The Enlightened Soul

Every enlightened being feels they have a duty- a duty or need to teach othesr what they've come across experienced or learned. the enlightened being has an innate need to spread their new discovered knowledge to the rest of the planet.

For some, the path to enlightenment is not one they chose or sought one, but one that was laid out for them brick by brick so that each vessel of their body was forced to transform into the higher light that it once knew- the path to enlightenment can be one of horrors trials tribulations, circumstances and scenarios. Beyond one's control or ability to handle, in extreme methods in order to purge the soul, cleanse the being, eradicate the mind into the oneness and wholeness of true being and self, and merge into being with love and light. Suffering is the greatest tool used to uplift the parts of the soul and being present within the body- the matter surrounding the being and purge and cleanse the being greatest tool to unleash and build immense and extreme amounts of compassion and love within an individual and purify a soul and being turning them into that which is the love and light walking in God's path only. 

True enlightenment cannot ever be experienced in a short period of time. It is a process that the soul must undergo in order to achieve this level of extreme higher awareness and only at the climax of a spiritual awakening does this occur. If you are not seeking or attempting it through meditation or other forms and you are called to it- it can be a very different path that of extreme suffering that can't even be described here- it is too traumatic to be able to express...only once the soul undergoes those processes and these various lessons and teachings of life, God, higher awareness, and so many other concepts can one attain some form of true enlightenment. To say one can be enlightened in 48 minutes or any short period of time, is a silly joke to those who have underwent extreme experiences and finally attained enlightenment, even to their lack of wanting or seeking it. What you can do in 48 minutes is potentially be introduced to a higher level of awareness or awareness of some minute concept or some minute connection to a higher dimension which allows you to become aware of that situation or experience. What you can do in 48 minutes is really nothing. It can take many many years of suffering or all kinds of different forms for this process of transformation purity and purging to occur..even decades. Feeling this 'bliss' energy is only a by-product of true enlightenment it is not the actual enlightenment. It took me 15 years and nothing I sought out I was called to it and it is not roses and fairies and feeling the bliss of light energy.

To live in love and light is to be in the presence of God at all times If you are in the presence of God would you not be on your best behavior? God has given you access to the energy surrounding him, allowing you to experience this wondrous beauty. He has entrusted you with a deeper understanding awareness and knowing- an honor and blessing beyond your understanding, or your deepest loves.  When you are walking in the presence of God's energy flowing through you, while you are a vessel for God's everflowing wondrous energy, will you not be living, breathing, acting, loving and being as God exists? Would you not be conscious of each and every one of your actions, and thoughts.. This is what it's like to live with the light of God within you, with the deep love of God by your side with the presence of God near you, and the understanding and greater awareness of God's presence near you. You will be transformed into a being of light, living thinking and being as God is- the most glorious and amazing delight known to any being. The highest honor to achieve- the honor every being should seek- Not your possessions, your degrees of education, your vehicles, your number of children, your houses your material items, your praise and accolades- Nothing in this world has any true significance- nothing on this planet is of any significance except the concept beauty and importance of every living and non living being, creature and object the important of understanding the necessity of our position as beings on this planet- to only do good, and teach others good and love, and to spread this love to others- the love of God. 

To assist those who are suffering- to only be of assistance love and light, healing at all times in all states of beings a grand awareness and desire to only be that which encompasses  the Higher power you have a great love for and understanding.. All temporary states of beings, items, belongings- all belonging to the material world. Nothing you own in this world belongs to you, or is permanent, it is all belonging to the planet to the material world around you, manifesting like a giant monster swallowing all that is and isn't present

The only permanent thing that exists on this planet, that is of any significance that is yours a true possession of yourself, is your soul your being, the love and light within you, and that which is God and the love you give to others around you. The most glorious and grand blessing of true enlightenment, walking on the path to God with God's energy giving you the strength bliss and truth you need to understand and live suffer and survive this very path, with God still with you, on the other side, awaiting your survival, proud of that which you have experienced and accomplished and survived and passed with flying colors to learn the ultimate and amazing gifts and lessons of true suffering, survival, understanding humility, no arrogance- the ultimate truth of being love and light- the desire to choose love only and live with love only, and to never be that which isn't love- the desire to assist the suffering.  The desire and intend to be only love and spread love and the teachings of love to the entire planet-this GIFT bestowed upon you, is the greatest and only gift you will ever need to know learn and experience and you were blessed and chosen to receive it...

The oppression or harm of another being

One of the greatest wrongs that occurs is the blatant oppression or harm of other beings all done blatantly by the cruel scathed infested mind of the unaware ignorant being living in a state of hatred ignorance lack of intellect, or civility, the complete unenlightened being. The oppression of any being is one of the greatest and gravest wrongs and sins that humans so willingly and blatantly do to one another without a simple care or thought those living in a shallow state of lack of awareness, lack of love or understanding. Living in a state of the dark nature of evil present within themselves, which they do not care to know or care to understand or even acknowledge present within the dysfunction that hasn't been explored within they commit these treasonous acts upon others without a care. Yet their to the minute acts which hold no bearing hold a great bearing on the state of the entire planet and that of humanity and all life on earth

Those who do harm to others, are amongst the worst beings. Those who harm one being, are harming all of humanity spreading their negativity to one being will create a ripple effect of spreading it to each and every soul around, to the connectivity of consciousness and oneness that is the present earth and air. Lowering the vibrations of the planet creating angst and dysfunction in others, creating a snowball effect of hate, fear confusion, and everything that which is not love. Those who harm bring down, bully try to make others feel bad, are doing a great disservice to the planet and to all beings. The humans need to learn how to spread love, and light to others and use love to create the snowball effect not the hate and darkness that is present within them that they use as a tool to make their confused jaded egos feel better. 

These are some of the lessons you learn, and the belief systems you hold, once you've reached enlightenment or a deeper understanding and awareness. These are lessons you are taught through varying experiences which become the teacher in itself.

Extreme kindness to every being you encounter never harm another being- being aware of all your thoughts, actions, desires and making the choice to NEVER harm or be mean to another being..

Only show love light kindness and compassion to NEVER feel you are above others or anyone- to understand that you or no one is above anyone to never make another being feel bad low or down- your mission is to bring others up you make the conscious choice to only bring others up to never feel envious of others or allow yourself to have those feelings within or to persist within you

 The importance of emphasizing and understanding the EXTREME importance of every being on this planet- the importance of knowing that recognizing the importance of every being on this planet is one of the greatest keys and tools to extreme love and compassion of each and every being, complete respect of every being and the lack of desiring to do any harm wrongdoing or bad to any being..

The importance of exercising the utmost and extreme compassion towards each and every beingand showing only kindness and love.... the extreme importance of respecting and loving each and every creature on this planet and exercising only kindness and love towards them...

The understanding that being aware of this is the key to assisting in creating a harmony of love peace joy assistance to those and the spreading of love to remove any dysfunction or not good present.

Recognize and understand the importance of every being on this planet, the utmost importance. You are aware of that notion and can see that in every being extreme love kindness and compassion towards all animals and beings the understanding that animals are of a higher consciousness as well, and never inferior to humans understanding that the human race is not superior, never feeling any level of arrogance, superiority towards any being living through the lens of love, and light, being fully present in the moment 

Feeling an intrinsic and deep love for all beings an unbridled love to NEVER display feel or show any hatred or anger for any being innocent who has done no wrong to you to love those who hate you, even more than those who love you- for they are the ones who need love the most

 Understanding the importance and significance of love, and love as a true healer recognizing the love and light energy of God, present within you and flowing through you to never feel a sense of pride as in, I have so much, there is so much going for me, and to look down upon others to fully embody that which is love, light compassion and to exercise and be extreme humility, humbleness, and love. 

 To make the choice to be a healer and love, and to understand the joy of being love No Being is superior to any other being except in character, and even then not so To enjoy being kindness love and light- this is now your true being and your transformed nature you love being love and light, and you love those who are love and light.. You have a deep love for those who are kind, innocent, nice... the enlightened being has a deep appreciation and love for those who display the qualities of humbleness, beauty, humility, light, Godliness, lack of arrogance...they reward those beings by displaying an extreme amount of love and appreciation towards them. 

You will NEVER ever harm another being- or innocent random beings. Your goal is to do the opposite of harm and only spread and create love To spread this love and to teach others about this love, to have a desire to teach the deep spiritual love and light energy and allow others to experience it as well seeing the love and light in every being- and allowing yourself to love that love they possess. 

Being in the now and present moment at all times- elevating each moment you experience and emcompassing it with love and perceiving it through the lens of only love and light permeating it with that light having a dissent and hatred for that which isn't love and light that which seeks to hurt or destroy or that which is dark You lack a desire to be 'on top' or for others to look up to you. 

You lack the desire to be a teacher except that you desire to spread this knowledge to others and feel a duty to do so an extreme joy, happiness, bliss and love at all times- due to the energy that is permeating and radiating through you a respect and love for any and all beings you encounter- everyone is treated the same and you only display love and respect towards each and every being to respect, love and give love to all animals.  

All animals, non-humans and beings deserve only respect and respect from one another to show them kindness and be gentle with them. Your place is to only show them an immense amount of respect and love... to understand that the more love you share with others, and give to others, the more love is present in this universe and you are assisting to raise the vibration of the universe to a state of love. 

Animals are the creatures that are gateway to compassion and love if you have taken an animal as a pet, and have a love for that animal you are taking one step closer to love light and compassion. Animals are great teachers of true love and compassion and can lead you into a state of being of oneness with nature, all beings and can greatly elevate your level of love and compassion.

You are the love and light that what you seek within yourself is a divine presence of light- one that is reaching to come out and be a part of you and be a part of those around you this love and light encompasses every being of your soul, you just have not tapped into it yet. These are the understandings of that we know not of as humans in this body we are unaware of the untapped potential of the love that is deep within us the love that is seeking to come out.How do I awaken the inner divine light within how to be positive and stay positive and how can I harness the positive energy within and keep it flowing.

The power of manifestation the power of manifestation is within your grasp you hold the key and ability to being able to manifest anything and everything in your current and present reality within your consciousness-it is up to you to determine the awareness that this ability is within you and all you have to do is use it in order for it to begin to take place but not many know that this ability is actually present within themselves.

The ability to heal yourself and heal others-we are the key to manifesting everything that we need and want everything that we desire we must seek out this manifestation and the desire to change this within ourselves now. Awareness of consciousness- being aware of the present allows us to be fully immersed in the moment and in the present at all times and allows us to be able to see and reveal the beauty present radiance and each and every interaction we are a part of our soul is incumbent upon this awareness in these interactions. 
