
*time rewind to when after they got into the closet*

"Just let me tell you guys this.. Theyre not as innocent as you think," Kaminari chuckled a little bit and looked at his classmates.

"I mean I'm pretty sure everyone in this room isn't as innocent as everyone thinks," Kirishima shrugged his shoulders.

Uraraka and Deku looked at eachother.
"But if I'm being honest we are all about to be 18 or we are 18 so I don't think it should matter right.. Like normal teen stuff??" Kaminari asked them.

"Yeah it really doesn't matter, RIGHT Bakugou?" Camie looked over at him and smiled.

"Huh?" Bakugou groaned. He wasn't even paying attention.

"But for real though! After me and Bakugou were done our business I couldn't even walk straight! I don't understand how girls can't like him his pecker is ginorm-"

"Camie thats too much info!" Uraraka started freaking out.

"I mean do you want me to lie? Best I've ever had!" Camie started laughing.
"Why are you telling them about this." Bakugou asked her.

"I don't know honestly but it's totes ok right?" She smiled.

"Anyways I wonder what they're up to," Mina did a thinking face.

"Probably about to have some babies," Sero said while he laid on his back.

"Oh will you stop? You're so dirty!!" Hagakure slapped his stomach.

"But for real tho! What are they doing?" Camie asked. Nobody knew why she was so concerned about them.

"I don't know, Mina, Go up and listen," Kaminari said.
"Whatever," Mina slowly walked toward the closet trying to not make a sound. As she got closer all she could hear was kissing sounds, slight moans, and heavy breathing. She slowly turned her head around with wide eyes.

"What is it?" Kaminari asked.
"I-I Um um I don't k-know," Mina looked at the ground with her eyes still wide. Her poor little ears were scarred once again.
