Chapter 27


The blonde cried, standing from her position and launching herself into her Mother's arms. In response, Liz wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter, and cried into her golden curls.

"M-Mom!" Caroline gasped out through the tears that were now pouring down her cheeks. "Oh Mom"

"Care" Liz petted her daughters hair lovingly and held her tightly.

"What are you doing here Ms.Forbes?" Caroline heard Bonnie from across the room. Liz turned but didn't release Caroline, making the blonde laugh.

"I came to see my daughter of course" Liz replied in a 'Duh' tone as if it was (and it should have been) the most obvious thing in the world. Caroline could practically see the Brunette roll her eyes at her Mother's sarcasm and laughed.

"How did you know I was here? How did you get here?"

"Klaus of course" Liz laughed, hugging her daughter more. Caroline couldn't see her brunette friend but she was certain the ebony girl was rolling her eyes. "Bonnie! C'mere!" Caroline felt a sudden weight on her back and smiled satisfied as Bonnie wrapped her arms around (or tried too) both of the blondes.

Klaus smiled satisfied as he heard Caroline crying with joy.

Point 2 for Klaus

Klaus walked into the Kitchen, a satisfied smile on his own face. Lilliana was there, smiling happily as she munched on the PB&J Klaus had made her.

"What are you smiling about?" Lilliana asked him when she noticed him enter the Kitchen.

"Nothing, Nothing. Keep eating Ya little booger" Klaus murmured, stepping forward to ruffle her blonde curls.

"Yeah yeah" Smirked Lilliana.

Footsteps were heard on the steps and Lilliana looked up excitedly.

"Ah, Ah, Missy! Eat!" Klaus reprimanded. Lilliana pouted for a minute before picking her half eaten sandwich back up.

".......... Missed you so much!" Caroline's voice could now be heard in the entrance hall and the smile on both Klaus and Lilliana's faces got wider. Pretty soon Caroline, Liz and Bonnie entered the Kitchen. "Oh! Klaus!" Caroline spotted him, running to him just to crash into him seconds later, wrapping her arms around him. Klaus recovered quickly and wrapped his arms around her in return. "thanks so much"

"No problem, Care" Klaus mumbled, embarrassed. Klaus watched as Liz approached Lilliana who was smiling at her Parents. Lilliana jumped as her shoulder was tapped but the shocked look on her face quickly become one of pure joy when she saw who it was.

"Grandma?!" Lilliana shouted, launching herself into her Grandmother's waiting arms.

"Hey little one" Liz greeted tightening her arms around her Granddaughter. "How have you been?"

"Awesome! Me and Daddy have been playing all kinds of games in the Garden!" At the mention of the Garden Lilliana's face lit up. "Oh Grandma! You should see the Garden! C'mon let me show you!"

"Lilliana you've---"

But before Klaus' sentence was able to be finished, Lilliana and Liz were gone, their excited shrieks echoing through the house.

"Yes, Yes" He spoke, watching the cameras. His plan was going accordingly, all that was needed was the Signal and they'd move in. The Michealsons wouldn't know what hit them.

"Sir?" One of the Guards called from the doorway. He turned and addressed them, "It's done, The Signal has been given"

"Excellent" He smirked, but the Guard couldn't see seeing as it was so dark. "Tell the troops we're  heading out tonight, we should be in New Orleans by Wednesday. We've got Originals to Kill"

A/N: Sorry for the late update, I've been very busy. I think I'm going to write a last chapter and then an epilogue and maybe if your enthusiastic enough, I'll write a second book.
