Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is the complex means by which and when there is a war going on in a spiritual or a different dimension somewhere around us but manifesting in a physical plane in a different format yet occurring in the other dimension in real time. It can be very intense and involve a lot of different concepts, ideas, and take over a person's life.

Warfare that takes place on a spiritual level is usually a very intense rapidly acting scenario that occurs for a long period of time and tends to happen for even years or decades and sometimes has little to no resolution or even a real end. The spiritual battle is the most extreme kind usually and it's something that the victim of the battle must fight and deal with in the most mature and calm way rather than allowing it to take over them or consume them, for that's the nature of the spiritual battle.

It's a war that's occurring in the unseen dimensions with all kinds of beings from the spiritual or just unseen level yet occurring in your human physical level in varying ways. Humans or those beings present in the physical plane might get attacked or bothered by this war and it manifests by them attacking or responding to you in all kinds of different ways whether negative or positive. The spiritual battle is the most intense and voracious of wars with the central target being the enlightened being that is in a state of necessity attempting to handle the chaos ensuing in their life with total oneness and peace and using their soul as the vessel to battle this ongoing  multi dimensional scenario that is taking place.

I've been in a very involved warfare for over 25 years and it's something that has been intense and horrifying and yet also a scenario that has lead me to a path of enlightenment and towards being a living light of being and love. The battle is not a fun place and it's similar to any war battle. I found myself stuck in a horrifying spiritual battle which tested my morals my boundaries and everything in between. A spiritual war is no joke and its a battle that entails many varying factors that turns into an ongoing occurrence and sometimes is almost permanent. Spiritual warfare of this nature is nothing to mess around with for the different aspects and facets that make up spiritual war and it's nature are something that are not easy to deal with or handle. Any novice would be confused and unsure about what Is happening and even turn to confusion and extreme fear when it comes to a scenario of this nature. It's not easy to identify life circumstances that happen to be something or events that are occurring as a by product of spiritual war.
