Take This

Todoroki was brought back to the dorms and was placed on the couch in the lounge area. Momo sat with him until he woke up.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked around.
"W-where am I? W-w-whats going on?" He asked and rubbed his eyes.
"Oh hey! You're up!" Momo closed her book and handed him a glass of water. "Here drink this."

Todoroki took a few sips of the water and tried to get up but he was in pain. "Ouuuch!"

"Hey hey take it easy!" Momo said to him and gently pushed him back down.

"What happened? Why am I so bruised up?" He asked her feeling his neck.

"Well you were attacked by a Nomu and it tried to strangle you to death," Momo told him before she got up to get some Motrin.

"What? A nomu?" He said to himself.

"Here take this," Momo gave him 4 pills and a donut. Todoroki took a few bites out of the donut and took the pills with some water.

"What time is it?" He asked her with a sleepy voice.
"It's like 10pm! But we don't have school tomorrow or next week! Mr. Aizawa said he's giving us a break!" Momo took the glass from him.

"Oh really?" He asked. He didn't really care. He just wanted to go back to sleep.
"Yea I was surprised too! I don't know what to do! He said we can do whatever we want basically!" Momo explained to him while wiping dirt off his face.

"Oh fun, do you think you can take me up to my dorm by any chance?" He asked her. He really wanted to go to bed.

"Of course!" She helped him up and put his arm around her shoulder and went into the elevator.

"Ok we are here!" Momo said. "Thanks, and wait how do you know where my dorm is?" He asked her.

"Oh oh uh! I don't k-know! Let's not worry about that now!" Momo blushed and Todoroki opened his door. She placed him on his bed and got some pajamas out for him.

"Jeez Todoroki you really need some fashion help!" Momo said as she closed his drawer.

"What do you mean?" He asked her as Momo handed him his clothes.

"I mean that you need to go out shopping for clothes with me! I was gonna go anyway this week so might as well bring you right?"
"Oh uh I guess sure if I feel better," he said as he walked into his bathroom to change.

Momo prepared his bed for him and got him a glass of water and plugged his phone in for him and put a trash can beside his bed because he threw up a few hours before.

He walked out of the bathroom and got into bed. Momo sat with him until he fell asleep making sure he was alright.

"Goodnight Todoroki," she shut his door and made her way back to her dorm.
"I don't think he still hates me, well I hope not!" She thought.
She went to her dorm and got herself changed and ready for bed. She grabbed her drawing journal/scrap book and flipped through the pages of her drawings of Todoroki or of her and Todoroki.
She then grabbed a chair and a pencil and put it out on her balcony and started sketching a picture of her and Todoroki dancing in the rain.
It was so nice out. It was a cool night and all she had on her mind was Todoroki. It was just like the other nights besides the weather.
She stayed up until 12pm drawing. She finally finished the drawing and put the date and time on it. She went back inside her dorm and put her drawing journal back into her basket full of other notebooks and stuff.

She then took out a picture book of pictures she has printed out of her and highschool memories. She was flipping through the pages and smiling. She saw a picture of her and Mina from the first day of school, a picture on the bus on the way to the usj, and not many more. She wanted to fill it up by the end of her 3 years at UA. They gave her happy/sad flashbacks.

Her eyes started to feel heavy so she put away the photo book and put her hair up into a bun. She turned off her light and tucked herself in and went to sleep with a smile.
