
  After breakfast around 11:45am Todoroki couldn't help but think of the fact that Momo saved him. He was confused but amazed at the same time. He went back to his dorm to go lay down again before going shopping with Momo.
  "Huh that girl really saved my life huh," Todoroki said to himself as he looked at Momo on the class picture on his wall. He then figured he would go outside for some fresh air. It was a breezy June morning and Todoroki walked out to his balcony and leaned on the bar and lets the breeze flow through his hair.

     "Hey Todoroki!" Sero yelled over to Todoroki.
"Ugh I was enjoying my peace," Todoroki thought, "Whats up Sero,"

   "I heard you're going shopping with Yaoyorouzo later!" Sero gave him a funny look.

   "Uh yea why?" Todoroki asked but Sero just kept smiling. "No no no we arent dating or anything,"
  Sero laughed and walked back inside his dorm. Todoroki was really bored so we went back inside. He was looking around for things to do until he found an empty drawing notebook.

"Hm drawing huh?" He said to himself and flipped the pages.

"Maybe I should start drawing, it could help take my mind off of things," He looked around his room and tried finding a pencil.

  {Todoroki POV}
  "Hmmm what to draw what to draw," I said as I hit the pencil against my head.
  "Let's try a rose,"
  I began drawing a rose and it wasn't that horrible to be honest. I was really surprised. When I was drawing I like didn't feel anything at all. I felt calm and happy. What I didn't know was I needed to hurry up and get ready before Yaoyorouzo left without me. I looked at the time and it was 12:45.
"Shit!" I shouted and looked for nice clothes to wear.
I kept thinking about what Yaoyorouzo said to me last night about my sense of fashion so I tried to look for something nice. I put on a black shirt with black sweatshorts and some flip flops. I brushed my hair and went back downstairs and waited for her.

"Todoroki! Let's go!" Momo waved me over to the main entrance. I took a deep breath and walked over to her.

{Normal POV}

Todoroki and Momo walked out of the dorms building and started heading towards the nearest shopping mall.
"So what kind of clothes are you into Todoroki?" Momo looked at him.

"Honestly I haven't really thought about it, just basic things I guess, like plain shorts and shirts, black white and grey," He replied. "What?? Just that? I could name so many things you would look good in!"

Todoroki started blushing a deep red and activated his right side to calm himself down.
"Uh huh thanks I guess," he said. He didn't know what to say.

"No problem!" Momo smiled at him as they reached their destination. "Ok Todoroki we are here!" Momo threw her purse over her shoulder and took off her sunglasses.

"Yea I sure am," Todoroki sighed and walked into the shopping mall.
