Sounds Like Love!

"Todoroki! I heard what you said to Awase at lunch today! Pretty manly!" Kirishima walked next to Todoroki as they left class.
"Thanks I guess," Todoroki didn't know what to say he only was looking for Iida to talk to.

"Todoroki!" Iida yelled running up to him, "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"
"Well it's kind of like about feelings and stuff are you okay with that?" Todoroki asked him.
"Yes! I'm good with all advice! I study everything like crazy! Shall we wait until there are less people around?" Iida asked.

"Sure," Todoroki and Iida walked out of the school and sat on a nearby bench outside.
"It's so hot out!" Iida yelled as he sat on the hot black metal bench.
"So shall we start now?"
"So basically.. Yaoyorouzo," Todoroki started off and Iida went in closer to listen.

"Recently her and I have been hanging out a lot, I've heard from people that she likes me but I'm not really sure how to feel about it, she makes me really happy and when I'm with her it sounds like no time has past! She treats me so well like I'm her boyfriend but I'm not y'know? She saved me from the nomu a few weeks ago and things have been good between us ever since, everyday she looks at me with her big beautiful grey eyes and it makes me distracted all of the time," Iida was nodding his head listening to Todoroki.
"And today when Awase was invading her personal
space my body reacted without my brain telling it to, it was like I was jealous or something, she looked so uncomfortable and that just made my body snap and I had to do something about it, and whenever I'm around her I'm always happy, it's no bad thoughts or anything I just don't know if I like her or not I've never dealt with this stuff before,"

"Hmm it sounds like love to me!" Iida smiled and said.

"Love?" Todoroki asked him. "Yes love! But are you ready for a relationship? If you aren't I suggest you not say anything to her yet,"
"I've never been in a relationship, I just have so many mental blocks and issues I still need to fix from my childhood," Todoroki picked a flower from beside him.

"Oh I understand! My advice is, just keep spending time with her! Don't tell her you have feelings for her unless the time is right or you feel it is right to! Just build a strong friendship with her and get her nice things and show her you care without making it too obvious you like her!"

"Okay thank you so much Iida it is really appreciated, see you later!" Todoroki thanked him and walked to the dorms.
