The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Twenty-Seven


Elaine Talisborne.

Jin's anxiety started getting really bad, his panic climbing up his throat as he tried to swallow.
"... W-where's the bathroom...?" The teen asked quickly, Elaine growing concerned.
"It's just down that little hall on the right. Are you okay?" She asked him, pointing in the direction of the bathroom. All Jin could do was spare a quick nod, pushing forward to the bathroom quickly and shutting the door. His stomach was lost immediately when he made it to the toilet, tears in his eyes now down his cheeks in waves the more he thought about it.

No, his blame isn't shifted towards Elaine.

She's a very sweet woman, so Jin doesn't believe she knows what her husband did to him. He coughed and retched up that delicious pie he had not too long ago, his body in a turmoil of panic. God, when was the last time he felt like this? The teenager sat back and bit back a sob, his hands in his hair and pulling on it the more those god awful memories played.
"N-no, I thought I was rid of your influence... W-why are you back...?!" He whined to himself, shaking his head and attempting to forget. A lot easier said than done... He stood and flushed away what he retched up, attempting to clean himself up and look like nothing was happening despite the panic he still felt. He walked from the bathroom and back down the hall, nearly losing his composure when he found his family standing in the shop now. Night and Naoki, as well as his precious babies.
"Jin!" His mother looked about to cry as she rushed over to him, Jin breaking down yet again as they met half into each other's arms. The senior sobbed into her chest and clung desperately to her, feeling her gentle hands brush through his black hair. "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you so upset?"
"He was perfectly fine a short time ago, then he started getting rather finicky once I introduced myself..." Elaine explained simply, a hand to her cheek in concern. Naoki couldn't help but tilt his head at her in confusion, feeling he had seen her before at sometime.
"I'm sorry, but have we met before? You look very familiar..." The Chemistry teacher asked her, a hand to his chin in inquiry. The pastry shop owner looked over to him and soon smiled, nodding.
"That's right, I know you! You're Naoki Minamo, right? The Science teacher at the high school?" She grinned, her hands clasped together. "I'm Elaine, William's wife."

Night's heart sank when Jin whined into her chest and Naoki felt like time had stopped, running his hand through his hair.
"Now I remember you, you were at the assembly for the start of my first year, right?"
"That's right! How are you with teaching? And who are these cuties?" The woman gushed, kneeling down to the carriers to get a better look at Jack and Natalya.
"I'm doing well, currently in the middle of my third year teaching. But, just out of curiosity, where is your husband?"
"Oh, he said he had some business out of town for a few months, so I've been staying around Beigoma City managing my shop!"

This poor woman...

Jin forced himself from his mother's arms and snatched up his coat from Naoki, storming his way from the shop in a fit of anger and sadness. How dare they talk about him like he had never done anything wrong! Just the thought of that bastard of a man pissed him off immensely. William has taken so much from him, things that he could never get back. His dignity, His sense of self love, of feeling safe...
"Woah, hey, Jin hang on a second. What's wrong?" Hartz was standing outside with Phi, the twin brothers both looking at him in concern. Jin's eyes burned with tears and hatred, the look enough to make both men stop in their tracks before he walked off down the street.

Well, he at least started to before Phi caught his arm, keeping him place.
"Hold on, where are you going?" The older brother asked him, his hold tight but gentle.
"Let me go... I'm walking home..." Jin grumbled angrily, tearing his arm away from his uncle's hold.
"Jin, your mother will kill me if I let you walk home alone." Hartz started, trying to reason with him. "Please stay put-"
"I could care less if she kills you...! Hartz, I trusted you...! You said mama knew about your plan and you lied to me...!" Jin exploded suddenly, his soft voice raising more and more the angrier he got.
"I wanted you to get to know the brother I grew up with! He's your uncle, you deserve to know him!"
"You made mama get upset with me...! You led her to hitting me...!"
"I did not!"
"It's all your fault...!"
"Both of you, stop!" Phi stepped in, stopping the both of them from continuing the quarrel.

The white-haired man stood ground with his arms crossed, looking between the two with stern eyes.
"What happened earlier tonight has happened and is now in the past. Instead of fighting like children, we're all going to talk about it as a family once we return home." He told them, Hartz giving a small nod but Jin not backing down for a minute.
"What would you know about family, Phi...?! You abandoned your 'family' once you graduated...! Who the fuck does that...?!"
"Hey, watch what you say! What's making you so moody?"
"This dysfunctional family of mine...! I was so much happier once I moved in with the love of my life...!"
"... Jin, do you really mean that?" His mother's voice suddenly rang, his boiling anger relinquished a moment. He looked behind him and found his mother in the doorway of the shop, Naoki holding the twins' carriers in each hand and Elaine beside him. The older woman looked rather distraught, her hands folded together tightly to her chest.

The teen sighed and turned more to face them, running a hand through his hair to calm himself more.
"Mama, I'm sorry... I'm just really angry..." He spoke softly, releasing another breath and slipping his coat on finally. Elaine stepped out onto the street in between the family and stood in front of Jin, her sadness all of a sudden felt as tears filled her eyes.
"Jin..." She started, reaching forward and pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry for what's happened to you..." His eyes widened and the tears that were in his eyes trailed his cheeks in shock.

She seriously didn't know what her husband did...

The poor teenager broke right in her arms and hugged her just as tightly back, sobbing right into her as the rest of his family watched the exchange. The shop owner pulled back slightly and laid her hand on his cheek, a strained smile on her painted lips.
"Come, we have much to discuss..." She told him gently, pulling back completely and taking his arm gently. "Everyone, please come inside." Phi and Hartz looked at each other and spared a nod, the group making their way back into the shop.


Later, Jin sat on the couch of his and Naoki's house, Natalya in his arms with a bottle as his lover fed Jack. He sank into the cushions with a deep breath, relieved to be home with his babies.
"So stressful..." He mumbled, Naoki looking over with a soft chuckle.
"I'm just so happy you're home and safe. I was so worried about you today, baby." The teacher smiled, leaning down carefully and giving him a soft kiss. Jin blushed and looked away, the smallest of smiles on his lips.
"You always know what to say when I'm sad..."
"I'm your lover, of course I do."
"Don't let it go to your head, Naoki..."
"Too late!"

He looked so happy and it made the teen give in and laugh softly, looking down to watch his baby girl. Jin really did feel lucky with where he was in his life now, leaning down and kissing his daughter's head.
"Thank you for everything..." The teenager said, looking up with those beautiful green eyes of his. Honestly, his eyes were Naoki's favorite part.
"There's no need to thank me, I'm just happy to be in your life." The Chemistry teacher smiled happily, almost puppy-like.
"Cheesy..." Jin laughed, waving him away.
"You love it~"

"You're lucky..."~

NightBear15 signing off...
