The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Four

Jin felt panic set in as he stared down at the item on the floor, the pregnancy test he took after Naoki brought him home. There's no way this is happening, he's a guy, and guys can't get pregnant… Right? The teenager breathed heavily as he gripped his hair in his hands tightly, tears burning his eyes as he let out a small whine.
    "T-this can't be right… N-no way…" He whined to himself, his knees pulled to his chest as his hands hid slightly in his hoodie. "T-this is so bad…"

Jin then stood and grabbed the test and the box it came in, unlocking the bathroom door and walking out before he disappeared into his room, closing the door as he started to cry.
    "W-why?!" He yelled, rubbing his eyes. He walked over to his bed and sat down, taking a deep breath as he took out the things out his pocket, panicking slightly as he slipped them into his secret spot in his night stand. He laid down and stared at the ceiling tiredly as he rubbed his stomach.

Is it possible? He asked himself again as he got out his phone, staring at it as he opened his messages. He yawned and texted Naoki.
    'We need to talk…' He sent, setting his phone down after as he closed his eyes, falling asleep shortly after.


He yelped as he awoke to the sharp knock on the front door, yawning as he drug himself out of bed, walking down the stairs rubbing his eyes. A knock sounded again and made him grit his teeth, sighing to himself.
    “Alright, alright… I’m coming…” Jin growled softly as he made it to the door, unlocking and opening the door. He blinked at his teacher lover that stood in front of him, looking at the time. “Hey, aren’t you still supposed to be at school…?”
    “You texted me saying that we needed to talk and you expect me just to sit at school and wait?” Naoki asked, stepping inside after Jin let him in. The smaller male closed the door as his hair shadowed his eyes, turning and pressing his back to the door. Naoki turned to say something but then stopped, concern weaving into his expression. “Dear? What’s the matter?”

Jin looked up at him as tears coated his cheeks, his lip quivering slightly.
    "N-Naoki… I-I'm pregnant…" The teenager said softly, a sob dribbling past his lips. Naoki felt his eyes widen, staring at his young lover in shock.
    "I-I beg you pardon?" Was all he could bring himself to say, wanting to see if he heard him correctly.
    "T-the fatigue, nausea, cravings… I-it's all because I'm pregnant…" Jin stuttered, trying to wipe his endless tears away. He sniffled and gripped his hoodie in his hands tightly, waiting to hear the backlash, the scolding even though he was his lover.
    "That's great! It's also scientifically fascinating, but great!" Naoki smiled, reaching over and hugging him tightly.
    "D-Don't get me wrong Naoki, I-I'm happy, but I'm a junior in high school… A-and not to mention my guardian is gonna find out sooner than later…" Jin said softly, hugging him tightly.
    "So what do you want to do honey?" Naoki asked him, looking down.
    "I-I want to keep the baby, b-but we have to tell Night… Now rather than later…"
    "Whatever your choice, I'm here for you…"


Night hummed softly to herself as he locked her car, walking up to the front door of the house before unlocking and opening the door.
    "Jin honey, I'm home!" She called out with a smile, slipping her shoes off and hanging her coat up after setting her bag down. "Jin?" She called again as she grabbed her bag again, walking out of the foyer and stopping in the living room, blinking at the sight of her son on the couch with a man.
    "Hi Night…" Jin said softly, his anxiety rising high.
    "Jin, who is this?" Night asked. Jin bit his lip slightly and looked at Naoki, the taller male clearing his throat.
    "Hello, my name is Naoki Minamo." He introduced, standing and holding out his hand. Night stared at him, slowly shaking his hand.
    "Night Slydale." She introduced back, taking her hand back and adjusting her bag. "I-I'm sorry, but why are you here?" She asked, looking between him and her son. Naoki looked down at his teenage lover, his eyes pleading him to tell her, which made him shift uncomfortably.
    "N-Night, Naoki and I are seeing each other…" Jin said softly, causing the blonde female to snap her attention to her son.
    "You better be joking…" She growled softly, her grey eyes flashing gold as she glared at Naoki.
    "I'm afraid he isn't lying Miss Slydale, we're really together." Naoki said, reaching down and grabbing Jin's hand gently. "We're in love."
    "Jin, go to your room. We'll talk about this later." She said firmly, setting her bag down suddenly.
    "B-but- Night…"
    "Now…" The female growled lowly. The teen scoffed and stormed off to his bedroom, slamming the door.

Naoki watched him leave and turned back to Night, frowning.
    "What's your problem?" He hissed, narrowing his eyes.
    "My problem?" Night started. "My problem is you! Jin has already gone through so much, he doesn't need something like this going on!"
    "He's sixteen years old, he can make decisions for himself. He doesn't need you to decide that for him." Naoki countered, his arms crossed.
    "Do not tell me how to raise my son! You have no idea what he went through before he found you!"
    "He's not even your real son!" The comment made Night sear with anger, her eyes golden rather than grey.
    "Get the fuck out of my house, or I'll call the fucking cops!" Night yelled, pointing to the door. Naoki growled and stormed from the house, slamming the door behind him.

Night huffed and locked the door, growling as she walked up the stairs and into her son's room.
    "How long have you been seeing each other?" She asked firmly, her arms crossed.
    "A-a… A-a few months…" Jin said shyly, fumbling with his hands.
    "You've been hiding your relationship with that man from me for a few months?! Are you serious?!" Night hissed, aggression both in her eyes and in her voice. "He could be a creep Jin! Just using you for his sick pleasures!"
    "B-but he's not like that…! Naoki is the sweetest, most caring man I've met…!"
    "You haven't trusted a man since your father, and you just all of sudden trust him?! You had a panic attack when a male doctor was trying to help you!"
    "H-he's different Night…! Just listen, please…!"
    "He gives me predator vibes Jin! I'm worried he's going to assault you!"
    "Well he hasn't, because I wanted what he gave me…!"

Night felt the color drain from her skin, her eyes wide.
    "Wait, you've had sex with him? Are you fucking serious?!"
    "Does it matter…?!" Jin yelled, tears in his eyes.
    "Jin, you are sixteen years old, you're still a minor, you're too young for sex! If you're mother was here, she-"
    "I told you not to bring her up!" Jin cried, angry tears sliding down his cheeks as he panted softly. Night sighed softly as she walked over, sitting on the edge of his bed.
    "Honey, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to protect you…" The young female said softly, running her fingers through her blonde hair. Jin gripped his hoodie tightly as he took a look at his guardian, tears dripping down his cheeks.
    "Naoki and I did hook up…" He said softly, looking back down at his hands. "Quite a few times after school…"
    "But why Jin? Why with this particular man?"
    "Because he wanted to help me… He promised to protect me from anyone that tried to hurt me…" The teenager stared at his stomach, biting his lip. "Night…?"
    "Yes honey?"

Jin went into his nightstand and pulled the pregnancy test out, handing it to his guardian. Night took it and looked it over, looking at her son in shock.
    "Jin… Is this true?" She asked, looking into his tired green eyes. Jin whined a little and nodded, sniffling softly.
    "I-it's true… I-I'm really pregnant…"


Night collapsed onto her bed with an exhausted sigh, her phone to her ear as she waited for someone to answer.
    "Hello?" A man answered, causing the female to smile slightly.
    "Hey Hartz, I need a favor…" She said softly, biting her lip.
    "Sure thing my dear! What is it that you need?" The man, Hartz, said, Night being able to feel his smile through the phone.
    "Can you please come over, I need to talk to you about some things…"
    "I'm on my way."

Twenty minutes later, Hartz knocked on the door to his beautiful girlfriend's house, waiting for an answer. Jin yawned as he opened the door door, looking up at the man standing there.
    "Hey Hartz…" The teen said, sparing a small smile. Hartz smiled back happily, ruffling his hair slightly.
    "Hey there Jin. Night in her room?" He asked, stepping in when Jin stepped aside.
    "Yeah… She might be really aggressive though, her and I got in a nasty argument earlier…" The small teen warned as he closed the door, disappearing up the stairs.

Hartz frowned slightly as he walked the hallway, knocking on the closed door of Night's room.
    "Dear? It's me." He called, opening the door once he heard the soft 'come in'. "Hey there, you okay?"
    "I really wish… But my life became a Lifetime movie in a span of ten minutes once I got home…" Night said softly, waving him over. Hartz smiled gently and shut the door, walking over and jumping on her bed, collapsing with a grin.

Night smiled and let out a soft giggle, laying down and nuzzling into his chest.
    "Now, tell me what it is that's bothering you…" The man said, holding her and kissing her head.
    "Well, I came home from work earlier and found Jin waiting for me in the living room with a man. Turns out they've been seeing each other for over three months…"
    "What's so bad about this man?"
    "Well, to start, he's not much older than me, maybe twenty-three at least. And next, they've been hooking up after school."
    "Woah, wait, what? I thought Jin was only sixteen." Hartz was actually surprised, his bangs out of his face as his heterochromia eyes stared at her in shock.
    "He is Hartz, and believe me, it shocked me too…" Night sighed, rubbing her eyes. "And the worst part-"
    "Oh, there's even more?"
    "Yeah." Night laughed softly. "Jin just told me earlier that he's pregnant."
    "Yeah, shocked me too…"

Hartz held her close and nuzzled her, kissing her cheek.
    "Oh honey, I'm so sorry…" The lavander-haired male said, playing with her hair softly.
    "It's fine. Jin and I need to talk later about plans moving forward."
    "Well, the most I can contribute right now is give this man a chance… I haven't met him yet, but who knows? He may be good for him…"
    "Yeah, you're probably right… Thank you babe…"


A couple hours later and Hartz gone, he being able to relieve Night's stress with a bit of fun after their talk, the young mother walked up the stairs. She tied her wet hair in a messy bun as she walked, stopping in front of Jin's door, giving it a soft knock.
    "Jin baby, can I come in?" She asked, her voice gentle. Her response was nothing but silence, causing her to peak her head through the door. She smiled softly to herself as she stared at her sleeping son at his desk and walked in, walking over and carefully lifting him up into her arms. She laid him on his bed gently and tucked him in, kissing his head softly as she shut off the light and disappeared out of the door, off to relax in her room.

The middle of the night, however, Jin was in the bathroom, stomach churning as he threw up, coughing and sputtering the more he did. Tears dropped down his cheeks as a hand touched his shoulder gently, it rubbing soothing circles onto his back as he finally managed to stop.
    "I-I'm sorry m-mama…" The black-haired teenager cried softly, sniffling as he sat back slightly.
    "Oh honey, don't apologize, you're okay…" Night told him, kissing his head gently. Jin whined quietly and flushed away the vile fluids he just wretched up, standing carefully and washing his mouth out, coughing one more time.
    "I-I didn't mean to wake you…" He said quietly, drying his mouth and hands off.
    "You didn't dear, I was already awake." Night smiled softly, leading him back to his room. Jin sat on his bed and laid back down with a yawn, rubbing his stomach gently.
    "Morning sickness is horrible…" He whined, causing Night to laugh softly as she tucked him back in.
    "I know, but give it time… The nausea fades after a couple weeks…" She kissed his head gently. "Get some rest… I'll see you in the morning…"
    "Night mama…" Jin yawned, falling asleep almost immediately. Night smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door as she disappeared down the stairs.

NightBear15 signing off...
