Say Goodnight Shigaraki

   "Yaomomo! Stay with Kirishima Shoji and Mina.. I have to help my father," Todoroki hugged her and ran off.

  "Guys what should we do??" Mina looked around at all of the different fights going on.

   "I don't know.. I just have a feeling we should help Todoroki. Who knows how powerful Dabi really is!" Momo yelled.

"I agree. Let's go!" Kirishima yelled and lead the way to Todoroki.

  "I see him!" Mina yelled on Shojis back.

   By this time it was almost pitch black out. Shigaraki and Aizawa were still fighting. Gran Torino was unconscious.

  "You're done for Shigaraki," Mr. Aizawas eyes watered.

  "Looks like you're about to give up huh?" Shigaraki laughed and tried getting up with his limp legs.

  "I'm not giving up! Think what you think!" Aizawa yelled back at him.

   Death Arms ran up the hill and helped Aizawa.

  "Eraser!" Death Arms yelled as Shigaraki ran towards him.

  As soon as Shigaraki was about to reach him he fell face first into the ground. Mr. Aizawa smiled and placed his foot on Shigarakis head.

"G-get the hell off of me hero!" Shigaraki yelled but it was muffled.

"Now let me take this," Mr. Aizawa reached into Shigarakis pocket and pulled out the bullets.
"NO!" Shigaraki yelled.

  "You're done, say goodnight," Mr. Aizawa poked Shigarakis leg with the quirk erasing bullet and stuck it in there. He picked up Shigarakis head and slammed it into the ground to make sure he was out for good.

"Goddamn that was badass," Death Arms said to Mr. Aizawa.

"Tamaki can you hold them over for now??" Neijre asked Tamaki while spraying waves at them.

"I-I think so," He said back to her.

"Ok please stay safe! Call out my name if you need me!" She yelled and floated away.

"She's so amazing," Tamaki smiled while fighting off a few Nomus with all of his tentacles.

   "Gigantomachia you piece of trash!!" Ryuku yelled flying around him.
  Gigantomachia began picking up pro heroes and throwing them and stomping on people. He was knocking them out left and right.

  "Todoroki!!" Yaomomo yelled at him while running towards him.
"What? Why are you here! I told you to stay!" He yelled back at her while spraying fire at Dabi with his father.

  "I couldn't just leave you like that! I cant have you get hurt!" Momo cried to him.
  "We are here too!" Mina yelled at Todoroki.

  They ran closer to Dabi and started using their attacks. Mina started spraying a load of acid at Dabi and it was burning him.

  "You stupid kids!" He yelled as he turned and sprayed blue flames at them.

   Momo made a shield and put her classmates behind her and put the shield up.
  "This won't hold us up for long! We need a plan! I have about 2 more minutes for this thing!" Momo yelled.

  "Get the hell away from those KIDS!" Endeavor grabbed Dabis head and slammed it to the ground. Todoroki followed his father and froze ice around Dabis body on the ground.

  "You heroes are nothing but pure trash," Dabi said to Endeavor and Todoroki.
  "Like you're not!" Endeavor yelled at him and kept his head on the ground.

   "You guys are only in it for the fame and money. The whole system is a waste," Dabi laughed as Todoroki took his foot away.

"You guys believe violence is bad, but you use it, like right now, I admire a few heroes but not all heroes are helping civilians for a good reason, Some heroes do it to gain fame or something for their selfish desires, not for the actual intention for helping out innocent people in danger, When i was young and in a crisis nobody cared or came to save me, thats when I realized heroes are nothing but pieces of shit. I can tell a good hero when I see one, and you Todoroki, are going to be an amazing hero," Dabi said to them as he started slurring his words.

  "What?" Todoroki looked at his father confused.
    "I'm tired of listening to your mouth. Goodbye Dabi," Endeavor said.

  "You put up a great fight father, and so did you, brother," Dabi smiled with tears in his eyes and then his eyes slowly shut looking at Todoroki.

  Endeavor and Todoroki looked at eachother.

