Nomu Attack

  "Who the hell is that?" Todoroki said to Mineta and Momo.
   "It looks like it's going faster and getting closer," Mineta said.
  Then it came out of the fog and it was a Nomu with Shigaraki.
  "MR. AIZAWA!!!" Mineta yelled.

   "Todoroki!" Momo yelled as the Nomu came closer to him.

     Momo created a sword and stabbed it in the head before it could reach him. Todoroki was hiding his face and then slowly took his hands away from his face and saw Momo slicing the Nomu.
    "AHHH MR. AIZAWAAAA!" Mineta cried and fell to the ground.
   "There's no way he's becoming a hero," Todoroki thought.

    Mr. Aizawa and some other students came running to the rescue.

  "Oh why hello there once again UA student future heroes." Shigaraki said.
  "The hell do you want Shigaraki?" Mr. Aizawa said.
  "Oh nothing, I was just bored y'know!" Shigaraki laughed.

   The Nomu got back up and flung Momo and kept going after Todoroki.
    "Yaoyorouzo!" Todoroki was running and shooting shooting ice at the Nomu.

     Todoroki tripped on a metal piece of the robot and the Nomu caught up to him.
     It picked Todoroki up by his neck and strangled him. Todoroki was trying to shoot flames but the Nomu wasn't fazed at all and made its grip tighter and tighter around Todorokis neck.
      He didn't have enough energy in him to do anything else.
       His vision slowly started to fade away and the last thing he saw and Momo jump on top of the Nomu and slash its head off with a sword and green blood or liquid splashed all over the place.

   As soon as Mr. Aizawa through his scarf at Shigaraki he melted.
  "Must've been a copy. They're around here," Mr. Aizawa thought.

{Todoroki POV}
"I feel like I'm dying.." I thought to myself as my movements started to slow and my vision was fading away. I was losing hope until I saw Yaoyorouzo slash the Nomus head off with a sword. I fell to the ground and my eyes closed. I could only hear things.
  "Shoto!" Yaoyorouzo called out my name. I tried to answer but I couldn't. She put my head in her lap and moved the hair off my face and I felt tears drip on my forehead.
  I then opened my eyes and saw her staring at me and she looked so relieved.
  "Todoroki you're okay!" She lifted my upper body and hugged me. I was startled. I felt so tired. But I thought "maybe she isn't so bad after all"

  {Normal POV}
Momo picked up Todoroki and hugged him tightly. She was relieved that he was okay. She put him down back on her lap and checked him for any bruises or cuts.
   There were bruises forming on his neck and cuts on his face. Momo picked him up
And threw him over her shoulder and walked to the other students.
