

"Bye Lil!" Rachel Salvatore called back to me as she got into her mom's black BMW. Waving at Elena and Rachel as they drove off I began my short trek home.

When I got home everything was quiet. That's usual because mom works at the Mystic Falls Hospital and she isn't usually home till I go to bed. I make dinner and sit down to watch TV after that I do my homework because mom would kill me of I didn't and trust me, she checks.

By the time I get done with my homework and had taken my shower it's already 10 o'clock which means its bed time and it also means that it's time for Mom to come waltzing through the door with a gigantic smile on her face that easily makes my frown (if I have one) turn upside down. But the door hasn't opened and Mom hasn't come in so I decided to call Aunt Elena

"Lilliana?" Aunt Elena's voice sounded confused probably because I have never called her this late before.

"Hey Aunt Elena" I greet quietly

"Hey, what's wrong?" Aunt Elena's voice immediately becomes worried when she hears the worry  in mine.

"I-is Mommy with you?" I asked quietly, trying to keep the tears I felt burning behind my eyelids from falling

"No. Isn't she there with you?" Elena asked confusedly, I shook my head then realized she couldn't see me.

"No" I whimper quietly. Okay now I'm scared.

"Hmm I'll call the Hospital then I'll be on my way over" Aunt Elena promised I nodded, again realizing she couldn't see me.

We hung up and I waited for a few minutes by the phone until there was a knock on the door. I crossed through the hallway and turned the knob but whoever it was left and all that was behind was a singular index card.

I've got your Mother. Don't bother looking for her.

Confused, I went back inside and set the card down by the phone under the phone pad where we write our messages. Looking at the notepad, I smiled when I saw my mothers neat handwriting. I almost didn't hear the knocking on the door and Aunt Elena's calls from behind it.

"Hey Aunt Elena" I smiled at her when I opened the door. She looked panicked as I let her into the house, leaving Uncle Damon and Uncle Stefan standing on the porch. I stared at them silently as they stood on the other side of the door peering down at me. "Aren't you going to come in?"

"You have to invite us in" Uncle Damon snapped back.

"Uncle Stefan?" He turned his attention to me and smiled warmly, "Would you like to come in?" Nodding, he stepped past the threshold and into the house, turning so we both faced Uncle Damon who was clearly unhappy.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Damon asked smirking.

"If you apologize for snapping at me" I smirked back at him. Uncle Stefan and Aunt Elena both snickered which uncle Damon glared at them for.

"Apologize?" Uncle Damon laughed shaking his head "No, No, No I don't apologize"

"Well you won't come in then" I smirked grabbing the door, pretending I was about to slam it in his face.

"Ok! Ok! fine!" Uncle Damon took a deep breath and closed his eyes "Lilliana I'm sorry I snapped at you, May I please come in?"

Smiling brightly I said: "Yes you may"

 Smiling back he stepped past the threshold then glared down at me, "I will never ever do that again" He growled, stepping around me as he went into the living room.

Uncle Stefan and I followed him and Aunt Elena into the living room where we all sat on the couch.

"So did you call the hospital? Did you find out if Mommy is there?!" I questioned, but Aunt Elena just shook her head. "What? Then is she on her way back?" I knew it was stupid to ask when I had just gotten a note that said someone with the initial 'S' had her.

"Any idea who took her?" Uncle Damon asked, coming back into the room with a glass full of amber liquid that I have seen Mommy drink after we've discussed Daddy, even though she never said much.

My eyes widened and I ran out of the room and into the hall, grabbing the note from under the phone pad and running back into the living room and handing the card to Aunt Elena.

"What? What does it say?" Uncle Damon asked jumping up from his spot from the couch. Aunt Elena handed the card over and Uncle Damon read over it quickly. "Damnit" then realizing I was still in the room her looked at me. "Isn't it beddy Bye time for you?"

Aunt Elena glared at him, but, realizing he was right, she turned to me

"Go on up to bed Lilliana, we've got this. Don't worry" I rolled my eyes but did as she said going up and climbing into my bed falling quickly asleep.

2 Years Later

"Lilliana!" Rachel called to me. I was standing in the front lawn of Mystic Falls High school with one of my best friends, Sania Bennet, and now Rachel was here too. It is the first day back to school and the first day of our Sophomore year.

"Hey Rach" I smiled and hugged her

"Any news?" I had asked Rachel this for two years since my mom went missing and Aunt Elena, Uncle Damon, and Uncle Stefan had taken the card and started discussing it secretly.

"No but I did swipe this" she held out a piece of paper with writing on it.

"What is it?" I asked surveying it. There were five names on the piece of paper and where three of the five lived.

"I-I think it's your father and his siblings" Rachel whispered.  Gasping, I looked down the list again

Elijah Mikaleson - New Orleans
Klaus Mikaelson - New Orleans
Finn Mikaelson - New York
Rebekah Mikaelson - New Orleans
Kol Mikaelson - Bahamas

"They all have my last name" I looked up at Rachel. "Coincidence?"

"Maybe" Rachel smiled mischievously, "Only one way to find out.

"What? Skip school for a few days and travel to New Orleans to find these people?" I gasped not really shocked. People think I'm a good girl, but ever since my mom went missing I have became different. Very different.

"Yes!" Rachel giggled but Sania being Sania had to intervene. 

"I don't think that's a good idea" Sania said looking worried, her brown eyes looked back and forth between Rachel and I. "And besides, how are we going to do get there?"

"Easy" Rachel smirked "Lilliana over here is going to invite us to a sleepover and we'll take the car at midnight and haul ass"

"And what if Aunt Elena wants to come?" Sania questioned

"We go to sleep and in the middle of the night we get up, steal the car and again we haul ass" Rachel smirked once more and Sania looked stumped

"Then it's a date!" Rachel cheered just as Aunt Elena came over

"What's a date?" she eyed us suspiciously

"Oh, Lillie invited us to a sleepover Saturday and we all agreed to come" Rachel lied smoothly.

"Oh really? cool have fun" Aunt Elena smiled then left, Rachel looked worried

"That was weird she never agrees that easily" Rachel explained then shrugged it off. Who knew why Aunt Elena did the things she did and said the things she said. 
