Chapter 10


"So you'll help us?" I cheered excitedly. Klaus just accepted my offer and I just had to confirm it before I officially believed it.

"Yes Lilliana" Rebekah answered "We will" Rebekah's voice held annoyance as and Klaus both stared at her in amazement.

Sania and Rachel just sat on the couch looking down at their hands as Klaus, Rebekah, and I spoke.

"Really?" I was really excited now I only thought Klaus was helping but if Rebekah is helping too then that's great.

Klaus wasn't paying attention it seemed as if his mind was somewhere else then a giant grin appeared on his face Me, Sania, and Rachel were watching both Rebekah and Klaus because Rebekah had adopted the same creepy smile. Before we could ask anything they flashed out of the room and we followed quickly.

"Brother" Klaus greeted as his brother Elijah walked the door

"Niklaus" He nodded briefly then stepped aside revealing Aunt Elena, Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Jeremy, Uncle Stefan and Uncle Damon.

At first they all looked at Klaus and Rebekah then Aunt Elena found my gaze and she flipped.

"LILLIANA MIKAELSON! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE HAVE WORRIED AND STRESSED OVER YOU?! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO SOMETHING SO DUMB AS TO COME ASK FOR HIS HELP!" she took a breath and pointed at Klaus then she turned her attention to Rachel "RACHEL MIRANDA SALVATORE WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE?! HOW DARE YOU RUN AWAY FROM YOUR FATHER AND I?!" she didn't look at Sania because Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Bonnie were giving her a stern talking to.

"Elena, Sweetheart" Klaus broke her angry gaze on me. "She came for her Fathers help to find her Mother" it was almost as if he was gloating that I was his. I think this made Aunt Elena angrier. Uncle Damon had to hold her back by grabbing her arms and holding into them

"Let me go" she growled at Uncle Damon "He doesn't get to call her his" she turned her head and snapped at him but never reaching his actual skin.

"I know this but he's just doing this to make you mad" Uncle Damon whispered in her ear "Calm down"

And she did instantly. Uncle Stefan looked as if he would be sick at their sweetness.

"Rachel Miranda Salvatore" Uncle Damon commanded snapping his fingers and pointing to his side.

Sweet moment over.

Rachel immediately walked briskly to his side and then bent down and started talking to her his lips moving very fast.

Uncle Stefan disappeared somewhere and Rebekah was nowhere to be seen either. Klaus walked up to me smiling.

"What?" I scrunched my eyebrows at him

"Oh nothing sweetheart, just when this is over were going to go find Caroline"


I woke with a pain in my neck the last thing I remember was I was being shot with vervain bullets by a guy who's tongue I had pulled out. I guess he had the right since I pulled his tongue out but he deserved it so.

My train of though was quickly cut off by the sound of a door opening I tried to widen my hearing to see who it was but I couldn't.

"Well, If it isn't my little prisoner" A voice said.

That voice I knew that voice is that


"Mmm, No, try again" Stefan's face appeared at the bars and this made me confused. If it wasn't Stefan then who was it?

"I don't know" I admitted

"Really? Baby Bro doesn't talk about me?" Stefan's look alike pouted fakely. "Well that's not nice"

"Baby Bro?" I questioned even more confused "He only has Damon as a brother, he would have told me if he had another one......especially if he was a twin"

"apparently not" Stefan's-Look-Alike- goaded me, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"So what's your name anyways?"

"Uh-uh" he wagged his finger at me "That's something for me to know and you to find out"

"What?! How? you know my name so why can't I know yours?" I pouted crossing my arms

"Come now don't act like a child" Stefan's-Look-Alike pouted at me. He pulled out small green squirt gun aiming it at my head. "It makes you look pathetic" his smile transformed into a big devilish one as he put his hand on the trigger, and squirted me.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed. it was vervain.

Stefan's-Look-Alike pulled out a different gun, a real one. He put his finger on the trigger and the last thing I heard was from him;

"You'll find out everything you need to know dear Caroline"

then all was blank.


I winced. There was a pain in my head and I saw visions of someone shooting some girl in a darkened room, it was a room I had seen before, but only in my dreams never in real life. I heard an evil laugh as he walked away from the cell and into the darkness.

"Stefan?" Elena's sweet voice and soft touch brought me out of my dark pain. "Are you ok?"

Why would she care? she left me for my brother. My Brother! and the sick part is, he let her! he didn't even try to stop her, he encouraged her.

"Yeah" I answered briefly before turning away from her doe brown eyes.

You'd think she would have changed when she turned but no, she was still sweet, caring and damn near perfect.

I had absentmindedly walked outside of the Mikaelsons mansion. As I walked back, in Damon and Klaus were screaming profanities at each other. I walked quickly over to them.

"Woah!" I pushed at Damon's chest. there was no use pushing at Klaus because I knew he wouldn't move. "what is going on?" My gaze shifted back and forth between Klaus and Damon.

"He is trying to claim Lilly now! Tell him that is utter Bullshit!" Damon screamed glaring daggers at Klaus. Klaus himself was just standing there as if he was bored.

"No, Stefan, she is my daughter I am her father" Klaus argued, the bored expression still on his face. "I think I should take responsibility of her, don't you?"

He had a great point, but after 16 almost 17 years of not being in the picture. How are we supposed to know if he'll be true to his word?

"Mmm, I don't know..... you haven't been in her life for 17 years" I argued "How are we supposed to know your going to be true to your word?"

"BECAUSE I'M KLAUS MIKAELSON DAMMIT AND IF I WAN'T TO BE IN MY DAUGHTERS LIFE I WILL!" Klaus yelled, the sound echoing all through the house.

"Well I think it should be up to Lilliana" Elena interjected coming up beside me.

Everyone turned to face Lilliana, waiting to hear her answer I could see her visibly gulp.

"Me?" She squeaked and everyone nodded at her. "Umm....... I think he......."

A/N Thank you everybody who has been reading, leaving comments and voting for my story. Honestly when I first began writing this I didn't think it would have this many reads but when the first person started commenting and telling me to keep going I got encouraged and then all the reads and votes started coming in and I am grateful for every one of you who reads my story..

Thanks :)
