Getting To Know you Part 1


After my (maybe) Father stood in the doorway and stared at me. It was only a few second but it felt like forever before he invited me inside. I stepped inside his doorway and looked around.

"Wow" I mumbled, turning in circles staring at everything.

"Brother, Who is at the-" A voice interrupted I turned towards the voice and the man coming down the grand staircase dressed in a suit, stopped and stared at me like my (maybe) Father did. "Caroline?" He called me my Mother's name too, he must have known her also. "Caroline is that you?" He said excitedly coming down the steps and closer to me until he was standing in front of me.

"No I'm not Caroline" I answered quietly. The man flinched back when I spoke.

"Then who are you?" He answered hotly. Geez Mood swing much?

"Lilliana" I mumbled looking at the ground.

"Elijah" My (Maybe) Father warned, I could imagine him shaking his head in warming but obviously nobody listens to him.

"Who are you Lilliana?" Elijah eyed me curiously. "You look like Caroline and your eyes, I've definitely seen them somewhere" He mused walking around me. "But where?"

That's when I knew he was joking and I knew he knew that the Man behind me just might be my Father after all, hell I didn't even know his name.

"How old are you?" Elijah questioned

"17.  I'll be 18 this July" I answered and Elijah smirked at my newly found possible Father.

"17?" Elijah mused still smirking at my (maybe) Father. "Interesting" He walked behind me and I turned with him. He was standing in front of my (Maybe) Father his arms behind him a quizzical look on his face. "and how long since you've seen Caroline?"

"17 Years" mumbled my possible Father. His answer gave me hope that he was my Father.

"Well now isn't that interesting?!" Elijah mused excitedly, then heels were heard on the marble staircase as someone else joined the group.

"What's Interesting Elijah?" Her voice was irritated but beautiful and I couldn't help but turn around.

"Caroline?" She hissed then she was in front of me her hand around my throat, holding me against the wall "You little bitch!" she slammed me into the wall making tears came to my eyes as I struggled to breath. "You left my Brother! He has been looking for you and you decide to come and what? beg for your forgiveness?" She sneered "Well it isn't going to happen" She was just about to slam me against the wall again when she was suddenly pulled off me and thrown across the room. She stared wildly at the one who did it. "Don't tell me you still feelings for that bitch!" She screamed at my (maybe) Father

"She's not who you think she is" He exclaimed

"what?" The girl sneered "A lying, selfish bitch?" She made a run at me but was stopped by Elijah.

"No Bekah. Listen" he mumbled, I knew they were talking about my heart so I tried to slow it down but it was impossible.

"She's human?" Now she was confused

"Yes Rebekah, She's human" Elijah exhaled and let her go. She walked closer to me examining me closely making my heart beat faster.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"L-Lilliana" I whispered frightened she'd attack me again if I said the wrong thing.

"Lilliana?" Rebekah frowned then got out of my face. "Why do you look so much like Caroline?"

"Oh Rebekah I think you can figure that out yourself, no?" Elijah laughed lightly. Rebekah took a minute to think and after a few moments, the look on Rebekah's face told me she knew too "No!" She smirked then stared at my (maybe) Father "Oh, Nik this is priceless" she laughed stepping closer to him. "try explaining this" She smirked then backing up before anyone could say anything. Nik rubbed his face and looked between me and Elijah.

"Come, Into my study" He extended his arm to a room, I walked past him and into the room he pointed out.


"Jeremy?" I gasped, he stared back at me frowning at me.

"What are you doing here Elena?" He scolded

"My daughter has gone to New Orleans along with Caroline's and Yours and Bonnie's" I explained, this made his expression change.

"Sania?" He frowned "No she's with...." then it hit him "Lilliana and Rachel. Oh my god they're in New Orleans?!" he turned to Damon hitting his chest lightly "Dude why didn't you tell me my daughter is involved?"

"Because I didn't want you to do what you're doing right now" Damon's frown deepened.

"She's my Daughter, Damon!" Jeremy yelled making Bonnie and Stefan come out of their room.

"Jeremy?" Bonnie questioned walking towards us

"Bonnie?" Jeremy obviously didn't know she was here. "What are you doing here?"

"Going to bring our daughter back, what do you think?" Bonnie answered.

"Nobody told me she was even missing!" Jeremy admitted and Bonnie's attention turned to Damon

"You didn't tell him?" She gasped "Then what is he doing here?"

"Damon called and said that you all went on a dangerous mission and that I should come get you two" Jeremy explained the lie Damon told him.

"what? No!" Bonnie glared at Damon.


"Your daughter has met the Originals" The voice outside my prison cell laughed "Oh no looks like her and Rebekah had a little disagreement"

The thought of Rebekah touching my little girl angered me so much I forgot for a minute about the Vervain ropes tied to my wrists that I used Vampire speed, as much as my weakened state would allow, and rushed over to him only to be dragged back by the searing pain of the Vervain.

"Ha! You can't get me!" And like the child he is he stuck his tongue through the bars

Bad Move

I Vamp sped again,  ignoring the searing pain and used my Vamp strength to rip his tongue right out through his teeth. When I stepped back,  his mouth was bleeding profusely and he was sending me dark looks. He stomped angrily up the steps.

Where are my Saviors? Isn't this the time where someone swoops in, beats everyone up, and rescues me? Hell I don't even know where I am.

Part of me wants Lilliana to succeed in persuading Klaus to come find me but a bigger, stronger part of me hopes that he is too stubborn and worried about those damned Hybrids to just drop everything and come to a girl he didn't even care for rescue.

What the hell is going on with me?

