The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Ten

Devastation and depression was the only thing clouding Jin's thoughts. Even after a month of the whole incident back at home, the teenager was still severely affected by the events, sleep nonexsistant and eating a challenge. What didn't help with his depression was that he was now confined to crutches, having broken his ankle after falling down the stairs after getting severely light-headed.
    "Honey bun, are you sure you'll be fine going to school?" Night asked worriedly, the two of them in the car as she drove him to school. She was recently released from the hospital, still recovering but well enough to be at home and to go back to work. "You've been making me very nervous with your depression this past month... I can always call the school to tell them you're going to be home for the next little bit..."
    "I really appreciate the concern mama, but I hate being in that house right now... Besides, doing school online is so boring..." Jin said softly, glancing at her slightly. "I should be okay..."
    "Alright... But if you feel like you can't be there anymore, you better call me. I'll come get you and you'll spend the rest of the day with me at the daycare."

Jin smiled slightly at the thought of visiting her daycare class again.
    "Were the kids happy when you came back...?" The teen asked, a hand tightening on his crutches.
    "You have no idea. The children brought me a bunch of drawings that they made for me while I was in the hospital." Night smiled, laughing softly. "I'll bring them home with me today. Oh, also, the next time you have time off during the week, I want you to come with me to the daycare. The kids keep asking about you."
    "I really miss them too... Spending time with them makes me really want the twins to come sooner..." Jin laughed, yawning hard and rubbing his eyes.
    "That's called 'baby fever' sweetie." Night said with a smile, glancing over to him.
    "Its very tough to deal with..."

Night laughed aloud and pulled into the parking lot of the school, pulling into a spot.
    "Now remember, if you don't feel too well, call me. I'll have Hartz bring you to the daycare so I can keep an eye on you... Okay my honey bun?"
    "Okay mama, I promise..." Jin smiled softly, waving to her and carefully getting out of the car. He let out a breath and adjusted himself on his crutches before he waved again and made his way into the school. Someone held the door open for him and he smiled softly and thanked them, wobbly making his way through the door. Being on crutches while almost six months pregnant with twins was tough, and absolutely exhausting.

Jin sighed to himself as he stopped by his locker, grabbing whatever it was that he'd need and just putting it in his bag. Mostly since no one would want to him with his things anything. The teenager winced when one of the babies kicked him in the ribs and he shut his locker, making his way to Naoki's classroom to talk to him for a minute.
    "Jin?" Or at least, he was if it wasn't for him finding him first. "What the hell happened to you?"
    "Can... Can we please talk in your room...?" Jin asked softly, his throat feeling really tight. Naoki smiled softly and motioned towards his classroom, walking towards the door. Jin followed behind as fast as he could, Naoki holding his door open for him.
    "What is it you need to talk about, my dear?" The teacher asked as he held a chair out for him. Jin smiled softly and sat down, sighing in relief before looking up at his lover.
    "Well, to start, I haven't had a solid meal in about two weeks... I haven't slept through the night in a month, and I broke my ankle falling down the stairs yesterday..." Jin said, rubbing his baby bump softly.
    "Oh my god, are you okay?! Are the twins okay?!" Naoki asked, kneeling down and checking him out. Jin smiled slightly and pet his head gently, making orange eyes look at him. "Oh honey... You look so broken..."
    "A little bit... I can't stand being in my own house anymore because of what happened..."
    "Well, have you ever considered moving in with me?"

Jin blinked and shook his head, his hand holding up his head.
    "No, actually... The thought never crossed my mind..." He said softly, another heavy yawn passing his lips.
    "This might be something to talk to your mother about honey. I think it'll be better for you and the babies."
    "I'll talk to her... I just hope she doesn't think I'm leaving her forever..."
    "I'm sure she won't baby, it'll be okay." Naoki smiled, kissing his head softly. The bell rang and Jin grunted in displeasure, Naoki laughing softly before he helped the pregnant teen up carefully. "I'll see you in class honey."
    "See ya..." Jin waved, making his way out of the classroom to go to his first class.

Naoki sighed and collapsed onto his desk chair with his eyes closed.
    "He's going to be the death of me..."


Jin yawned as he walked to his next class, his breath choppy as he did.
    "Crutches fucking suck..." He muttered to himself, coughing softly.
    "Excuse me, but where are you going Mister Aizawa?" A voice asked him impatiently, making him turn to the voice. A hallway attendant stood there with her arms crossed, immediately making him nervous.
    "Uh... Class...?" He answered her, it sounding more like a question.
    "This period isn't out for another five minutes, so why are you already going to the next class?" She asked rudely, walking over to him.

Is this bitch serious?

Jin grit his teeth at the thought. There's no way she can't see that he's on crutches.
    "I broke my ankle... Miss Rogers let me leave early, you can talk to her about it..." The teen said, turning and walking away.
    "I don't think so. You need to make your way to Miss Rogers' class this instant. A broken ankle doesn't give you special privileges." The hall attendant snapped, grabbing his shoulder roughly.

This bitch is serious.

Jin swung his hand around and slapped the attendant's off his shoulder, a burning fire in his eyes.
    "Don't touch me..." He growled angrily, glaring at her. The woman looked angry and and grabbed his hoodie roughly, dragging him the opposite way than his class.
    "I will not have you disrespect me." Was all she said as Jin tried to get her to let her go. He tried to match her angry pass as she took him to the office, forcing him to sit in a chair while she went to the phone. She called for the vice principal then went to parents' contacts. "The vice principal will come get you in a minute, and I'm calling your mother. You don't put your hands on a teacher, Mister Aizawa."
    "You put your hands on me...! I already told you that Miss Rogers said I could leave early...!"
    "You stay in class until the bell rings to dismiss you. You can't decide when to leave."
    "Are you deaf...?! I broke my god damn ankle...!"
    "That language is unnecessary Jin." She growled, making Jin even angrier.

The teenager stood and grabbed his  crutches, making his way out of the office. The hall attendant immediately followed him out and grabbed him again, a lot more harsh this time and yanked him back. He went to pull himself away but lost his balance and fell, moving so he landed on his side than his stomach.
    "How stupid can you be...?!" Jin asked angrily, reaching for his crutches. The woman kicked his crutches away and crossed her arms, glaring at the teenager.
    "I told you that you're talking to vice principal Allen, it's not my fault you're not listening." She snapped.
    "You're the one that isn't listening...!" Jin yelled, reaching for his crutches again. She huffed and picked them up herself, making Jin audibly growl.
    "Quit acting like a child and get up."
    "I need my crutches...!"
    "You're faking to get out of class."
    "Oh yes, and this is definitely a fake cast..!" Jin said sarcastically, adjusting his cast-covered foot when it started to hurt again. "Give me my fucking crutches..."

The attendant put the crutches in the office and Jin's jaw dropped, staring at her in disbelief. The bell rang to signify the end of last period and he felt his anger come back, crossing his arms.
    "Are you really going to keep me from going to my next class...?"
    "Until you talk to Mr. Allen? Yes I am." She said, picking him off the ground and dragging him back into the office.
    "Ow, that hurts..." Jin snapped, being pushed back into a chair. The second bell rang to announce the start of the next class and Jin sat still, glaring at the woman as she dialed a number into the phone.
    "Jin Aizawa, what are you do here? You're one of the best students I've seen." Vice Principal Allen asked when he stepped out of his office, tilting his head in confusion.
    "He was being disrespectful and hit me earlier."
    "He was talking to me wench..." Jin spat angrily, making Mr. Allen sigh.
    "Why don't you come on in Jin and you and I can talk." He smiled, notion to his office.
    "Sure... Can I have my crutches back...?" Jin asked, pointing to them as they sat against the wall. Mr. Allen smiled slightly and handed them to him, watching as the teenager struggled to get up before making his way into the office. The vice principal nodded to the attendant before moving into his office, shutting the door.
    "Am I actually going to be in trouble Mr. Allen...?" Jin asked when he sat down, setting his crutches aside.
    "No, you're not in trouble. I want to talk to you about yourself, tell me what's got you so agitated."

Jin sighed and rested his head against his hand, yawning softly.
    "I was in the hospital yesterday because I broke my ankle, so I'm in pain... And my depression has been really bad for the last month or so due to personal reasons... I'm very tired and easily annoyed, so I apologize..." The teen explained, exhausted green eyes looking at the vice principal.
    "I see, I see... So why did Mrs. Brown have to bring you into the office? Did you do something wrong?"
    "No... Miss Rogers said I could leave class early since I was on crutches to avoid the crowds, but Mrs. Brown stopped me and said I couldn't leave early..."
    "Did you hit her?"
    "I slapped her hand away because she grabbed my shoulder really rough..."
    "Okay..." Mr. Allen said, writing things down. "Anything else I need to know?"
    "When I went to leave because her reasoning was absolute garbage, she grabbed me, tripped me, and took my crutches... She thought I was faking..." Jin sighed, rubbing at the arm he fell on. "I fell and I landed on my arm and my side, and it kinda hurt..."

A knock sounded on the vice principal's office door and he stood, walking over and opening the door.
    "I'm just coming to tell you that I just got off the phone with his mother. She's going to be on her way." Mrs. Brown said, sending an icy glare to Jin. Jin returned the look and growled softly, his arms crossed.
    "... Fucking bitch..." He muttered to himself, making the hall attendant 'tch'.
    "Alright..." Mr. Allen sighed, adjusting his tie. "What's going to happen is Jin is going to class, and when his mother gets here, I'll call him back down so we all can talk. Everyone."

Jin grabbed his crutches and stood, Mr. Allen letting him out.
    "We'll talk in a bit, okay Jin?"
    "Okay..." Jin said, sending another glare to the woman before disappearing out of the office. The teenager grumbled to himself as he glanced at the time, already fifteen minutes late for his last morning class.

Naoki's class.

Oh boy, he's not going to be happy when he tells him what just happened for the last twenty minutes. Jin made it to the chemistry lab and smiled slightly when the door was propped open, the pregnant male making his way inside.
    "Jin, nice to have you join us." Naoki welcomed him, earning snickers from the class.
    "Sorry, I was stuck in the office for the last twenty minutes..." Jin said, making his way to his seat.
    "Do you have a pass?"
    "No... Mr. Allen never gave me one, but I'm gonna have to go back down there in a bit..."

Naoki looked at him and heard the annoyance in his voice and decided to drop it, continuing on with class.
    "Alright, well, we're on page 167 in our textbooks and I'll also take last night's homework from you when you leave again." The teacher said, going back to the lesson. "Continuing on..." Jin listened to the lesson with a bored expression, writing down notes every now and again. Towards the end of class though, Naoki's classroom phone rang which made him stop class to answer it.
    "Jin, that was Mr. Allen. You're needed in the office." The older male said, 'ooh's coming from the rest of the class. "Alright, alright, let's not be childish class."

Jin sighed and stood, adjusting his crutches and his bag before leaving. Walking down towards the office, Night could be seen by the door, rushing over to him and hugging him.
    "Baby boy, are you okay?" She asked, cradling his face.
    "I'm fine mama, but you're not gonna like anything I tell you..." Jin said softly, the annoyance clear in his eyes.
    "Come on baby, let's talk to the vice principal and I'll take you out for the rest of the day."
    "Okay mama..."


    "She looked like she was a fucking bitch." Night growled as she and her son sat in the car. "I can't believe she thought she could do that to you and get away with it."
    "She was ridiculous mom... All I was doing was walking to class..." Jin said, scrolling through his phone.
    "And I believe you. Your vice principal is a nice man, at least he was on your side."
    "Yeah, Mr. Allen is pretty chill..." The teen glanced out the window, smiling slightly. "Are we going to the daycare...?"
    "We sure are baby boy. My assistant is watching them while I came to get you, but I think the kids know you're coming back for a visit."
    "I'm really excited..." He smiled, watching as they pulled into the parking lot.
    "I know you are."

Night shut the car off and got out, walking around and opening the door for him.
    "I'll grab your bag for you. You're going to get trampled by twenty-five toddlers." The blonde laughed, helping him out of the car.
    "Thanks mama..." Jin smiled, yawning as the two made their way into the building. Night moved her shoulder and looked at the bag, looking at her son.
    "Jeez, what do have in here? Bricks?" She asked with a laugh, making Jin laugh as well.
    "Everything for my classes is in there so I could just bring my bag everywhere with me..."
    "Damn, I didn't miss this when i was in high school" Night smiled, the two stopping in front of her classroom. "You ready baby boy?"
    "Ready as ever..." the teenager smiled, his mother opening the door.

NightBear15 signing off...
