The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Fourteen

Jin yawned to himself as he sat with Naoki on their bed. School was just recently let out for the summer, which means that Jin nor Naoki had to deal with the stress school had to provide. Summertime, probably Jin’s least favorite season just because of the massive amount of humidity and heat the season had to offer. He did like swimming though.

Maybe he could swim a bit before the twins come...

    “The students all said that they were going to miss me.” Naoki smiled, his head laying gently on Jin’s pregnant belly as he rubbed it happily.
    “They all really seem to like you Naoki…” Jin laughed, making his lover look up at him.
    “I hope so. I’m a real nice guy.” The teacher boasted, making the student roll his eyes.
    “Sure, let’s go with that…”
    “How rude!”
    “You love me…” Jin smiled sweetly, making his love blush slightly. Naoki sighed in defeat and gave him a gentle smile, kissing his belly.
    “You’re lucky I do…”

Jin smiled in victory and pet his head gently, making the older male sigh in content. The two were nearing the end of their journey with this pregnancy, the time nearly coming for them to meet their twins.
    “Did we ever come up with names…?” The teen asked, looking down at the man on his belly. Naoki thought for a moment then shook his head, thinking again.
    “We’re having both a boy and a girl right?”
    “Well, how about Natalya?” Naoki suggested, looking at him with a small smile. Jin smiled at the name and thought as well, wiggling his feet happily.
    “Natalya Rose…” He declared, patting his lover’s head gently. “As for our son… I’ve always liked the name Jack…”

Naoki nodded, finally sitting up after giving the pregnant belly a final kiss.
    “Jack Ryan.” He concluded with a smile, stretching his arms out and popping his back. Jin nodded with a smile, the twins kicking at him in approval.
    “I think they already like their names Naoki…” He said, rubbing and patting his belly for emphasis. Naoki laughed as he got out of the bed, kissing his lover’s head gently.
    “Care for anything special to eat honey?”
    “Nothing comes to mind… I’m hungry for everything really…”
    “Right, cravings.”
    “Bingo…” Jin said, tapping his nose gently. Naoki rolled his eyes and laughed, walking out of the bedroom to make them something to eat. The teen let out a breath and looked up at the ceiling tiredly. He didn’t want to worry Naoki but sleep had almost been nonexistent again, not because of nightmares but because of all the terrible pains he had been experiencing. The pregnant male sat up a little better and winced at the heavy pain in his back and his stomach, holding the bottom of his belly in pain.
    “These are just Braxton Hicks, calm down… It’s still too early for contractions…” Jin told himself softly. “You’re eight months, you just have a month left…” He winced again as he swung his legs off the side of the bed, doing his best to stand carefully. Pain was all he felt as he left the bed, shaking his head and sitting back down. “Naoki…!”

Honestly, Naoki had never sent himself up a set of stairs so fast, almost immediately emerging in the doorway.
    “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asked instantly, rushing over to him when he saw his pained expression.
    “Well…” Jin started, taking in a sharp breath. “I can’t tell if these are Braxton Hicks or actual contractions… They feel too painful to be fake…”
    “A-ah- You’re serious?” Naoki asked, panic corrupting his chest as he set gentle hands on his belly. “W-well, if they are real, we can’t go to the hospital. They’ll just send you back home to wait until they’re closer together.”
    “I’ve been having them since last night…”
    “What?!” The teacher was in disbelief, shock evident on his features. “Why didn’t you tell me dear?”
    “Because I figured they weren’t real…”

The two exchanged looks and Naoki felt his heart break. Jin had tears in his eyes, threatening to spill over any second.
    “Alright, alright, let’s stay calm baby… How close do they feel?’ He asked softly, rubbing the pregnant belly softly.
    “M-maybe twenty minutes…” Jin’s voice cracked at the start of the sentence, further driving that stake through his lover’s heart. “T-they hurt Naoki…"
     "I know baby, but we can't do anything yet… The contractions are too far apart." Naoki said softly, kissing his head. "Let's wait for this round to pass and get you downstairs. That way when we're ready, we can go right out the door." Jin nodded and gripped his partner's hand tightly, standing carefully before the two made their way down the stairs.
    "I-I need to call mama, tell her what's going on…" The teen said softly, pulling his phone out and calling his mother.

Night and Hartz were all entangled in each other as the sheets covered their bodies, the two trying to calm their breathing.
    "Jeez…" The mother breathed, laughing softly. "Talk about a stress reliever."
    "Yeah, maybe for you." Her fiance laughed, pointing to his bare back that was now littered in deep red claw marks and bite marks.
    "That's not my fault." Night deflected jokingly, crossing her arms.
    "You little-" Hartz went to attack her with little kisses, but a phone went off before he could, making him sigh. "I think that's your phone baby love."

Night laughed and kissed his cheek before carefully leaning off the edge of the bed, grabbing her phone and answering.
    "Hey baby boy." She smiled, grunting to herself when she pushed herself back up on the bed.
    "H-hi mama, did I catch you at a bad time…?" Jin's soft voice greeted her, slightly shaky.
    "Never my little spirit! What's wrong? You don't sound too good."  She told him, tilting her head in question.
    "N-no, I'm not doing too good… I'm having contractions…"
    "What?! Is Naoki there with you?!"

Hartz was kinda left out of the conversation, tilting his head in confusion.
    "What's going on?" He asked her, noticing her getting up and dressed.
    "Jin's having contractions. Baby boy, I'm on my way."
    "N-no, I'm not in the hospital yet… I can't go in yet because they're not close together yet…" Jin told her breathlessly, squeezing Naoki's hand tightly. "W-we'll keep you updated…" Night sighed to herself, throwing Hartz his clothes when he asked for them.
    "Alright honey bun… Text me when you guys are at the hospital, Hartz and I will be there."
    "I-I will mama, I love you…"
    "I love you too baby boy…"

They finished their call and Night sighed dejectedly as she sat back down.
    "So much for that stress reliever…" She said, causing her partner to laugh and rub her shoulders.
    "Everything will be okay honey."
    "Yeah, I know…"


Jin grumbled softly as the nurse hooked him into all of the machines, sighing as he looked over to Naoki.
    "This is what I get for wanting to swim before the twins were supposed to come…" He said, making the nurse giggle and his lover laugh.
    "It's all going to be fine honey. This just means you can swim easier now." Naoki told him, holding his hand gently.
    "Yeah, I guess so…"

It was roughly 7:30 in the evening by the time Naoki had to take him to the hospital. The couple made sure Night knew that they were going so her and Hartz could get there as well, the two on their way there now.
    "How are you doing dear?" The nurse asked him sweetly, Jin sighing.
    "Okay I guess… Ready to be done with the pain…"
    "I know, but that'll be in due time." The nurse finished setting everything up, ruffling his hair gently. "The doctor will come in to check on you in about fifteen minutes. From there, we'll judge the route we're taking on delivery."
    "Thank you nurse…" 

She waved and walked out of the room, leaving the two alone for the time being. At least until his mother got there. Naoki kissed his head gently and pulled Jin's shark plush from the bag he had, making his lover squeal in happiness.
    "I figured you'd want this to keep you at ease."
    "Thank you…!" Jin hugged his wonderful plush, taking in the scent of his mother. She always had some form of perfume on… "He's super soft…"

Naoki smiled softly and sat next to him, laying his head on the hospital bed with a soft sigh.
    "Is this actually happening? Are we really going to be parents?" He asked, causing Jin to look at him. The teen smiled softly and pet his head gently,hearing him grunt happily.
    "Yeah, this is actually happening… I'm so excited to be having twins with you Naoki… I love you so much…"
    "I love you too Jin…" The teacher smiled up at him, yawning softly.
    "Why don't you get some sleep…? I'll stay up and wait for my mom and dad…"
    "Sure…" Naoki slurred tiredly, closing his eyes and falling asleep.


    "So, our plan is to do a C-Section. Since Jin's body is still so small, this would be our safest choice." The doctor told the family. Night and Hartz were there and Naoki was awake from his nap. The time was now nearly midnight, and Jin's contractions had been getting worse and worse throughout the hours.
    "When is the plan for the surgery?" Night asked, holding her baby's hand as he went through another hard contraction.
    "Considering how close the contractions are, we're planning on taking him up in ten minutes. The father is more than welcome to join us, but I'm afraid you two have to wait down here."

Jin whined softly and held tightly to his mother, tears in his eyes.
    "I-I'm really scared mama…" He sniffled, a tear rolling down his cheek. Night smiled sweetly down at him and kissed his forehead, pushing his hair out of his face gently.
    "You're gonna do great baby boy… Naoki will be in there with you supporting you all the way. Right Naoki?" 
    "O-of course!" Naoki said with a nervous smile, Night giving him a scary smile.
    "M-mama… D-don't scare him…" Jin sighed, rubbing his tears away.
    "Alright alright… I'll try not to…"

The doctor and nurses prepped Jin for the c-section and got Naoki into scrubs, the teacher giving his lover a soft kiss as they wheeled him out of the room. Jin cried and waved to his parents, Hartz comforting a crying Night as they both waved back.

The time came for the delivery of the twins.

NightBear15 signing off...
