The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Twenty

Jin was still beyond furious as to what happened and for the rest of the Spirit Week, he didn’t talk to a single person. Not even to the principal. Mrs. Brown was arrested like the officer said, and Jin has a court date to go to within the next week to determine the woman’s sentence. Mr. Allen did tell the teen that she was promptly fired upon seeing footage of the sabotage and Jin only nodded, going back to the work he was doing when he did.

It was now Friday, the day the poor teenager was dreading. The Spirit day was to wear the school colors since the assembly and the football game were today, Jin pulling slightly at the collar of the shirt he was wearing.
    “You look just fine baby, it’ll be okay. Today is going to be just fine.” Naoki told him with a smile, glancing at him as he drove. “Try to have fun today, okay?”
    “I’ll try… I’ve never helped with something so important before…” Jin mumbled, glancing in the backseat to check on their sleeping babies.
    “I know, but it’s going to be fun!”
    “That’s true…”

Naoki was doing his best to stay the kind man he was. He of course was furious when he found out Jin was framed by one of his coworkers, but he did his best not to show it since he was caring for their children when he found out. The teacher smiled at him, giving him a quick kiss before he got out of the car.
    “Let me know how it all goes honey. I’ll see you later.”
    "I will… Have fun with the twins today, I'll see you all later…" Jin said, smiling and waving as he got out of the car, shouldering his bag and walking into the school.

The halls were all decorated in posters and streamers of the school colors, at least making the teen smile at the participation. It may have been his least favorite part of the year, but he can appreciate how great all of the posters looked and everything. All he had to do was help set up and help with the games, that was all.

This should be easy.


Honestly, it wasn't as easy it sounded. These high schoolers are brutal during the assembly games. Every grade wanted to win the overall week. Jin, the poor Senior, has almost been punched and kicked during most of the games, even if he was standing over on the sidelines away from the game.

Dodgeball was the next game the teen had to help set up, glancing back and forth between the two teams. Freshmen on one side, Sophomores on the other. A battle of the grades.
    "Oh boy…" He huffed softly, all of the dodgeballs on the half court line as he walked back to his spot. "This is going to have so many games…" The whistle blew and the teams ran towards the middle, scrambling for the balls that can cause so much damage. Dodgeball was his least favorite game throughout high school, mostly because he was absolutely terrible at the game. He would have to play it when he was still in P.E. class and he was always the first one out, seeing as he was always everyone’s target. His class never liked him when he first started at the school. Sophomores won the first round of dodgeball by crushing the Freshmen, Jin setting all of the dodgeballs back up as the next two teams went to their sides.

Juniors vs. Seniors

Seniors are top dogs in the high school, and especially since almost all of the guys in the class are on the football team and were wearing their jerseys. The teen was already betting his class was going to win overall, but you never know right? The whistle blew and Seniors immediately rushed to the center, pelting each of the Juniors, some dodging but getting hit by someone else. The round was over almost as soon as it started and the Seniors of course won, which meant they were going to face the Sophomores. Jin set the balls back up and glanced at the teams, noticing some of the glares and smirks coming from his own classmates. If that didn’t look eerie, nothing would at that point, and it made the teenager nervous. He took in a deep breath and went back to his little area, watching everyone cheer for who they thought was going to win. It was very loud in the gym… The third whistle blew and everyone ran to the middle, grabbing any ball they could and throwing it at their target. Jin leaned against the wall with a breath as he watched, seeing this be a better match-up than the other two games.

He smiled slightly at the thought and looked out into the crowd to see the student body cheering their hearts out at the game, making him cringe at the amount of noise.
    “Hey slut!” Jin heard distinctly, looking over to see who was talking to who. Well, he was going to before he was suddenly struck in the face hard with not one but two dodgeballs. He cried out and covered his face, tears in his eyes as blood dripped from his nose. A couple of teachers on the sideline rushed to him and led him away from the game, taking him out of the gym.
    “Alright Jin, let me take a look.” His English teacher told him, gently taking his hands off of his face to look at the damage. Jin looked at her with tear-filled green eyes, blood dripping from his nose as two distinct red marks decorated his pale face. She looked sympathetic and told the other teacher she’ll take care of him, leading him down the hall and rubbing his back.

Jin knew he had a bad feeling about the looks his class was giving him, and now he knew why. He was being targeted.


Jin sighed as he sat back in the detention room after the assembly, rubbing his sore cheek from being hit with the dodgeballs.
    “I didn’t do anything…” He sighed again, looking at his phone. The school day was almost over and he could go home, take care of his kids, and leave behind all of the bullshit that transpired today. The bell rang to alert the end of the day and Jin was never so happy to get up and leave, grabbing his bag and walking out. He sat outside to wait for Naoki, scrolling through his phone while he did. His lover had already told him he was going to be a little late since he was out getting groceries from the store, and it was a nice day so might as well sit outside. He listened to music and leaned back against the wall, his eyes closed as he took in the sun. He was at least until a shadow covered him from the sun, making him peek an eye open.
    “What do you want, Yeager…?” Jin asked when he realized who was standing over him, closing his eyes again. Jin never really liked anyone in his class, but Austin Yeager was the absolute worst.
    “Saw you get hit in the face today, Aizawa. That was the funniest shit I’ve seen in a long time.” The quarterback told him with a laugh, his arms crossed over his chest.
    “Yeah, I bet it was considering you were the one that threw them at me…” JIn countered, opening his eyes in a glare. Austin laughed again, staring down at him with his burning amber eyes.
    “So what if I did? Everyone knows you like balls in your face…” He growled lowly, a smirk playing at his lips.
    “Still on that rumor I see…”
    “Everyone has seen the pictures slut.”
    “Anything that came from Principal Talisborne was a damn lie…”
    “You so sure about that?”

Austin and Jin stared at each other challengingly, they each holding a glare in their eyes.
    “You know, I am sure about that Yeager... Tell me, what proof do you have that it was me…?” Jin challenged, his arms crossed. Austin’s smirk widened, kneeling down in front of him and showing a picture on his phone. Jin squinted and looked at the screen, seeing a picture of him and Naoki in public with their children. When they were at the beach during the summer… Jin glared at the taller male, his teeth grit together tightly.
     “Tell me Jin… How are those two mistakes you call children…?”

NightBear15 signing off...
