stuck in here for another twenty-seven days..."


Later that night, Jin was still studying, but he held a sleeping Jack in his arm. He rocked gently in the recliner as he did, Naoki on the couch with Natalya as he fed her.
    "This English test is gonna kill me..." Jin said softly, his lover laughing.
    "You'll do fine my love, you're very bright." He told him, looking over at him with a smile.
    "Thanks Naoki..." The teen smiled softly, kissing his son's head softly.

His phone went off and Jin looked at the ID, furrowing his eyebrows when he noticed Hartz' name on the screen.
    "Hello...?" He answered, never stopping his rocking. Hartz' frantic voice filled his ear and relayed information that made the teen stop, visibly paling as his eyes widened. "N-no, you can't be serious..."
    "Jin, I'm not playing! Please, just be here, she needs you more than ever right now!" Hartz told him, his voice rough from the tears that had filled his own eyes. Jin was about in tears as well, his teacher love looking mighty confused.
    "W-we'll be right there... See you soon..."
    "See you soon buddy..."

The two finished up their conversation and hung up, Jin sniffling as he closed his book.
    "Honey?" Naoki asked, tilting his head.
    "M-mama's in the hospital..." He told him simply as he stood and grabbed Jack's carrier. Naoki was up in a heartbeat, carefully laying Natalya on her carrier and covering her with her blanket. Jin had done the same for his baby boy, getting his boots on and grabbing both carriers. Naoki put his shoes on and grabbed his car keys, the couple moving out of the house.

Next stop, the hospital...

NightBear15 signing off...
