
*the next day*

"Goodmorning class," Mr. Aizawa walked in gloomy as usual.
"Goodmorning," Tne class repeated back.

"As some of you guys may know we will be going training with Shiketsu high in a few moments."

"Shiketsu high?" Momo said to herself. Todoroki shook his head. He didn't wanna go.

"The bus is going to be here in a few.. Go out on your hero outfits," Mr. Aizawa ordered them.

"Isnt Shiketsu high the one with the hottie??" Sero asked the guys.

"Who Camie?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeah, Her, Doesn't she like you or something?" Sero asked him trying to loosen up his suit.

"Yeah I think but I could care less about her," Todoroki started tying up his boots.

Bakugou rolled his eyes.
"Come on boys the bus is here!" Aizawa yelled from outside the locker room.

The class hopped onto the bus and was on their way to the training site where they were going with a few of the Shiketsu high students.

"Doesn't Camie go here?" Momo looked and asked Todoroki,

"Sadly," He sighed and looked out of the window.

"Is she annoying or something?" Momo asked him again.
"Yeah kinda,"

"Alright guys up!" Mr. Aizawa said and loaded them off the bus.

Todoroki grabbed Momos hand and started walking. Then they saw the students.

"Hey guys!!!" Camie smiled and waved at the students.
They didn't say anything back.
"There's that 2 toned hottie I miss- Oh?" Camie was saying until he saw her holding Momos hand.

"Hi I'm Momo Yaoyorouzo," Momo smiled, Momo knew exactly who she was and didn't like her at all.

"Oh hey girl! I'm totes loving your hero costume, Really suits you, I see you're with Todoroki?" Camie asked her.
"Thanks, and yeah we are dating, About 6 months," Momo did a fake smile at her and tightened her grip around Todorokis hand.

"Aww so adorbs for real! If I knew about you guys I would've stopped texting him! He never answers anyway though so," Camie looked at the ground.
"Oh it's alright!" Momo fake laughed.

They began to walk up to the training site with a few as Shiketsu students.

"Alright, Now work on your quirks," Aizawa said and he began to talk to their teacher.

"Ummmm ok??" Camie turned around and saw Bakugou by himself.
"Oh hey explosion boy!!" Camie yelled from afar.

"Huh?" Bakugou fixed his hearing aid.

Camie walked over to him.
"What do you want?" He asked her and looked at her.

"I don't know you seemed lonely... And that's totes not ok, you looked like a weirdo," She said to him and put her hands behind her back.

"Lonely?? Weird?? I'm fine!" Bakugou yelled at her.
"Jeez harsh?" Camie made a weird face.

"Not harsh I'm being normal!" Bakugou yelled at her again.

"What's that thing in your ear?" She pointed to his hearing aid.

"Oh um it's my damn hearing aid, I lost my damn hearing in the almost war," Bakugou told her.
"Aw that stinks, Sorry bud, It suits you though! Extra cute!!" She smiled.

"HUH CUTE??" Bakugou yelled but started to blush and trying not to smile.

"Maybe Midnight was right, He might just need someone to love." Momo smiled and said to herself.

"Huh?" Todoroki asked her.
  "Oh nothing," She went and walked with Todoroki to work on their quirks.

  There were training dummies and everyone was using their quirks on. Mr. Aizawa was grading them with the Shiketsu high teacher.

  "Ok so what am I supposed to do?" Camie put her finger on her lip.

  "You're supposed to attack it," Bakugou told her and shook his head.

  "Camie will you stop taking this as a joke??" Seiji asked her.

  "I'm not I just can't do it, Totes stressing me out, My quirk won't allow me to do attacks, Just illusions." Camie said and pulled out her phone.

  "Okay well figure it out! We can't look stupid," Seiji yelled at her.

"Meatball! Slow your roll..." Bakugou yelled at him.

  "Meetball?" Seiji asked.

"You heard me.. Don't yell at her you damn weirdo," Bakugou crossed his arms.

  "Aww thanks Bakugou! For real!" Camie smiled and grabbed his arm.
  "Get off me,"
