What is a Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening can be an amazing beautiful and special experience that can take place over a large number of years and in different formats and mediums. It can also be a very arduous tedious and painful experience or involve pain and suffering and isn't always peaceful special and beautiful the manner in which most types of awakenings tend to be portrayed. Awakenings generally don't take place in an immediate format though they can happen immediately in some form some of the time without a person's knowledge that they have awakened in any form spiritually or have become enhanced in some way or that their energy has become enhanced. These types of awakenings are energetic in nature and most superficial in that sense that they don't enlighten a person into understanding what spirituality is or allow a person to go through a long or grand awakening with various and different kinds of experiences and lessons for a person to learn and grow in order to understand what a true spiritual awakening really is. Awakenings also vary for each person and some people undergo their awakenings in different ways as opposed to the next person. Awakening spiritually can be one of the most beautiful and amazing experiences a person can undergo or experience for becoming aware or gaining the understanding of a higher awareness or general awareness can be a gift in many ways as opposed to being in the dark and not understanding the concept of spirituality or spiritual growth or even never having undergone any form of a spiritual awakening. Awakening spiritually allows a person to connect to their higher selves and grow an inner and outer awareness that they didn't initially possess prior to the experience. They also gain a deep insight and knowledge into the realm and understanding of spirituality and spiritual understanding and find themselves engulfed in a very spiritual life as opposed to the mundane and redundant life that most people tend to live, the spiritual life is one that is full of spiritual lessons and understanding and even spiritual trauma that leads to many forms of growth, higher awareness and a greater understanding of these concepts.

I went through a grand spiritual awakening which involved many light and dark concepts and was not a fun or endearing experience. It was a long and tedious process that took place over a period of several decades with hundreds and thousands of lessons, some of which still haven't been learned or understood fully. Those who undergo an awakening of this kind of nature have to endure the pain and trauma involved, in order to fully allow their soul and higher self to grow in a mature way and to master the ability of being able to undergo these horrifying experiences or scenarios in some cases in order to allow soul growth, maturity and even enlightenment of the soul and being to take place. The spiritual trials are not easy to juggle or endure in many cases, and if one finds themselves undergoing spiritual trials in a linear format they have to learn how to master handling these scenarios and experiences, and even learning how to fully stop them from occurring or repeating themselves. The soul undergoes a sort of battling process by which it's fighting and battling varying situations and spiritual concepts and gradually developing itself into mastery of the greatest kind and allowing the subject to become a fully aware enlightened being who can handle these scenarios and situations eventually. The soul and the light energy associated with a great awakening take place and battle situations and scenarios with a large spark of light as the soul continues to develop and grow and with each stage, a large period of growth takes place, and paves the way for the next stage or process to occur sometimes at a worse rate than before. The soul must learn to endure these processes by which an awakening takes place, along with the souled being themselves learning how to master and deal with the situations that are occurring sometimes at a warped and rapid rate in order to great soul growth to take place. I found myself in a large state of confusion and lack of understanding when these processes first began taking place. I had no idea what was happening and never initially understood how to deal with these kinds of trials or scenarios- it took me decades to fully master this practice of soul battling that occurs during an awakening and to understand exactly what was taking place.

 Spiritual awakening is the process by which the soul and spirit awaken into a heightened level and understanding of spiritual being and certain processes occur in order to cause this awakening to occur within a souled being. An awakening can be a short and succinct experience, or it can be a very long arduous journey that can take many months to even decades to fully experience with many different elements present. 

We are all spiritual beings living in a world of non reality. This society lacks spirituality awareness and all teh essential ingredients that are there to create a spiritual and harmonious environment. Hate, greed, narcissism and darkness have all taken over and created an atmosphere of dysfunction and negativity, breeding even more of this and creating more beings that are not in harmony with their true spiritual and harmonious selves. You are a highly evolved spiritual being- your true spiritual nature is lost in this sea of eternal confusion, sociopathy, and hell that is known as the society we live in. If we continue to live in a state of non-love, unharmoniousness, and lack of awareness, we will continue to live in a state of lack of happiness and true bliss. If we don't seek to find the truth about our soul beings and the essence that we truly are, we will never awaken to a greater state of higher consciousness, harmony, peace and love. Our ultimate goal as spiritual beings is to awaken to a state of complete love and light, the desire to do only good to others, the desire to benefit ourselves, and those around us, and humanity in general, and the desire to assist those who are suffering.

As fully enlightened and awakened beings, we come to realize, that these are the noble truths that we are here on this planet to accomplish and achieve. These are the only elements present that hold true meaning, and what the enlightened being seeks to pursue on this planet.

The enlightened being is not one who seeks to further their own selves, lives, egos, or to engage in activities that will feed their egos or themselves- only to do those tasks that are benefitting humankind and the beings of this planet or assisting in raising the vibration on this planet or assisting othesr with raising their awareness of consciousness, or awakening to a heightened state of being and love..

True enlightenment does not consist of definitions, titles, egos, or levels to which you're seeking to attain or join. It does not recognize the desire to reach any sort of level or greater level, or get to points where you can be defined as being higher or superior to others, or spiritually superior. It only recognizes the desire to be what it is, and to do beneficial, pure and positive deeds and actions, and to grow in doing these acts, and the desire to do only these acts. It strays from anything that is harmful to the self or to others and in fact shuns and has a strong aversion to that which isn't of pure love light and harmony. True enlightenment is about seeking only peace and love and being in a state of only peace and love. Anything other than that state is a disruption to the very being of this state and is something not accepted within it.

Spiritual superiority only comes with great effort and spiritual hierarchy. This hierarchy is only based on those who have passed the exams necessary in order to reach this state. It is about a measure of character, depth, and many other facets of the spiritual soul along with the level of evolution the soul is at, along with the tests, trials, and methods by which it has suffered. It is not by any means a measure of superiority but as a reward for reaching such level only based on extreme elements that have occurred to this particular soul. It is not a hierarchy of ego but a hierarchy of compassion, love, light and purity. The most compassionate, and most Godly are those who may possess this title, however, with it comes extreme humility therefore there is no such thing as superiority within this concept. The truly enlightened can be comparable to saints and scholars, those who have achieved a higher level of spiritual and soul understanding, depth, yet had to do so with an extreme amount of work and even suffering. Those who have passed and survived can be potentially construed as those who've somewhat reached this particular level or state of being. Those who live from a state of ego, greed, selfishness and narcissism, do not have the soul necessary to be able to reach this level of being or the true nature of it..

The enlightened being, the awakened being is one who lives in a state of supreme awareness, being, harmony, love and light, and exists within an energy, realm and dimension which allows them to experience this bliss at all moments, or have access to it. This 'energy' that is present with them allows them to experience 'being in the moment' at all times and harnessing the moment, being ever present and aware, existent only in love and light at all times, and within a state of being and higher awareness, with the mind being quiet and full of only love and light. The being and soul itself is submerged in this light body and higher dimensional light energy which permeates one's every portion of their being and body- both physical and spiritual. Being in the present moment is only one element of this existence, which allows one to comprehend an extreme importance with each and every moment and highlight that, due to the energy there that is present and doing this at all times. This state of true and pure love and light, bliss and happiness, is the state of being that so many human beings strive to attain, wish to have, yet most cannot even grasp the understanding of this state of being, or are even close to being able to reach it only because their soul level is not at the proper evolution to be able to do so.

I went through a grand and special spiritual awakening which helped me understand what the concept of spiritual growth and enlightenment truly is about and that which shaped and paved the way for my own path of enlightenment and spiritual understanding. Awakening in spiritual form is one of the greatest blessings any person can imagine and can be a rare path and experience that is chosen for a specific individual. The path to spiritual awakening can be arduous, tedious and even full of pain and horror yet this is one of the few ways and methods the soul deep within yourself can fully learn how to master peace, solace, being a true spiritual leader, and further developing itself into an enlightened presence and creation that has battled forth the spiritual trials which allows it to transform into a great being of light reflecting and radiating outwards to every being around. Fighting and battling the spiritual trials further develops the soul, aura, and allows the spiritual being's soul to develop into a grand light of awakenment, and an enlightened creation that takes over the human's aura and presence turning that being into someone who is full of only love, light peace and harmony. The spiritual trials can be some of the most difficult ones, yet these scenarios can turn a person into one who is a true master and truly spiritually developed and enlightened person once those battles are conquered over and over with the end result being tabula rasa, a blank slate of oneness and peace, and a great soul and aura of endless light. 

"Where there is light, there is no room for darkness"
