Getting To Know You Part 2

I am so sorry for the very slow update I have been visiting my fiends and haven't had access to internet until now so here's and update hope you enjoy :)



When I stepped into my possible fathers study, I was amazed of how homey, warm, and safe it all felt, from the brown leather chairs to the big mahogany couch in the corner of the room.

"Wow it feels so homey" I commented plopping myself on the couch, My Maybe Father whose name I still don't know stood by the doorway staring at me. He must have been watching my every move. "Um, Hello?"

This time he moved. Well he blinked, but that's still moving. He eyed me for a minute before walking to his desk and sitting on the edge of it.

"Who are you?" He demanded slightly angry, I didn't flinch.

"I told you I am Lilliana, and Caroline Forbes is my Mother" I explained for what felt like the billionth time tonight.

"So why have you come to me?" he asked leaning back so his whole backside could be seated on the desk.

"Because I think your my dad and if so I need your help" I pleaded even bringing out my best 'Puppy Dog Eyes'

"Why?" he demanded to know when I gave him a look of confusion he continued "Why do you think I'm your Father?"


"Because Uncle Stefan, Uncle Damon and Aunt Elena had your address obviously coming to ask you for help so I stole it and came myself" I explained I swear the hint of a satisfied smirk appeared on his lips but then disappeared the next second.

"Ok let's say I was your father what do you need help with" He moved this time next to me on the couch, I turned to face him.

"Because my moms in trouble" with that sentence and that sentence alone his whole body went rigid and he had a panicked look in his eye

"Trouble?" he whispered

"Yes she has been missing for 2 years" I explained further and he gave me a wild look

"And your just coming to me now?" he yelled this time I did flinch

"Well yeah because I didn't know you and this is the only time I saw anything that Uncle Damon, Uncle Stefan and Aunt Elena had pulled from trying to find my Mother, so will you help?" I bit my lip as I asked and watched him pace around the small study with his hands clasped behind his back. Before he could say anything else there was a yell from the entrance hall

"Klaus!" It was his sister Rebekah. we both ran in there to see Sania and Rachel being held by their collars by Rebekah.

"What is it?" Klaus eyes the two girls viciously "Ahh, who are these to little ones?"

"Sania Bennet" Sania spoke then Rachel

"Rachel Salvatore"

"A Bennet and a Salvatore!" Klaus cheered clapping his hands together. "And why are you two here?"

"We were waiting for Lillie" Rachel explained quickly

"Lillie?" Klaus was confused, Rachel nodded moving her head towards me making Klaus turn. "Ahh Lilliana" he walked towards me "You didn't tell me your friends were here!"

"I didn't think you needed to know" I answered simply

"Well see sweetheart. I did need to know because my dear sister would have killed them if I didn't" Klaus explained gesturing to Rebekah, she smiled and shrugged.

"No! You can't!" I whined staring at him with wide eyes.

"Oh but darling I can, just by snapping my fingers their hearts could be ripped out" Klaus explained. "But" He continued "Since they are your friends and a Salvatore and a Bennet, I won't kill them" Klaus smiled briefly then turned to Rebekah. "Sister please do release them and go make them a cuppa"

Rebekah scowled then released Sania and Rachel only to grab them minutes later by their arms and drag then down the hall until they disappeared.

"Let's go back to my study and talk" Klaus said extending his arm which I walked passed and entered the room when he entered the study he shut the door and resumed his position perched in the edge of the desk.


"Damon we're going and there is nothing you can do to stop us! Those are ours and Caroline's daughters we have to go get them" I pleaded using my ever useful doe eyes on him.

"Fine" Damon frowned looking away, I knew I had the desired effect.

"Ok so what's the plan?" Bonnie spoke up

"We go to New Orleans, find the girls and bring them back home" Answered Damon

"But where would they be? New Orleans is a big city there is no tell where they might be" I cried

"Oh I can help with that" A voice said behind us, we all whipped around to see the Original who always wore a suit

"Elijah?" We all gasped, I was the first one to snap out if it, surprisingly, and walked closer to him.

"What do you mean you can help us with that?" I asked eyeing him, he hadn't changed at all still the handsome young face and striking figures since the day we met.

"Lilliana Mikaelson arrived at our Mansion a few hours ago and she wanted to talk to Niklaus. I could see it In her eyes that she was his and even the days matched up, she looked like Caroline on the outside but it was her eyes that told me the truth." Explained Elijah

It's true we all saw Klaus in her eyes but nobody ever told her who her father was.

"So can you take us to the mansion?" Damon interrupted stepping forward, Elijah just simply smiled

"I can but you can't just barge in there like a pack of wild dogs you must stay calm" Elijah instructed and when we all nodded in agreement he said; "You have ten minutes to pack your bags and meet me in the parking lot" With that said he turned and disappeared down the steps and into the darkness.

"Do you really think he's telling the truth?" Damon whispered as soon as were were in our motel room shoving clothes In our duffels.

"Yeah it's Elijah, he wouldn't lie, not about this" I answered shooting down his worries.

"Yeah but he's also an original, and we can't trust them" Damon threw back at me

"Elijah we can, Klaus and Rebekah no way" I simply said zipping my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

"Here let me get that" Damon reached out to take it and I easily let him. He walked out with both our bags over his shoulder and bound down the steps and into the parking lot where Elijah, Stefan, and Bonnie were waiting by our car.

"Ready?" Elijah called, we all bobbed our heads and he smiled "I'll drive"

We all piled into the car, Stefan in the passenger seat, Me, Bonnie, and Damon in the back.


"Yeah the little bitch ripped my tongue out" A whispered voice was heard directly outside my cell

If I ripped his tongue out, how is he still talking?

"No I had a witch out it back in" He explained to whoever he was talking to. "Yes she's sleeping, I soaked vervain onto bullets and shot her with them" He sounded so proud of himself.

True to his word when I tried to get up there was searing pain in my chest and I could feel the wooden bullet scrap lightly against my heart. I looked at my hand, staring at it for a moments before sucking in a deep breath and plunging it into my chest, I squirmed as my hands went deeper into my chest until I felt bone which let me know I was close. I moved my hand a bit to the  left and found the bullet, squeezing it with my pointer finger and thumb until grabbed ahold of it and brought it out of my chest, I dropped it quickly when I felt the vervain burn my hand.

"Wow" The man who's tongue I ripped out came up to the bars slow clapping, I jerked my head up and stared at him. "That was amazing, lets see you do it again"

When he said that he pulled out a black gun. He held it up and that's the last thing I saw before darkness overtook me once more.

Where are you guys?
