Letter To His Mother

  Later on that night Momo was getting all of her gifts ready for Todoroki in bags. She put the stuffed dog he was looking at a couple of months ago in a bag and sprayed her perfume on it. In another bag she put these new gloves that will help out his quirk a lot. They were really expensive. In another bag she put an expensive jacket and a card with some money in it. And she was all set to give it to him the next morning.

  Todoroki was back at his dorm writing a letter back to his mother.

  "Dear my loving mother,
   Hi mom, I miss you very much more, I will come and visit soon. I have been good lately. Dad wants me to come to his hero agency with one of my "friends" Katsuki Bakugou. Nobody else wanted me so I decided I'll just go. But recently I started to like a girl and she likes me too. Her name is Momo Yaoyorouzo. I call her Yaomomo. She's in my class and we spend so much time together. She's the most beautiful girl I know, She's so generous and caring, She's funny and powerful. She has long beautiful black hair and big grey eyes. She usually wears her hair in a ponytail which is also very pretty but she lets me do her hair sometimes like how I used to do you and Fuyumis. Her quirk is also very cool and interesting. She gets really good grades and is kind of like our class big sister. She gets along with everyone. She also helps me out with homework sometimes along with other classmates that also need help with their work. She also sits next to me in class. We hangout a lot and we walk to school and back to the dorms together everyday. We are kind of in a relationship but without the labels but by the time you get this letter me and her will be dating. I cant wait for you to meet her. I want you to meet her before dad does though and Natsuo and Fuyumi. But you're going to love her I promise! I love you mother I will come visit you soon <3"

Todoroki put it in an envelope and licked it shut. He sighed and went downstairs to go to the mailing office.
   He put his coat on and walked outside. While he was walking there it started to snow. The snow sparkled in the night sky. He smiled and dropped off the envelope and went back to the dorms.

  "Where did you go Todoroki?" Mina asked him while he took off his jacket.

   "Post office," He kept walking. He walked up to his dorm and folded the letter his mom sent him and put it on his dresser.

   He then got changed into his pajamas and went to sleep happy because he got to talk to his mother and his birthday was the next day.
