The Art of Enlightenment

 Those who have walked the harsh spiritual path of enlightenment, not those who've delved and explored the mind are the ones who can grasp the true understanding of what it means to be enlightened. Is the teacher who's read the book yet has no life experience better enlightened than the person who has been through the experience day to day without ever reading a book about the subject?

Enlightenment is not the quieting of the mind done by those who lack the awareness and knowledge.It is not the sitting in meditation for eons and decades trying to find something deeper within.For those who seek to quiet the mind, and rid the ego, are only in the elementary stages of even comprehending or possessing what it means to be anywhere near this concept If one's ego is not already in the stages of dissolution or lack of existing somewhere in the background. Their soul is not ready to be able to evolve into the level of being it takes in order to even be able to taste or grasp that level. The steps needed to get there- are the grasp they are seeking- the many varying steps the evolution of most souls is not at the higher state of being or understanding they seek that which they cannot know, taste or grasp. They seek internal happiness, yet they are living in a world of delusion. The happiness they seek, is far from their level of understanding or existence. Their soul must undergo a vast amount of experiences and understanding before they are able to come close to this level of understanding and being the elementary soul beings existing in a state of a lack of awareness yet seeking a higher understanding, must first transform their soul to the next stages of evolution- the next stage of awareness understand a deeper place of consciousness. 

This is not done only through meditation but can be an extremely long process. If they were to attempt to attain any form of enlightenment, it would not exist within them, it would not be possible. Their souls are still babies, at an elementary level of understanding and evolution.

Kid yourself not, enlightenment is not a simple feat to possess simply from sitting in meditation and exploring the mind. The process it takes to reach enlightenment and even the first stage is an arduous horrific one. One you cannot imagine. One you most likely will be unable to reach the higher level of awareness you feel you find, is only the next stage of evolution of your soul if you truly want to reach enlightenment and knew the work it took to get there, you would renounce your desire. 

Only those souls that are at the highest stages of evolution will be able to understand grasp, experience learn, comprehend with great and infinite extreme detail the complicated experiences and details of the processes that are taking place when one's soul is on the true journey to enlightenment.

For those souls that are not at this level, would not even be able to survive that path or experience the true path to enlightenment is the harshest and most extreme path, designed only for those souls that have reached a vast level of understanding and evolution. Something that most cannot even fathom. Kid yourself not, you have not reached enlightenment, only the next stage to your soul evolution. 

The teachings and trials designed to create a living master are of the most arduous and severe in nature taking place only through a higher power and orchestrated reality, in order for the evolved soul to fully comprehend each lesson being learned, even within the experience of great and extreme suffering.

The innate soul knows, understandings and learns each lesson with diligence and understanding despite being torn, tortured and shattered in extreme ways. The soul will learn to bounce trauma off with ease, in order to be able to survive, learn understand and transform into a higher state of being purge it's inner desires, every part of the being and choose to transform into that which is only Love, light and come into it's true nature and being. The true path is done through solitude and only that for solitude is the only true path to discovering and revealing one's true inner self, harnessing that being and developing the inner energy present. It is the only way for the connection to the higher power of God, to be present and exist and solidify and to be in complete contact and connection with the energy of God.

When your soul is at the highest state of evolution, the process of enlightenment will begin to take place. You will be called to it- without your awareness understanding or true knowledge from the conscious realm, a lack of understanding yet an inner understanding, that will allow you to know the process taking place from the beginning, to experiences that are phantasmagorical in nature, designed specifically as hidden teachers for you to be a true master in training, undergoing each experience as it unfolds. 

Not understanding through ego and mind, yet understanding fully through the soul yet the human mind will still be unable to handle and comprehend that which is occurring. The soul will allow you to grow strong, and be vibrant and aware, holding onto that light which is slowing developing within, the light which is allowing you to feel total happiness bliss all in the state of extreme tests occurring upon the soul teaching you the lesson of what happiness and love truly is. The happiest individual on the planet yet undergoing extreme amounts of suffering designed to torture and traumatize the body mind and soul allowing it to shatter within it's very existence and core, and dissipate into the auric energy surrounding your very being and reveal the true nature within- that which is the light that fills your soul, that is your true nature now being revealed in utmost love and harmony from a place of confusion, suffering learning and understanding that which you do not know. Yet do know from a deeper understanding and higher consciousness and awareness taking place with and without your very understanding. Your soul and being knows, yet your mind is still in disarray and confusion. The truth being revealed to you slowly, as the experience unfolds from the lens of love and the new found state that is now your present being of existence. 

Those who sit and meditate hoping to reach 'enlightenment' are reaching for the sun moon and stars. They cannot reach the sun moon and stars, when they are sitting on a ground starting from scratch without the basic awareness of the depth of understanding that should already be within. They will reach many higher states of awareness and undestanding they will transcend the mind and ego, and learn various ways of living and being outside the humanly realm, yet they will not dissolve their egos fully, or rid of the darkness that is present within- the darkness of ignorance and being at a stage of soul evolution. The darkness that is human nature within their present being.

To be enlightened, the choice is made to only be love and light, and to only be allowed to be love and light. That is not perfection only- there is still humanly imperfection.However, the humanly imperfection will still exist in the notion within the attributes of being holy and like God and purity- only within the grasps of that which is still within the realm of goodness. To never harm another being intentionally- to be completely conscious of each and every action, thought, intention to only intend to do good, and live to benefit and help and heal others- to live through the light of God and only God's love...while the suffering allowed the training of the mind controlling of the minds, actions and thoughts, it allowed many other processes to take place.

To be enlightened is to be living thinking walking and breathing with God's light fully inside of you and living the way God is, and being in a state of harmony with God at all times there are those who live with the awareness, the energy of the higher dimensions, who think they have transcended and dissolved the ego- yet many of those are living only through ego and living with ego still controlling their life and with a lack of understanding of true humility, narcissism present within, egoic functions, thoughts, desires, still trump that which is the heart, love, the soul humility true being not being the only attributes truly present.

 The concept of "No thoughts" and "Quietness of the mind"...

When a person becomes enlightened- specific processes take place within the mind/body and soul. Their mind automatically becomes a blank slate of quietness. Thoughts, which generally are known to flow in and out of the mind carelessly, slowly cease to exist within the presence of the mind. This does not mean that thoughts are not occurring in other realms outside of the mind or within the soul body. Thoughts are existing, however, they are floating around outside of the mind itself, in alternate invisible forms readily accessible to be used. Thoughts are not arising solely out of the mind but out of the energy body itself. They do not fully possess the mind or encompass the mind. This process occurs after much work or after many years possibly of spiritual awakening and even spiritual suffering in order to train the mind and soul to be able to fully control the mind. Once this takes place, then one does not need to 'quiet the mind' the mind already quiet, existing on it's own, in it's own space of perfectness, love light harmony and total peace- devoid of anything that can affect it and devoid of any negativity darkness or lack of light It is only flowing with love/light/harmony/peace and nothing else. The mind has become a ball of light energy pure energetic and harmonious only existing within it's own space.

Quieting the mind is not something that is done overnight, and it is not something that can be done right away. It can be a long process- sometimes taking many years and sometimes occurring with the assistance of external events done through an awakening that is occurring without the control of the soul being it is occurring to.

It is not a dissolution of the mind or ego, it is the fulfillment of love and light and a spiritual enlightenment and extremely heightened awareness, sense of being and soul evolution that occurs after sometimes years and years of spiritual work or suffering. It is not a lack of thinking or being or feeling, or just being one and feeling absolutely nothing. It is the extreme feeling and being of love and light, now symbolized by the mind transforming into a light being energy in its own self. It is the transformation of the mind from non love and light, to only love and light and a transformation into it's own divine entity. This is the love and light attainment that so many seek to grasp and experience. There are dangers associated with the complete dissolution of the mind in itself the ego completely and lack of thinking or being. The quieting of the mind is only the mastery of the control of the mind, thoughts, perceptions, beings, and ego and the infinite filtration, clearing and purity that has occurred due to the nature of the spiritual awakening in order for the soul being to in turn experience the mind as a divine entity light being in itself holding the power of love and light on it's own with no uncontrolled thoughts, feelings or emotions permeating it only an entity of love and light.

During a state of transformation of the mind during a spiritual awakening, the mind goes through various stages of heightened awareness, awakening and enlightenment, to fully transform into it's own light being devoid of thought. During the awakening a person can go into heightened states of automatic meditation due to the nature of the awakening and as a result, the mind is now is a constant state of ultimate quietness and constant meditation. This is the mind in a state of enlightenment love and light being, automatic infinite meditation devoid of any external thoughts present as it's own light being. 

 Every element of enlightenment is related to the idea of love being in the now, being fully present, coming into your true being higher level of awareness and consciousness. Without love these elements would not be able to be presented or experienced. And this love in fact comes from God. We are not able to experience this without God. It is this light energy flowing through us that allows us to experience this love, light and joy...everything about enlightenment is related to love and the scope of love light and joy. That is the lesson we are given to teach to others.. true enlightenment is becoming deeply connected and having a direct connection or source to God, and allows God's amazing love to flow through you and take over your entire being you get to experience feeling God's love and is not your own love and light- it is not you. 
