It's On


Cauroline woke with a start; She looked around and realized she wasn't in her usual cell, she was actually in a nice white room and on a comfortable four poster bed. Caroline sat up stiffly and stretched making her muscles groan in complaint. Caroline didn't stop to think why she was in here or how she got in here, she just crossed the room to the bench that was sitting in front of the window and plopped herself down on it, peering out the curtains. Caroline could just make out a tiny garden in the dead center a huge fountain of what may have been a baby angel. Caroline watched as people in brown pants and white shirts hurried outside what must have been the back door and hurriedly moved around the garden clearing the leaves and trash that must have been blown into the yard. Caroline sighed once more and lifted herself off the bench making her way to the door that was surprisingly unlocked and unguarded. Stepping out into the hallway, she looked left then right before stepping fully out of the door and descended down the hall passing many closed doors. When she finally found the the stairs she noticed they were marble. She had just put her foot on the steps when a voice called out or her from behind,

"Caroline" Caroline winced, turning plastering on a huge fake smile as she did so. Tyler stood in all his half naked glory in the middle of the hall rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out. 'Awh, He looks boyishly cute when he does that' Caroline shook the thought away as quickly as it came, Tyler had kidnapped and beat her while she was down in those grungy cell! Sure it hadn't been him personally but he knew she was down there and he knew she was getting beaten(and shot) and did he do anything about it? No. he sat up here in his stupid chair and behind his stupid desk plotting his stupid revenge. "Care?"

Caroline lost her temper and spun quickly on her heel glaring at Tyler with such fire in her eyes He was surprised he wasn't on fire.

"Don't call me 'Care'" She growled with a sort of controlled anger that only scared Tyler more. Caroline was vaguely aware of the growing crowd around them. The silence was deafening but nobody would say anything.

"Ty? What's wrong?"  The girls from yesterday stepped out in a tank top and a pair or pink frilly underwear. She wrapped her hand around his bicep and pushed her breasts out onto his arm a bit further.

"Not now Hayley" He growled pushing Her away but never taking his eyes off of Caroline. Tyler stalked forward making Caroline's temper flare when he called her again.

"I told you not to calm me that! Tyler I am disappointed in you! We were down in that cell for two years being beaten, shot and underfed and did you do anything? No! you sat up here in your stupid chair behind your stupid desk plotting your stupid revenge on a person who has more than likely forgot about you!" Caroline was seething now, her fists balled, Her nostrils flared.

"Care-" He tried again but another voice overpowered his.

"What's going on here?" The voice she knew all to well, the woman who had ruined her life. "Caroline?" She called making Caroline close her eyes tightly but turn on her heel so she could face her.


Meanwhile at the Mikaelsons, Elena was still seething at Damon and they were constantly having very loud arguments that made Klaus want to bash his head in but instead he disappeared into his Study so he could loose himself in one of his many books until the fighting was over. That's where he was now. In his study, alone, downing glass after glass of his favorite bourbon.

"Dad?" Lilliana's sweet voice rented the air making Klaus turn quickly making him a bit dizzy. Lilliana's blonde curls and blue eyes were slightly out of focus as he plopped himself down in his favorite chair.

"Lilliana?" He questioned running a hand through his already tousled hair Lilliana smiled and plopped herself down on the couch.

"Why are Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon fighting?" She asked seriously. This stumped Klaus. What was he supposed to say? 'Oh it's okay Lilly, Your Aunts brothers girlfriend cheated on Him with your Aunts Husbands Brother but it's all okay now" Yeah because that'll go down well, instead he just stayed silent and stared at her. "Dad?" She called again. This time he smiled at her, and lifted her from the couch sitting her on his lap.

"Yes Princess?" He questioned slowly trying not to slur his words. Lilliana rolled her eyes at his 'princess' comment but chose to ignore it and continue on.

"I-I m-m-iss m-mo-om-my" Lilliana whimpered laying her head in the crook of his neck and began sobbing loudly. what was he supposed to do now?! He didn't know how to comfort someone! He's never been on this situation before.

"Shhh" he cooed as Lilliana let out another body wracking sob. Klaus thought quickly and grinned at his foolishness. "Elena!" He shouted, waiting a few minutes but no footsteps came. Who now? then he knew. "Rebekah!" Unlike Elena, Rebekah came quickly, a look of worry crossing her face as she made her way further Into the room.

"Nik! What's going on?" Her voice softened for the shouting one she used when she entered, as she took in the still sobbing Lilliana. "Lilly?" Lilliana let out a small sob and lifted her head, wiping away the tears that were spilling from her watery blue eyes.

"I-I m-mi-iss m-o-o-mm-y" Lilliana whimpered, her sobs slowing down but the tears still pouring out of her eyes. Rebekah stepped forward taking Lilliana's hands and crouching down in front of her.

"Lilly? It'll be okay, we will get Caroline back no matter what" Rebekah soothed, rubbing circles into the top of her hand when Lilliana had closed her eyes Rebekah made eye contact with Klaus and they had a mutual agreement.

It is on.


Sorry for the delay Wattpad is being stupid, and now it's fixed! So comment, vote and like this story because I appreciate it all trust me!

Thanks for everything

- Britt :)
