
"See you guys!" Mina winked at me and Yaomomo and slammed the door. The space was cramped but I could work with it. I think. I saw the lock on the door and I tried to lock it quietly as I heard Minas footsteps get quieter and quieter. Then they started talking outside but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

(normal pov)

  "Guys maybe if we are quiet we can hear them get down and dirty!" Camie laughed.
  "Maybe.. It's not like I haven't seen them be dirty before," Kaminari sighed and got flashbacks.

  "What do you mean?" Bakugou asked.

"I walked in on them... Kissing.." Kaminari said to the group.
  "Shhh they might not want people to know idiot!" Jirou smacked the back of his head.

  "Was it hot?" Camie asked.
  "The hell???" Shinso laughed.

"Ok ok quiet down!" Mina smiled and said.

(Todoroki pov)


It was getting awkward while I was thinking about how to start it off.. I wanted to do something new with her. I don't want her to be bored because I know how girls are.. So I just went with my natural instinct. I looked up at her in the dark closet with a demon smile plastered on my face. I didn't feel nervous anymore, I felt so confident, I was going to let my inner self out with this one.. I've been waiting.
I pressed my fingers into her waist and pulled her close to my body, I heard her giggle as she wrapped her arms around my neck and her fingers get tangled into my hair.
   I closed the gap between us and pushed my lips against hers. She closed her eyes and I smiled. I felt her fingers tighten along my hair as I moved lower and lower on her back. I squeezed some of her skin and I have to admit.. I loved it..
  I felt her tongue slip in between my lips so I did the same. I smirked a bit because it was starting excite me. I kept pulling her tighter and tighter to my body.
  As our tongues played hockey together I heard her do an almost inaudible, very quiet moan. I opened one of my eyes and saw she was really enjoying it with a blush going all around her face. I figured it was time to get serious with her.
  I slowly moved my hand up closer and closer to her neck caressing her back with my other hand as I moved up. I slightly grabbed her neck and pulled away, I didn't want to scare her. We made heavy eye contact. It was so hot. I had my hand on her neck rubbing the back of her ear with my thumb.
  I put my back against the wall. The space was pretty crammed though it was only about 4 feet wide and 2 feet long. I started to slide my back against the wall until I sat on the ground. I brought her with me too with my hand still on her neck.
   I felt how warm her face was, She was blushing. It made me happy because I knew I was doing something right. I smirked as I grabbed her chin and pulled her in again. She sat right on my lap exactly where I wanted her to be. I slouched down a little bit so she was more comfortable and I bent my knees up. One of Kirishimas shirts fell off the hanger onto my head but I moved that out of the way quickly.
   She slipped her soft tongue between my lips aggressively this time. I liked it. She put but of her hands on the sides of my faces and played with my hair as she kissed me aggressively. It was starting to get hot so I wanted to get even more serious before our time ended. I moved my hands from off of her face and was moving it lower and lower onto her body.
  My hands were on her hips and I started moving around her hips on my.. You know.. She didn't stop me so I figured it was okay.
   I've never felt like this before. I mean I have but not this much! I've never wanted to risk it all so damn bad before. This was really fun. I pressed her hips down onto my pelvis and kept grinding her against me as I kissed her. Her soft lips meant everything to me. The touch.. The feeling. I'm so glad to call her mine. How can someone like me get so lucky.
  All of a sudden she grabbed one of my hands out of no where. She then began to slip it in her shirt. Well my shirt. Was she really ready for all of this?
  I took a deep breath in as she moved my hand up and up slowly. There's no going back now. She placed my hand on her breast. Well her bra. It was so soft and silky. I was getting ready to risk the risk. Here goes nothing.

  "Times up lovers!" Mina banged on the door. I jumped and accidentally slightly thrusted Yaomomo. I was scared for what she was going to say. She didn't say anything all she did was look at me and.. Bite her lip? What is that supposed to mean.

  "Alright let's go," Yaomomo said to me while getting up from on top of me.
