The Path to Enlightenment

The path to enlightenment is not simple easy or fruitful-it can be full of the most extreme trials tribulations understandings and ideas unknown or not fully understood to the human race. The soul must undergo specific processes and be at a certain state and level of spirituality awareness and understanding to be able to handle the tasks associated with the true spiritual path to awakening and enlightenment. These processes can be extreme intense and harsh and can even take years to undergo to come through to They can be full of strife, struggle, suffering and the inability to handle this experience this is in done in order for the soul to undergo these experiences, suffer terribly and reach a breaking point.

The trauma doesn't end because you will continue to be developing..

When you come into enlightenment, you come into your true state of being perfect unscathed of absolute purity love and light free of any mind and ego free of any worldly associations only filled with the love light and bliss that you truly are that radiates from the oneness of God's energy and being. 

Sometimes the path to enlightenment, must only occur during a time of solitude. During this path you are forced to be in solitude, beyond your control or desires, and forced to endure these trials completely alone. You may have no support and no one who is there to help, or even allowed to assist you. That is done intentionally in order for you as a soul being to further develop your own soul and light body, and learn how to use and develop your own energy for everything you need to do to help yourself. You are the only one who is able to assist you so you must go to extreme lengths to develop this inner light, love and happiness in order to be able to help you survive these experiences, and heal from them as well. Others will be your enemies, or those who are trying to hurt you bring you down or challenge you in some way. Through these challenges you will be forced to harness your innermost and deepest light energy, cultivate it which allows it to grow to heightened levels. You learn to recognize every emotion, thought, feeling, every part of your being and soul and you learn how to develop your true strength and inner light being of love and light to assist you with these trials and situations. It allows you to be fully cleansed, and purified in the most major ways through this complete solitude. It is you and only you who will be able to help yourself on this path, and from it you learn the greatest survival techniques within the spiritual realm to allow you to grow in awareness, consciousness, develop your inner light and love, your inner soul body, and gain the greatest levels of understanding.

When you are the only soul there to assist yourself, you develop and even stronger desire or need to assist others during their time of suffering because you learn what it's like to have no one to ever assist or help you, and within you develops a greater need to assist others along with a greater compassion for those who are suffering and their emotional state and the desire to be the one to assist or help them.

Steps to enlightenment:

expotentiated compassion-breaking of the soul/body- shattering of the soul/identity/one's self

a choosing of love and light, thus only negative evil or negativity or anything that is not love or purity

the refuting of anything that is not love

the exponential growth of love and light within one's light body- becoming filled with love, awareness and compassion

the realization that the duty of a being's soul function is to assist, love, heal, and help- to do only that which is helpful, and harmless

to make the conscious choice to NEVER harm another being- to be fully aware of your conscious choices to only do that which is healing, compassion love and light and to never do any harm to be aware of all thoughts, actions, feelings, and the mastery and control of those thoughts, actions and feelings

to have the ability to allow thoughts in and out, and filter out that which isn't beneficial or that which isnt love and light- to be able to master your mind and thoughts

the MIND is no longer the mind- it becomes permeated and submerged only with light energy and light- it is tabula rasa, a blank slate. There are no thoughts flowing in and out- there is only light, oneless, being and love

the mind only becomes love and light- and in some cases can only tolerate love and light, for there is no acceptance of darkness or that which is not love, when you have chosen only love and selected that path- that path is now imminent for you and you will in turn turn into that being- you are now a fully evolved light being, submerged only in love and light, with an intense immense desire to spread that love and light to all those around you, and even to the world

You have a desire to become a spiritual teacher, and teach others that which you know, love light harmony and peace and allow others to share the love and light that you're experiencing, and to give them the light that is a part of you

You cannot function without being only love and light- there is no room for that which is not love and light so you are constantly working on yourself to filter out that which isn't love and light and if you encounter

those experiences or beings- clearing away that which isn't love and light is imminent at all times and in all circumstances

the enlightened will experience a greater number of those that aren't love and light in an inverse way based on the level of love and light that they possess or are...

their love and light is constantly growing, and they are still being challenged and tested in order to further allow their light to assist them and to test their spirit and capabilities- they are always reaching higher states of enlightenment and awareness

varying aspects of awareness will become present to them in strange and varying phenomenon allowing them to become aware of these states of awareness and consciousness- something that would ordinarily not be presented to them

You are always living in a heightened energetic state of being "in the present and the moment" and this heightened state is presented to you fully- you are now the very nature of this state. You are always aware of the present moment and being in this present state of being in the moment and aware of your awareness of this state. This state allows you to project an all importance on every being, moment and thing you ever encounter, in order to allow that event or being to be heightened and given extreme importance. You begin to learn of the importance of every creature being moment and thought- every one of those things on this planet is the most important. Every person on this planet is the most important creature in the universe. 

"you learn about the extreme importance of every being, thought and moment"- it is presented to you in a heightened state. This heightened state of awareness of the importance of every being also allows every being you interact with to become penetrated with this light energy, and to assist with harnessing their own awakening- or at very least their awareness of this energetic presence or energy out there and the effects it can have. Every creature you come into contact with becomes superficially awakened by your own awakening and state of enlightenment and the God source energy that you now have become.

The transformation of the enlightened being:

Enlightenment is achieved once you realize that inner happiness is the only happiness something learned through extreme suffering and holding onto and cultivating that inner light and allowing it to grow exponentially develop and take over your entire being and encompass you. That inner light is the beauty the wonder the happiness, the love that you are deep within your soul being and consciousness and it is the light by which you find the true semblance of happiness, and inner peace.. this inner peace harmony love and light is the light by which you are realized enlightened awakened understood and have accepted. This is the true happiness, the ultimate love and light. It is not the only love and light but it is the deep love that people seek so solemnly, yet not everyone understands the kind of work or suffering it can take to reach that light. It is not something anyone should strive to attain- only striving to attain inner peace and harmony that exists within and not something that is found in the physical world or through material gains, but something that is present deep within every soul and being on this planet a light is ready to be awakened, existing in deep perfection and harmony within each and every one of us.

Being in the present moment:

Being in the present moment is an important concept- however it is only one of the few aspects present with regards to attaining enlightenment. Being in the present moment does not in fact allow for the relaxation and awakening of an individual, but is more a by product of an awakening. it is one of the few end results of a spiritual awakening. Being in the present moment allows an individual to focus on the importance of the moment at hand and give it the utmost importance, rather than the focusing of the past or present. However, is it not one of the most important concepts of awakening. It is a gift of awakening that allows one to witness the importance of all that which is right in front of them. It illuminates every being thought and concept that graces their presence and allows them to focus on the love and importance of everything that is around them. It allows one to appreciate the beauty and importance of every being, thought, and present moment and understand that it is the most important moment and time. The present time, for it is the now and there is nothing more important than the now. The experience you are having at this very moment is the only real experience you are having and the only one that exists in your reality. It gives rise to the importance of the moment and allows you to fully experience that moment in real life, and an exaggerated version of beauty. It allows every moment in your existence to be that of beauty, harmony, amazement, love, light and peace. It allows every moment of your existence to be permeated with love and light. It is the only means by which the present moment can be elevated and signified to such a higher level. It is not just the present moment, it is every single moment. This can only be truly experienced through the light energy that is present and being as a result of being connected to source and being submerged with this blessing and gift energy. This bliss is now permeating and radiating all around, within your every being, your cell and onto everything that you are presented with and around. Everything that you see, hear, feel, experience too becomes the light energy that you feel and that is a part of you. It is a beautiful experience, and only means that every experience you have is a beautiful experience full of love and light. 

Awareness of thought-

It is important to be fully aware of each and every one of your thoughts, feelings and emotions, and everything that arises from your consciousness that is embodied within your being. Awareness of thought can arise gradually once one begins to awaken and begins to experience various spiritual concepts within their realm of awakening and is presented with various concepts which allows them to be able to shift their ways of thinking, and expands their consciousness and awareness to greater heights. It allows one to focus on the thoughts, the origin of the thoughts, the emotions behind the thought and the reasoning for them being present. Becoming aware of thought and mind will begin slowly and in the beginning of an awakening, yet then shift to a greater awareness and the ability to control and master the mind, thoughts, and emotions, and the mastery of filtering emotions and thoughts or transforming them all into the concepts of love and light, harmony, joy and peace.

Awareness of presence:

It is important to be aware of your presence, at all times and all states, and the state of being your presence and emotions are in. this allows you to compare your presence to previous modes of yourself to determine what level you are at spiritually and what level you are trying to attain or become elevated to. It allows you to be in the present moment and exist in a state of love and light, and gain a greater awareness of all things within yourself, and around you and within your realm of existence. 

Awareness of emotions:

One of the most important concepts of the awareness of each and every emotion in order to be able to master the emotions at all times. Once one is aware of their thoughts and presence, they can be fully aware of their emotions and understand the necessity of being able to master the emotions and which emotions to filter out of your being and how to prevent these emotions from even entering your mind, soul or state of being. During a state of awakening these concepts of awareness begin to occur naturally, though sometimes with external assistance in order to allow you to be able to witness these feelings and states. The process is something that you can initiate or gravitate to and focus on in order to manifest or during an awakening already occuring these concepts and challenges will slowly begin to manifest themselves in order for you to begin to understand learn and master them. Heightened states of awareness will then allow for even greater heightened states to occur so that more opportunities of learning present themselves in order for a soul to be introduced to newer concepts of learning and delving into a higher level of consciousness, awareness, learning and understanding. These opportunities will present themselves as secret or hidden teachers to you for you to be able to learn and understand them and once you're done, you will then be taken to a higher level of awareness and understanding. This will then occur continuously as there is always more learning and exploration to be done.

Awareness of Mind:

Once you become engulfed with the processes of these aspects of awareness, you will then be fully present and aware of the mind at all times. Every thought, emotion, feeling you possess or express will be within your realm of awareness and understanding Nothing can enter your mind or your realm of thinking without your full awareness of it and without your control. Once you've mastered the awareness of mind, your mind already will have been completely cleared, filled with love and light and nothing can enter or leave it without your full attention to it. Your mind will be a blank slate- clear and empty filled only with love and light, and purity, devoid of anything other than the love and light that permeates it the enlightened being being connected to everyone around it, being one with everyone and one with a higher state of consciousness. 

awareness of other people's thoughts, minds, and states of being who are in your presence at the given moment awareness of all that is surrounding you at all times.. awareness of other dimensions, things that exist not only in 3d awareness of the truth that we as humans, know very little to nothing and are truly limited in our capabilities we are truly not gods or god like in any way awareness of God's love and light and our duty on this planet- our duty to live the way God would desire us to be, living as if God is fully present with us watching our every action
