Mission as a light being

Light beings are those people who bear the true spiritual essence within them- that of only love harmony peace and light and those who can harnesss this goodness that is the true nature of most beings a nature that has been lost within the confines of societal beliefs morals and the creation of a dysfunctional being due to societal confusion. The light being is a wonderful amazing creature that exists on this planet as a minor and major mission to spread love light peace solitude and positivity to whatever creation it comes into contact with and to all beings around it. It is a being that is full of purity and goodness and a rare being in a society and world full of beings and humans that rather than possessing this goodness and love, possess a variety of characteristics that can be construed as negativity, dark, or that which isn't about spreading love or goodness but that of negativity or even hatred.

Light beings or bearers are amazing spiritual souls who are deeply enlightened and bear the goodness and love that is present only in those particular beings and these are of the truly enlightened beings that are placed on this planet to spread love and light and good and ward off and teach against that which is evil negative or harmful to other beings or to the planet. They are the rarest breed of people present and living and are the most amazing and enlightened beings. The mission of the light being or human is verifiably to spread nothing but goodness love and light and to teach the truth about the mission of good only over that which is dark and evil and to teach every being and human about the importance of love and light and true kindness over anything else to exist on the planet.

Light beings are deep, spiritual people who possess a large abundance of light energy within their auras and souls and whereever they exist this light energy ruminates outward and engulfs every being around. They raise the vibration of the planet in a great and harmonious way just by their mere presence. They basically emanate the concept of love and light and are very pure souls and beings who have nothing but purity within them. Their mission is to exist and spread the message of love and light everywhere they go and their energy touches every living being around. We all have the potential to be light beings- in the vastness of our greatness we all can achieve to be bound to love and light, harmoniousness and goodness and the possess this manner in which to project only love and truth. We just have to live our daily lives with an abundance of love and goodness, perform true spiritual ideas all of our existence and we too can be beings of love and light only here to serve a daily duty of functionining as vessels of love and radiating only purity.

The state of disillusionment of the current state of humanity

The current state of humanity is in an extreme state of disillusionment, lack of awareness, lack of soul cultivation, and living in the concepts of narcissism, greed, selfishness, hatred, ego, and lack of love. Humanity has no real teacher- they only have religion, religious books, parents, teachers, priests and those who have taught them growing up how to live, who to be, and how to act. Moral manners are taught in different ways, yet those who grow up with them lack true understnading or their meaning, or have lost all concepts of them together. Humanity has come to live with this ever present understanding that they will live by their moral code or the moral code of their religions, parents, families or teachers. Yet they often stray from these beliefs, and lose all concept of morality altogether. Media has taken over, the belief in the I, selfish and narcissistic concepts that aggrandize the self and the ego and a need for self gratification have become the norm in society. There is no teacher, no learning, morality has been lost and only the need for self has taken over. Humanity has no teacher- they have no leader. Their leaders are the celebrities and athletes they watch who rake up millions of dollars getting rich for doing nothing of any importance and they watch celebrity pastors and others brainwashing them with their own beliefs and concepts about life. When humans are left to fend for themselves morally and spiritually, they are left in a state of disillusionment and lack of being able to understand right from wrong, good from bad, what is important and that which holds substance. Humanity focuses on worldy and material gain, material and pointless possessions, which hold no real meaning, and temporary and momentary happiness or anything in the world that which is temporary The human in this society has lost all concept of substance, value, beauty, true spirituality, love light all that which truly has meaning. The depth of love, and helping others, the severity of suffering and aiding those who are in need of it, the empathy for the plight of those who are suffering in any condition, esp the major conditions, and the beauty of love for each and every individual on this planet. 

There is a beauty and amazingness in loving one another, and being love light and positive to each other. These is a wonder and amazement in making someone feel good, being kind and good to others, spreading joy, doing good and kind deeds, and helping those all around you. There is the most amazement in being love, and living in the depth of all these beautiful and wonderful spiritual concepts. There is a beauty in depth. That depth has been lost in a society which is now based on what is the most technologically advanced gadget, what is the latest ipad, who has the most votes on social media, and only the most shallow pointless meaningless concepts that exist. Humanity has lost the true spirit and meaning of existing on this plane- and that is the ability to show love and be love, and the wonderful ability and possession to be able to spread love, light, kindness and harmony to other beings and to in fact build upon that love and allow it to build like a web around the world and planet- not the web of deception hate, confusion, narcissism that is now present, but one solely of love. The humanity of today has lost these concepts completely, there we are living in a plane of existence, that is devoid of any true love and light. Is it our position as beings on this planet and enlightened beings to remind one another of this ancient and sacred beauty and concept, and spread it to all those around us, and to acknowledge and realize this the most important beauty on the planet, that which is the beauty and harmony of love and light and the gift of being able to send it to one another and across the globe. If those who are not awakened can grasp this concept, then there can be great changes made to this planet resonating in harmony with one another and building upon that harmony, love and light, not upon hate, fear confusion envy jealousy and abuse that is the current dysfunction occurring in society.

The beauty of being given the gift of aiding those who are suffering:

You have an opportunity- a wonderful opportunity. Here on this plane of existence, you have the opportunity to be of assistance to those who are suffering, down, or who need someone to show them love and light. THIS is the most important concept on this planet today, and your most important task- and the most blessed task you can accomplish and be a part of as a being on this planet. This is a missed opportunity that the humans of today do not realize. The opportunity to be of assistance to those who are down, suffering, or in need of love or hope. YOU as a humanare fully capable of fulfilling this duty or task to those who rae in need of it. The most important part of your existence as a human being is in fulfilling this very task- to assist those who are in need, or those who are suffering. To be able to do so it a blessed gift, to be able to bring hope, joy, happiness, love and light to another being. If humans understood the beauty and amazement of being able to do these tasks, everyone would be on a mission to assist others and bring love and light. The manner in which the enlightened being exists in solely through this portal of love and light. Every moment of their existence is wrought with creating love and light for those around them and assisting others with being love and light and spraeding love and light, and the desire to remove any darkness or that which isn't love and light from other beings. To assist other beings in transforming their lack of love and light into love, and to assist thoes who are suffering and bringing joy, hope and love to those beings. 

The light being has a higher purpose- its purpose is to enhance that around it and enhance it with spiritual beauty and high energy. It is on this planet to repread only love and light and is a great spiritual enhancer on this planet. Light people are there to spread love and good to those around them and on a greater plane as well. Many entertainers, doctors and other professionals are these kinds of people- they have a desire to spread love and change the world in a positive way. They use music and other influences by which to spread that good to others and on the planet. Solitude is the key to spiritual growth and awakening and many people who are on a spiritual path find themselves in great states of solitude. The spiritual journey of each individual varies in a great way and each person is responsible for learning the lessons that are most important in order to find knowledge and achieve true mastery of these concepts in order to be a spiritual leader and master. The spiritual journey is a wondrous excursion of knowledge understanding and limitless teachings and understandings bound to strengthen and allow the student to learn the spiritual lessons necessary in order to move to a higher level, and allow more growth to occur. The light being blesses every creature around it with it's effervescent love and symbolically allows the planet to grow and become illuminated with its very presence. 

-I believe In love light harmony and peace and doing good undo others and to myself only. It's time to fight for these beliefs and love one another and focus on doing good and beautiful deeds.
