The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Twenty-One

Jin’s glare never faltered as Austin stood straight, smirking down at the smaller Senior.
    “So now you’re stalking me…?” The teen asked, adjusting his back on the wall while the other snorted.
    “Stalking? That’s rich. Why the hell would I want to stalk you?” Austin laughed, his phone back in his pocket.
    “Well, what would you call it…?”
    “Research…” The football player smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. Jin scoffed and stood, his glare firm as he held his bag.
    “Listen good Austin… I know I’m small and inconvenient, and I certainly didn’t have a good life growing up… I normally let assholes like you push me around, but now…? No, I’m done having to deal with your bullshit…” The teen started with a growl, making the taller blink. “My mom is in the hospital trying to help her newborn survive and I’m trying to raise two gorgeous kids I’m lucky to call my own… I’ve been beaten, bullied, arrested, and cut open… I’m not scared anymore…”

Austin stared in shock at his classmate, a look of awe in his eyes while staring into the glowing green of the smaller.
    “Well… I never thought you would have the guts to stand up for yourself.” The football player said, a smirk on his lips again. “Bravo Jin, you’ve grown a lot since you moved here.”
    “I had to get stronger mentally and emotionally… For my kids…” Jin spoke firmly, shouldering his bag. Austin nodded and held his hand up, forming a fist as he stared down at the smaller Senior with an understanding smirk. Jin nodded back and the two fistbumped, giving him a small smile and a wave as he walked away, Naoki waiting in the parking lot. The teen slipped into the passenger seat as he greeted his love, looking in the backseat and cooing a hello to his babies.
    “How was the grocery store…?” Jin asked, leaning over and placing a small kiss on the older man’s cheek before buckling up.
    “The twins started to get a bit fussy as I was shopping, but everything went fine after I calmed them down.” Naoki told him with a smile. “Who was that you were talking to?”
    “Austin Yeager…”
    “The quarterback?”
    “Yeah… I think we’re cool with each other now…”

Naoki glanced at him in surprise, going back to focusing on the road.
    “How did that happen?” The teacher asked, generally curious. Jin smiled playfully, leaning into his hand slightly.
    “That’s between us…” Was all he said, laughing when his lover made a noise of disapproval.
    “You always use that on me when you don't want me to know something!”
    “Oh, don’t complain… It’s nothing you need to worry about…” Jin giggled, looking out the window.
    “That's so lame.”
    “So is your choice of clothing…”


Night was released from the hospital at the start of the next week, but unfortunately, her daughter had to stay. Serenity was still severely small and her health was still not the best, meaning she still needed 24/7 observation and care under the NICU doctors and nurses. Jin’s court date was also the start of the next week and he was hoping to put that wretched woman that attempted to frame him in jail for her crimes. She doesn’t deserve to go free for her crimes…

Jin looked in the mirror and adjusted his tie, a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks as he stared at himself in the mirror. He was never a fan of dressing up-
    “Everything is going to be fine my love…” Naoki said softly when he came up behind him, helping him with his tie.
    “What if I don’t win…? Am I going to jail instead…?” Jin asked, slight worry in his voice at the last part of his question.
    “No, of course not. There is proof of that vile woman placing those weapons in your possession, there is no way they can put you in behind bars for something you didn’t do.”
    “The court system is super flawed though… They could bite me on something else to put me in jail…”
    “Your mother is going to be there to help you. She’s a witness in how Mrs. Brown has treated you, and she certainly won’t let you be taken away for something you didn’t do.”

Jin nodded, but couldn’t help the bad feeling that gnawed at his heart, shaking away the tears that had filled his eyes subconsciously. He swallowed thickly and slipped his dress shoes on, tying them quickly and standing again. The twins were doing tummy time on their parents’ bedroom floor, Jin kneeling down by the babies with a small smile.
    “You’re going to be okay with them while I’m in court…?” The teen asked softly, obviously a bit skeptical about going since he doesn’t know what’s going to happen.
    “Of course honey. Don’t be so nervous, you’re going to be okay.” Naoki told him, kissing his head gently. The doorbell rang and Jin felt his heart drop, giving each of his kids a kiss on the head before standing to give his lover one.
    “I have to go…” The teenager said softly, giving him a hug and a kiss on the lips.
    “Call me after and tell me how it goes.” Naoki smiled, waving slightly to him as Jin made his way down the stairs. He opened the front door and greeted his mother, giving her a hug.
    “Are you ready baby boy?” Night asked as she hugged him tightly. Jin nodded and grabbed his folder, shutting the door as the two made their way to Night’s car.


    “Reviewing the evidence and hearing the testimonies from both the Plaintiff and Defendant, I’ve made my decision.” The judge told the court. It’s currently two hours after court had started and Mrs. Brown kept giving the mother and son a nasty glare since they had shown up. “I, Judge Matthews of the Beigoma City Courthouse, rule in favor of the Plaintiff, Jin Aizawa. Mrs. Alice Brown, I hereby revoke your license to work in any school district within the country. You will be charged with a fine of $5,000, and failure to play off said fine will result in a warrant for your arrest. Case dismissed.” A knock from the gavel and the bailiff dismissed the three individuals. Night and Jin gathered all their documents before they walked out of the courtroom together, Night praising her son on how well he handled the situation.
    “I’m so proud of you honey.” Night smiled, kissing his head when stopped in the hall for a minute. Jin finally let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding, tears in his eyes.
    “I-I never want to do that again…” He told her softly, rubbing his eyes. Night rubbed his back, kissing his head again.
    “Don’t worry baby boy, hopefully you won’t ever again-”
    “YOU!” Was all they heard as Alice stormed up to them angrily. “You just ruined my life! I don’t know where you got all that fake evidence, but you shouldn’t have won you despicable child!”

Jin just stared at her, a glare forming in his eyes as Night growled beside him.
    “Listen here you-”
    “Is that all you have to say to me…?” Jin asked, cutting off whatever Night was about to say. “You terrorize me as I was on crutches and then go as far as to frame me for weapons that weren’t even mine, but you say that I had ruined your life…? What kind of contradictory is that…?”
    “Now you listen here-”
    “You know what…? No, I don’t have to listen to you anymore…! I’ve lost all forms of respect for you when you talked shit not only about me but about my mother too…!”
    “Don’t you dare speak to me like that! I have superiority over the both of you!”
    “Not anymore Alice…” Jin spoke bitterly, his arms crossed as he ignored her shocked look. “I said I wanted you out of my life, and I got that… So leave me and my family the fuck alone…” The teen grabbed his mother’s hand gently and pulled her away from the wretched woman.

Jin was shaking in anger as the two emerged from the courthouse, Night looking at him in slight worry. The two entered Night’s care and the moment Jin sat down and closed the door, he burst into tears. 
    “I-I hate her so much…!” The poor teenager cried, burying his face into his hands. “S-she just has to be so stupid!”
    “Honey, it’s okay, she’s not going to bother you anymore.” Night told him, leaning over and hugging him tightly. Jin sobbed into her shoulder and shook with a force, gripping her cardigan tightly. Night did her best to calm him down, pressing gentle kisses to his head and rubbing his back, pulling away from the embrace slightly to take a look at his bright green eyes. She let out a soft sigh seeing the sad look they held, rubbing his tears away gently. “Don’t fret honey bun, you don’t need to worry about her anymore…”
    “Y-you’re right mama...” Jin sniffled, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes. He breathed deep and let out a long, soft sigh, opening his eyes again.
    “Would you like to go out for lunch my little spirit?” Night asked with a smile, starting the car. Jin looked over with a smile and a soft nod, getting his seatbelt on as the two drove out of the parking lot of the courthouse.

A nice mother/son lunch for the two after victory…

NightBear15 signing off...
