

Taking a deep breath, Rachel, Sania and I descended down the stairs and into the lobby where we were greeted by Marie's smiling face.

"Where are you ladies off to?" She asked sweetly. Rachel stepped off the last step followed by Sania, but I stayed nervously contemplating whether I should or not.

"Exploring New Orleans" Rachel lied. Well not really because we are exploring, but were also looking for my (maybe) Father's house.

"Oh well have fun, and be careful" She smiled at us.

Sania and Rachel stepped towards the door, still not noticing I wasn't beside them until Rachel turned to ask me a question. She turned back to the steps and stepped towards them, arms extended.

"Lillie?" She asked stepping closer "Are you ok?"

"I'm nervous" I admitted shyly.

Marie was watching on from her desk and was probably confused as to why I was nervous to go exploring.

"We're just exploring" She lied coming closer

"I know but what if New Orleans doesn't like me?" I asked. We gave the code name 'New Orleans' to my (maybe) Father so nobody would know what we were talking about.

"New Orleans is going to love you!" Sania exclaimed from behind Rachel.

"Oh Child" Marie sighed we all turned towards her. She had a wide smile on her face as she spoke "Just go find your Father"

We were all shocked. How did she know we were here to find my (maybe) Father?

"These walls are very thin" Marie smiled wider then waved and disappeared behind the curtain.

"Well. Are we going or what?" Sania asked from behind us. We both turned but, again, I hesitated. They both looked at me as I bit my lip. "Lillie?"

I sighed then, biting my lip. I stepped off the last step, a huge smile making it's way onto all of our faces.


We had packed our bags and now we're on the road and headed to New Orleans. Stefan and Damon were in the front and Bonnie and I were in the back. Nobody was talking and the radio was on low.

"I'm bored" I sighed leaning back in my seat.

"Me too" Bonnie agreed, following my lead and leaning against the back of the seat.

"Awe" Damon poked his head around his seat, his lip was puckered and he had a faux sad expression on his face. "Do you want me back there?" He winked at me and Bonnie groaned swatting at his face but missing.

"Oh gross!" She exclaimed covering her eyes as I leaned in to kiss him on his cheek but he moved his head at the last minute and I ended up kissing him on his lips.

"Mmm" I moaned pulling away "I think Bonnie's getting grossed out" I smiled then leaned forward to peck him on his lips again. Stefan slammed on the breaks and our foreheads collided.

"Ow Stefan!" Damon groaned turning around to glare at his Brother.

"Were here" was all Stefan answered, I looked out the window expecting to see New Orleans but instead I saw a run down Motel.

"No, we're at dirty Motel" Damon grunted while opening his door.

"Were staying here for the night.  You and Elena share a room and Bonnie and I can share a room" Stefan explained snatching out our bags from the back.

"Bonnie are you cool with that?" I turned to her and she shrugged

"It's better than listening to you two getting it on" she reasoned, I smacked her arm and she held her hands up. "Can you blame me?"

"Well then it's settled" Stefan grinned as he shut the trunk. All our bags were on the ground in front of it and he grabbed his and Bonnie's leaving mine and Damon's.


"So this is it?" I asked staring at the huge mansion in wonder.

"Yep and it matches the address on the paper" Rachel confirmed hitting the paper.

"Mmm........Neverminded let's go back to Marie's" I tried to turn around but Rachel caught me by my arm.

"No way! We came all the way here, hunted down your maybe Father and dammit your going to talk to him!" Rachel finished getting a bit angry at the end.

"I'm scared, what if he doesn't want to talk to me?" I admitted my fears as I lowered my head ashamed that I even had fears in the first place.

"Does Lilliana Mikaelson have fears and doubts?" Rachel gasped shocked, I nodded still staring at my feet. "Where's the Lilliana that came up with this master plan to run away and find her possible Father?"

"She's back home where she should be" I answered bravely lifting my head and staring at Rachel. Rachel looked back in disbelief.

"No! She is standing right here in front of me and she is going to march up to that door, knock on it and meet the man that left her Mom so many years ago!" Rachel demanded, but in a friendly way.

"She is?" I squeaked look at Rachel.

"She is!" Rachel all but yelled, I lifted my head getting more brave by the minute as I repeated her speech in my head over and over.

"Yeah, I am!" I yelled bravely then marched down the long winding driveway, past the gigantic fountain and up to the pearl white front door, I was about to raise my hand and knock but a voice stopped me.

He doesn't want to meet you it whispered, I quickly spun but nobody was there. He left for a reason. He didn't want to know you, Lilliana it sneered at me once again I spun on the spot and once again nobody was around. Am I hallucinating and hearing voices?

No! I'm just nervous those are my doubts talking. I can't let them get to me. I can't let them win. I shook my head trying to erase all the doubt but they were just coming faster and the voices were getting louder.

He doesn't want to meet you!

He left for a reason!

Why do you think you never knew him? Why do you think he is all the way in New Orleans?

He doesn't want you!

You were a mistake!

"NO!" I shouted grabbing my head and dropping on my knees. I heard the door open but I couldn't clear my mind enough to see who opened it until I heard the name that was uttered.

