Chapter 94

There were three more tasks to accomplish and those include defeating a demon actually summoned from hell, a treasure hunt in a crocodile infested swamp and then solving a potion spelling riddle.

Defeating the demon proved dangerous but fun. I had burnt marks all over for my efforts. But it had been good training grounds for should the underworld ever decide to unlock its doors against the mortal reality, then I could at least face a demon without my knocking together and doing me in before the first blow. For that was exactly what happened.

Yet dexterity still ran through my blood and I managed to tumble out of the way at the demon's charge. Killing a demon wasn't easy but that hadn't been our task. We had only to defeat it. Fashioning a sword for myself and applying more empowered skill, dexterity and strength, I took on and defested the demon. Raven opted for a more subtle approach and merely brewed a strong sleeping draught that sent it off to sleep. Others did a variety of different things, creating another beast to fight it, misting the demon away altogether and others equally impressive solutions.

The competition was intense but so was the mutual enjoyment. This was the greatest fun, I had ever had. Sitting down on the forest floors by the waterfall for lunch, a spew of titillating laughter and ribaldry puns filled the air as we all poked fun at each other's attempts at the games thus far. My eyes as always drew back to linger caressingly over my husband. A thrill unlike any I had ever experienced before raced through me at that thought. Cyan eyes caught and held mine. The heat in them clear to see. I had no doubts he read the possessive thoughts in my head.

I own you.

His grin was swift, wolfish and melting in its sensuous vibrancy.

Heat pooled shamelessly in my nether regions.

No more than you are mine.

I gritted my teeth at that. It seemed necessary to prove that I owned him more.

The swamp had been a downer after that. Having gotten caught up in sink holes and stuck in quick sand was nothing compared to many crocodiles that infested the area.

I had to gulp down real fear then to think clearly of a resolution. The task had been to cross the swamp with no flying and no misting away. So we were a messy lot when we did finally make it across. As a lot of the others had to resort to some form of dexterity to accomplish the task, I got ahead by many points.

The riddle was my worst score. Not only did I have to solve each rhyme and discover the clues within but I had to actually brew the relevant potions and drink the blasted concoction.

That the end result was intoxicating was far worse than I could have imagined. For we were down to two winners, myself and Raven Blackthorn.

The age old duel of power will be the deciding factor in this years tournament. And tipsy as I was there was no way in knowing just what that outcome will be, especially as Raven Blackthorn stood just as intoxicated wavering on his feet in front of me.

I offered him a roguish smirk that slid drunkenly across my face and with a bow that almost toppled me over,  I declared," May the best drunk win."
