

The look on Jeremy's face would have broken my heart if I actually cared for the boy standing in the middle of my study with the look of heartbreak on his face.

"Yep, sorry" Damon clapped Jeremy on the shoulder Jeremy nearly falling to the floor.

"How- She- We- Stefan- Huh?" Jeremy spurted out random strings of words not being able to piece together a proper sentence.

"Breath, slowly" Damon instructed Inhaling and exhaling like an idiot. Jeremy copied his movements and eventually calmed down enough to where he could form a full sentence,

"How could she do this to me? I'm going to kill Stefan!" Jeremy yelled angrily before anyone could say anything Jeremy had stormed out of the room and up the stairs to get his revenge on his girlfriend stealing friend. "STEFAN!" Jeremy was yelling making everyone poke their heads out of their bedroom doors, when Bonnie poked hers out Jeremy turned to her, fire in his eyes. "Don't go anywhere! I'm not finished with you!" Stefan finally came out of his room and when he did Jeremy barreled towards him, knocking him over and began punching every part of him he could reach. It took Klaus, Elijah and Damon to get Jeremy off of Stefan and when he did the sight that greeted them wasn't a pretty one; Stefan had a busted lip and a black eye. his hair was messy and his clothing was ripped. Jeremy was breathing heavily, when he finally got his breath under control he spun on his heels and marched to Bonnie. "Bonnie Alicia Bennet! Were through!" Bonnie was crying and Stefan was now unconscious. Elena was looking between Jeremy and Bonnie wildly while Damon was standing in the middle of it all.

"What? Why?!" Cried Bonnie, Jeremy stopped. His fists clenching as he turned to glare at Bonnie.

"You know why" he hissed, without another word he disappeared down the steps. Minutes later the front door was slammed and fast feet were crunching across the gravel driveway.

"What happened?" Hissed Elena finally coming out of her room. Damon winced slightly before turning to face her.

"It kind of slipped out and he was listening in" Damon admitted, to my complete surprise. I actually expected him to lie.

"It kind of slipped?!" Shouted Elena, even though I wasn't the one being yelled at I still flinched, Elena was loud and it hurt my ears. Elena was beyond mad, she had a fire in her eyes that I actually admired. Elena grabbed Damon by the scruff of his neck and dragged him to their room where, as soon as the door slammed, there were loud shouts. "DAMON SALVATORE! BONNIE WAS SUPPOSED TO TELL HIM GENTLY AND NOW TOU RUINED IT ALL BY 'LETTING IT SLIP'!" Elena sounded as if she didn't think he had just "let it slip" she sounded as if she believed he had done it on purpose, I listened intently as Damon had tried to tell her what happened but halfway through his explanation Elena blew up again and I knew it was time to go.

(A/N I'm going to continue from here in 3rd person)

Elena had been yelling at Damon all day and a little bit through the night, Elena was still furious that Damon "let it slip" to Jeremy that Bonnie was sleeping with Stefan. Meanwhile Klaus was down in his study, throwing back glass after glass of bourbon while little Lilliana slept on on the couch, How was she sleeping through the yelling? Klaus thought to himself as he watched her chest rise and fall, sighing Klaus plopped himself of the pleather recliner throwing back the glass of bourbon he had fixed himself before he sat down.


Shock, frightened, nauseous. These are words that could be used to describe how Caroline was feeling right now along with a few other; Anger, hate, betrayal. How could Tyler do this to her? He was the one who locked her up in the dingy cell and barely fed her! He was the one who allowed the guards to shoot them when they annoyed the guards, He was the one who kidnapped her two years ago! Caroline stood before Tyler furious, How could he? they used to be lovers! Caroline had loved Tyler with all her heart, but it fell apart when the Hybrid that now had a special place in Caroline's heart. Klaus had taken Caroline from Tyler slowly but surely, it had all fallen apart completely when Caroline had had Lilliana.

"Tyler?" Caroline whispered breathlessly she could raise her voice she didn't have the energy, after all she did stay in a cell for two years without being fed properly.

"Caroline" Tyler raised from his chair a smile firmly in place on his face, this smile would have been comforting but Caroline knew it was a smile that said he was going to get what he wanted. Her. Caroline mentally shook her head, No. she wouldn't allow him to work his way back into her heart, he had left a long time ago and she promised herself she wouldn't take him back. Tyler had moved from behind his desk and held his arms out to her, making his muscles flex dangerously. Caroline knew what Tyler was, and Tyler knew what Caroline was but they both knew that they were basically mortal enemies and one bite from Tyler would kill Caroline. "how've you been?" Tyler questioned her, Caroline wouldn't look him in the eyes so he cupped her chin and turned it towards him roughly. "Look at me" Tyler hissed. Caroline's jaw dropped. Where was the sweet boy who had brought her flowers? Gave her chocolates and sweet kisses on Valentines Day? Where was the soft brown eyed boy who whispered sweet nothings in her ear after they had finished being intimate?

"Tyler" Caroline repeated, she still couldn't bring her voice above a whisper. Caroline was  shocked at the changed personality of the man in front of her. "What happened to you?" The man she knew wouldn't have kidnapped her just to get back at another former lover of hers just cause she had picked Him over Tyler.

"I got older. Tougher" Tyler poked his chest out tying to prove how tough he was but it proved nothing but how conceited Tyler is.

"You've been doing this this whole time?" Caroline questioned him, tears threatening to spill over. Tyler nodded, smiling wider if that was possible.

"Oh yes Care. I've planned the whole thing. You see, I'm the Pack leader now and I've never really gotten over you so I made up this whole plan to win you back and destroy Klaus at the same time" Tyler smirked, obviously proud of himself but Caroline could be more disgusted. Did he not realize what happened down in those cells for those two years he had kidnapped her? does he not realize that she had been beaten, starved, shot and almost killed while he was planning some egotistical attack on the Original Hybrid? Caroline stepped back disgusted.

"Do you not realize what happened in those cells?" Caroline repeated her thought out loud. "Do you not realize we were beaten, starved and shot and almost killed every day?" Caroline's voice was rising with each word she told him so by time she was done speaking she was screaming. Tyler stepped forward, and raised his hand. Caroline closed her eyes and got ready for the stinging pain that was likely to come with the smack but it never came, instead she felt his calloused fingers brush over her cheek and only then had she realized she'd been crying.

"Yes, Care, and I'm sorry, but it had to be done" Tyler cooed, his fingers still on her cheek. Caroline flinched as if he has smacked her.

"Had to be done?" Caroline hissed angrily, she smacked his hand away from her face and glowered angrily at the werewolf.

"Yes. I've got to get my revenge. the bastard deserves it" Tyler was asking with anger and the brown haired girl had come back in.

"It's time for you to leave" She told Caroline. Caroline nodded and didn't argue Caroline let her lead her back into the living room where Caitlin was fast asleep on the  couch.

A/N I'm sorry it took so long I've had a lot to do what with starting school and everything and I've been extremely tired lately so I hadn't gotten around to writing this chapter but I hope you like it! Leave comments telling me what you think!


Britt :)
