Deep Deep Trouble

Yeah" I answered I really didn't want to go into detail with her.

"Mm" she mumbled. "You know your going to have to tell Jeremy right?" she was looking at Bonnie when she spoke, Bonnie was about to speak but a deeper voice beat her too it.

"Tell Jeremy what?"



Everybody turned at the sound of Damon's voice. Stefan and Bonnie let out sighs of relief when they saw it wasn't Jeremy.

"Tell Jeremy what?" Damon repeated. he wasn't fully in the room so he didn't see the still naked Bonnie and Stefan together on the bed. Stefan shot Elena a pleading look. I knew what he was thinking; Damon's got a huge mouth and any chance he gets he'll blurt this out to Jeremy.

"Nothing Damon" Elena lied, she stepped further into the hall everything disappearing but her backside.

"Elena" Damon placed his hand roughly on Elena's shoulder but Elena didn't wince. She looked Damon straight in the eyes.

"Yes, Damon?" she cooed, Damon rolled his eyes and pushed her against the wall.

"Are you lying to me?" He whispered gruffly in her ear, a shiver ran down Elena's spine but she held her ground. Damon began rubbing the bulge in his pants against her, and Elena had to bite her tongue to keep a whimper in. "You know what happens when you get punished" Damon's hot breath blew over Elena's ear and this time she couldn't hold the groan in. Flashbacks of the last time Elena had lied to Damon flashed through her mind, and she shuddered.

"D-Damon" She whimpered as Damon once again began rubbing himself against her.

"Hmm?" he hummed throatily. His hips swiveled against her vee and she nearly screamed at the pleasure he was sending through her body. Elena forgot what she was about to say, Damon and his sinfully pleasuring movements against her jumbled her already scattered thoughts.

"Gross!" A voice sounded from the end if the hallway. both Elena and Damon stopped and their heads snapped up to meet Jeremy's playful face.

"Jer" Elena gasped trying to make her voice loud enough so Bonnie and Stefan could hear her and get their asses out of that bed together.

"Elena" Jeremy laughed, walking closer. Elena's eyes widened and, with quick thinking, she ran and tackled him delaying him by just a bit.

"Ooh Elena" Jeremy winced she had hit him so hard she knocked them both on the ground.

"I've missed you so much!" Elena cried, hugging tightly to him.

"You've just seen me yesterday!" He laughed wrapping his buff arm around her and struggling to lift her off of him. Elena held her ground trying hard not to let him move her but her efforts were proved worthless when Jeremy quickly unseated her and got off the floor. He laughed, holding a hand out to her. When she got off of the floor he wrapped his arms back around her and Elena nestled her head in between his shoulder and neck. From over Damon's shoulder she saw Bonnie come out of the room fixing her shirt so it covered her stomach.

"Hey Jer" Bonnie's voice sounded, Jeremy's eyes widened and he instantly let go of Elena and rushed towards Bonnie, picking her up and spinning her around.


I walked into a darkened room and stood for a minute and let my eyes adjust to the darkness, why is it so dark? When my eyes finally adjusted the first thing I noticed was a huge wooden desk in the middle of the room with a bulky figure sat behind it. The figure looked familiar but I couldn't place him. I walked to the cushioned chair that sat in front of the desk and plopped down into it. The window behind the desk was covered with the blinds adding to the darkness.

"Caroline" The guy behind the desk spoke for the first time since I stepped into the dark room. By the sound of his voice he was smiling. "So nice to see you again"

See me again? What does that mean? I started to question him but he held his hand up to silence me and got up from his desk. When he walked around the desk he sat his butt on the end of it, but his face was still submerged in darkness.

"Caroline, I bet you're wondering why you've been held up in a prison cell for over two years" He laughed as if amused by my torture. "It's all actually part of a brilliant plan, a plan to finally take down the Hybrid" He spit Hybrid as if it were poison on his tongue. He wanted to take down Klaus? Why? "I can see those wheels turning in your pretty little head and now I bet you're wondering why" He stood up and began pacing behind me, continuing with his little speech. "You see Klaus took something from me a long, long time ago. I had actually let him get away with it, my fury for him getting in the way. But now? Now, I want back what's mine" he finally came into the light and I gasped at the all familiar face that was smirking back at me.



I smiled slightly as I took in the sight of Lilliana asleep, her head against my shoulder. I moved slightly but Lilliana didn't notice, she snored on as if nothing was wrong when in all reality everything was wrong. Caroline is missing, more people are dying and he had the weird feeling that someone was planning something against him. Sighing and laughing slightly at this ridiculous thought he only had managed to shift Lilliana from his shoulder onto the. Catch when the door burst open and Damon walked in.

"Ah, Damon. Always a pleasure" I spoke softly in hopes of keeping Lilliana asleep.

"Why are you---?" Damon started to question but when his eyes fell on the sleeping figure of Lilliana laying on the couch, his face taking on a teasing smirk. "Hmm, the big bad Hybrid taking on the role of Daddy?" He cooed in a baby voice. I rolled my eyes but didn't answer. Was I taking on the role of a Dad? Of course I was, I'd do anything for Lilliana and Caroline if I could only find her. "I have a lead" 

"What?" Klaus almost shouted but at the last minute he remembered Lilliana.

"Yeah, don't ask how but one of my.......friends..... Found where they're keeping Caroline and some other chick" Damon recited as if memorized. He leaned against my wooden desk, staring at me.

"Brilliant, let's go" I got up quickly.

"Yeah, about that......." Damon pushed me back on the couch, where I landed lightly next to Lilliana. "She asleep?" When I nodded he continued "I overheard Elena scolding Stefan" his smile widened but I didn't get why he was smiling.

"So? She's always scolding someone" I informed remembering when she had scolded me for not putting the milk carton in the trash.

"This is big" his smile got wider and I was instantly frightened.


"Because she was scolding him about Bonnie" he rubbed his hands together.

"Bonnie?" This wasn't like Elena, Scolding people about people. "Why was she scolding Stefan about Bonnie?"

"Because she caught them in bed together" He dished.

"What?!" I wasn't the only one who shouted, Jeremy who had obviously been listening outside barged in with a look of shock, disgust and the faintest sign of hurt in his expression. Damon obviously didn't see this coming but his smirk said he was satisfied.

"What do you mean 'in bed together'?" He shouted hurt rising over everything. He stepped further into the room and looked at both Damon and I.

"Don't look at me I didn't know anything about it" I laughed but feeling slightly guilty. Am I turning soft?

"Damon?" Jeremy turned his attention to Damon.

"Elena found Bonnie and Stefan in bed. Together"

Geez Damon don't sugar coat it.

Sorry this is such a short chapter it's really kinda of a filler, and I'm sorry for not updating Monday. I got my iPod take. For a very dumb reason and can't get it back but now I have access to y'all! Sometimes though.

Thanks for all the reads.

-Britt :)
