The Essence of Spirituality

The essence of spirituality is the vessel by which we find ourselves engulfed in the many phases of self soul ego and the higher part of ourselves or our higher selves in growing and becoming greater spiritual beings in the collective path to our higher awareness and in the collective masses of beings amongst us.

What is spirituality. Spirituality is the key to our soul growth and a higher awareness and encompassing a greater understanding of that which exists in our plane universe world, and within the major dimensions of this planet and the beings that encompass it.

Spirituality is a wondrous beauty and love that is nestled within the confines of our belief system. It encompasses that which we truly are, our true natures and that which we strive to be on a consistent basis. It's the understanding of the unknown and the unseen and the living of that which is beyond that which we comprehend on a physical level or basis. We are spiritual beings and need to embrace that part of ourselves. We often tend to think of spiritual concepts with a narrow mind but fail to recognize the beauty and wonder within every living and non living and breathing creation on this planet. The essence of the soul is the key to understanding and living a spiritual life and one that holds the greatest importance when it comes to being a spiritual being and living a life of purity and perceiving the gift that is life. We are all spiritual beings living in a physical plane yet harnessing the vastness of our true roots and nature- that of love and light and the true desire for goodness and purity.

We are born of love and light, pure joy and harmony, in complete perfection and innocence. We are tainted by those around who do not possess this love and light and are inharmonious and spread that nature of being to us and to others, and the process by which this roller coaster effect occurs. These practices and actions are spread to others through the disharmonious acts of thsoe who are not love and light, and the cycle continues. If we only learned to spread the process of love and light and not the others then society would be a different place of existence. We seek to bring joy to others and love- children most possess the innocence and beauty of this concept of love. They are a creature, untainted full of innocence and joy, and they understand the beauty and enjoyment of love positivity and happiness. They in their original unscathed beings and presences embody the very notion of love and light. They enjoy every moment, and balk over the simplest most beautiful or even minute presences on this planet. This notion of childhood and what children employ are the very unique place that most beings are seeking to revert back to. That place of unscathed joy and happiness- the place of ultimate happiness, care and worry free embracing the beauty of every moment and experience, the happiness of every littlest joy and experience, the childlike innocent and joy that roams freely about, the very core of our being and existence- that place of true happiness, is where most people are unknowingly seeking to be. Those who are awakened- are back at that point- but in an even greater state of awareness and bliss- that happiness, love and joy that holding of excitement and importance of each little concept, the child like love and innocence displayed towards everything there is, is the place we seek to revert back to, the place of pure bliss and love.

I experienced a very unique and strange spiritual growth and awakening which began out about the age of 17 or 18 and went on for the next 25 years with fantasmagoric and strange experiences that finally led me to being what I felt was an enlightened and awakened creation of this planet and a human who had undergone a very strong severe and deep spiritual awakening and soul growth.

It is difficult for me to write a book because it is extremely difficult for me to in fact read a book and understand its contents and engulf myself in the storyline of what is going on. I am one of those people nowadays who finds it extremely difficult to do so due to the nature of the spiritual experiences that I've been through. At this point prior to all of this-things were not that difficult for me even spiritually, however the reason I bring this up is because I went through a grand and fantastic spiritual awakening which led me into being a strong and spiritual guru however being the victim of certain forms of witchcraft by people who have these types of abilities has led me into a different form of down spiraling and spiraling downwards into something that isn't spirituality but something extremely dark and something that I have absolutely no control over and can't do anything about. It has led my beautiful spiritual journey which already had forms of darkness in it, into a severe darkness of a different nature, which I cannot speak about in this book because of the nature of what it involves which includes my family and my children.

We are deep And cosmic spiritual beings out on this planet to grow ourselves and to universally teach others and help others to grow and learn varying and deep lessons.

I am a spiritual being I find myself flowing through the cosmos and through this world and the invisible world and engulfing every creation of the love light and positivity. I'm a being of light spirituality and positivity and this is what I set my intention to be fully to be full of love and light only and nothing else. We are all spiritual beings on this planet here to teach others and spread our word and our spiritual mission and mission to those around us and those who we come into contact with we seek to better ourselves into better the planet and teach those around us that which we know and that which we have a greater awareness and grasp upon.

Spirituality is one of the major facets of our life and how we live on this planet. It is the only real truth that exists within our world and soul and is a hidden gem waiting for us to grasp and reach into and discover enhance and spread outward to others. It is a hidden need within just waiting for the planet to discover so we can grow into light beings of a higher and greater awareness and comprehension.

Do good deeds and focus on that which is good. For we live in a world full of foul and evil natures and those which keep us away from our true selves which is that of purity love and light and goodness. Focus only on positivity and u will slowly turn into a being of love and light

We are beings Of positivity love and light corrupted and destroyed by other beings that were once corrupted and destroyed the creatures who lost that sense of themselves and can never gain it back. Our true nature is that of love and light and of goodness and purity and it's important to focus on that purity, love and light and going back to being who we really are which involves being higher beings of energy and good with thoughts and concepts of purity and goodness only and nothing else.

The key to spirituality is the reasoning behind our inner selves and understanding why we're such confused creatures who are constantly harvesting our own reality with the utmost of desire for knowledge of that which we cannot grasp yet live in a bubble of confusion and angst.

Our inner selves are constantly conflicting with the ego that is nurtured within. Like the yolk of an egg nestled and secure undesiring to move to a different place or fathom a different perspective.

The key to our heart soul mind spirit love lights and positive reasoning is our own mastery of the spirituality and all the facets behind that which we partake in the lower soul to partaken and absorbing engulf and what we resonate and Ruminate outwards.

Don't look to others for reassurance or support most of the time they have no clue what is going on. Only look to those who matter

I find myself engulfed in a world full of selfishness confusion and those who have no clue what is actually going on in life on the planet or in society.
The essence of the soul is one of the most important subjects much less barely spoken or cares about. The soul is the most important piece of the puzzle within our natures and essence and yet people rarely focus on it. What is the essence of nature of love and light and especially of the soul. The soul is the vessel by which our true nature and the natures of ourselves exist and the perfection that is the human itself. The soul is a perfect creation. It was created to be a being of love and light and greatness nurturing caring love and forgiveness deep within. The soul is the one true being that humans possess that was meant to be flawless but that becomes corrupted as it grows due to the ill nature of the human ego and that which is now becoming the nature of the human creation. The human soul and creation was not meant to be created to be flawed imperfect wicked and full of evil and corruption. Humans were initially created within the intent of possessing the capability of genius perfection and actually surpassing the concept of genius goodness and perfection due to the nature of the human being's brain, mind and the concept of consciousness and the complexity of the human conscience and the design for a higher understanding awareness and the concept and comprehension of good and evil.

Love light and the essence of creation should be the vessel that leads us to the path of oneness with ourselves and with the planet and further into the path of perfection goodness and righteousness. The beauty within our souls holds the very light and key to that which we call happiness and joy, and is in need of being embraced in order to achieve that oneness and fulfillment of love.

Understanding why were creatures who've strayed from our inner purpose and who've lost that love and light that once was an integral part of our higher selves and life purpose but now has become lost ina sea of confusion and angst in a world of technology and lack of inner and greater awareness of thought being and doing
